Preparing for UCAS and Teacher Training Data Processing

Before you can import and process UCAS and Apply data, you must set up your system as follows:

  • Enable the UK fields for all institutions.

  • Enable the UK fields for a specific institution.

  • Set up script text for UCAS Confirmation and Clearing enquiries.

  • Set up phone numbers for UCAS Confirmation and Clearing enquiries.

  • Setting Up UCAS and teacher training options.

  • Set up UCAS and Apply application import defaults.

  • Set up UCAS decision approval options.

  • Set up UCAS program action reasons.

  • Set up Apply program action reasons.

  • Configure the processing of imported HESA data.

  • Set up UCAS program action reasons for Confirmation and Clearing.

  • Map application statuses to program actions and reasons for Apply applications.

  • Set up outcomes for enquiries and notes.

  • Map UCAS attendance types.

  • Map UCAS gender.

  • Map UCAS and Apply entry years and months.

  • Map UCAS entry points.

  • Map UCAS housing interest.

  • Define external systems.

  • Set up UCAS and Apply user defaults.

  • Set up national ID types for country code GBR.

Note: If you implement Campus Solutions and a separate instance of PeopleSoft Human Capital Management, you should read the additional documentation describing those integrations. Setting up National ID Types as detailed in this UCAS documentation may vary depending on how you configure your systems. The following documentation provides information about the setup, functional, and technical implementation considerations.


Integrating Person Data

Integrating Setup Data

Monitoring Integrations Using the Integrity Utility

See Campus Solutions to Human Capital Management Integration in My Oracle Support (ID 1553319.1).

Page Name

Definition Name



SA Features


Set Up SACR > Install > Student Admin Installation > SA Features

Enable the UK-specific fields on the Campus Solutions pages for all institutions.

Academic Institution 6


Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Institution Table > Academic Institution 6

Enable the UK-specific fields on the Campus Solutions pages for a specific institution.

Program Action Reason Table


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Program Action > Program Action Reason Table

Set up program action reasons for UCAS.

Also, set up the script text for UCAS program action reasons. Your institution's employees can read aloud this script text to applicants during Confirmation and Clearing enquiries.

Application Center


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > Applicants > Application Center Table

Set up the application centers for UCAS and Apply applications.

Enter the phone numbers that UCAS applicants can call to enquire about Confirmation and Clearing in your institution.

UCAS Configuration


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Configuration

For an institution, configure system and interface setup options.

UCAS Application Import


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Application Import

For an institution, set up the default values that the import process uses to create the Campus Solutions application records for the choice data.

Apply Import


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > Apply Import

For an institution, set up the default values that the import process uses to create the Campus Solutions application records for the Apply application data.

UCAS Decision Approval


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Decision Approval

Indicate whether approval is required for UCAS application, Confirmation, and Release into Clearing decisions.

UCAS Program Actions


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Program Actions

Define the program actions and reason values that the system uses when an update to a UCAS application choice requires an update to the program action and action reason values of the corresponding Campus Solutions application record.

UCAS Confirmation


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Confirmation

Define the program actions and reason values that the system uses for UCAS Confirmation, and Clearing.

Apply Program Actions


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > Apply Program Actions

Map application statuses to program actions and reasons for Apply applications.

HESA Data Import


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > HESA Data Import

Configure the processing of imported HESA data.

Outcome Codes


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Outcome Code

Define the outcome codes that you can use to classify applicant enquiries and application notes.

Attendance Type


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Attendance Type

Map UCAS attendance types to Campus Solutions academic levels. The system uses this mapping when you import Education data to create Campus Solutions external education records.

Entry Year


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Entry Year

Map entry year and month to a Campus Solutions admit term. You can map multiple combinations of entry year and month to a Campus Solutions admit term.

You define admit terms on the Term Table page. For information about defining term tables, see Defining Terms, Sessions, and Session Time Periods

Entry Point


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Entry Point

Map UCAS entry points to Campus Solutions academic levels and careers. The system uses this mapping when you import UCAS applications and when you create transactions to send to UCAS.



Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Gender

Map UCAS gender codes to the equivalent Campus Solutions gender code used in UCAS and CTM records.



Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Home

Map UCAS home values to Campus Solutions housing interest values. The system uses this mapping to populate the Housing Interest values in the Campus Solutions application records when you import UCAS applications.



Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Title

Map UCAS titles values to Campus Solutions name prefix values. The system uses this mapping when creating name records in Campus Community when you import UCAS applicant records.

UCAS, Apply Defaults


Set Up SACR > User Defaults > UCAS, Apply Defaults

Set up user defaults that aid in data entry and search.

External System


Setup SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Set Up > Define External Systems

Specify the external systems for UCAS and Apply applicants.

National ID Type Table


Set Up Common Objects > Foundation Tables > Personal > National ID Type

Assign UCASID and APPLID national ID types to the country code GBR.

Access the SA Features page (Set Up SACR > Install > Student Admin Installation > SA Features).

Select the HESA, UCAS check box to enable the HESA and UCAS specific fields in the system for all academic institutions.

Access the Academic Institution 6 page (Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Institution Table > Academic Institution 6).

Select the HESA, UCAS check box to enable the HESA and UCAS specific fields in the system for a specific institution.

Access the Program Action Reason Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > Applicants > Program Action Reason Table).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Program Action Reason Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Program Action Reason Table page

Field or Control


Long Description

Enter the description that should appear on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page.

Script Text

Enter the description that should appear as script text on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page.

The following is an example of how the script text appears on the Confirmation Enquiries page:

  1. Enter the script text and long description for a program action reason of CONF. CONF is mapped to program action of ADMT (Admit).

  2. For Accept Firm decision, select program action of ADMT and action reason of CONF on the UCAS Confirmation page of the UCAS Configuration component.

  3. For an applicant, to whom your institution gave a conditional offer, enter a decision of Accept on the Confirmation Entry page (and if required, approve it).

  4. Because ADMT and CONF are mapped to the Accept Firm decision, the system automatically enters CONF as the action reason for the corresponding Campus Solutions application record.

  5. The CONF script text and long description appear for this applicant on the Confirmation Enquiries page.

See Also

Setting Up Admissions Program Actions and Program Action Reasons

Access the Application Center Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > Applicants > Application Center Table).

Field or Control


Telephone Contact 1

Enter the phone number that should appear as the Confirmation phone number on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page.

Telephone Contact 2

Enter the phone number that should appear as the Clearing phone number on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page.

These two fields appear on the Application Center Table, regardless of whether you have selected the UCAS, HESA check box on the Academic Institution 6 and SA Features pages.

See Also

Setting Up Application Processing Centers

Access the x (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the UCAS Configuration page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Configuration page 1 of 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the UCAS Configuration page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Configuration page 2 of 2

Field or Control


Institution Code

Enter the institution code that UCAS supplied to your institution. The same institution code is used for Apply applications.


Enter the admission cycle for which you want to import data.

You must enter the new cycle value when UCAS makes applications for the new cycle available through XML-link. The system uses this value to determine which new fields must be imported.

Application Import

Field or Control


Update Matriculated Students

Select if you want the system to automatically update person records of matriculated students when you import UCAS person data and Apply candidate details.

If you don't select this check box, the system doesn't update the person record if the student has matriculated with an application associated with the current combination of Personal ID and Application Code.  For example, suppose you import an application choice (personal ID of 1091003101 and Application Code UC02) that has a corresponding application record with a PROG_ACTION = MATR. In such a case, if you have selected the Update Matriculated Students check box, the system will update the applicant's personal record with the imported data. If you haven't selected the check box, the system will not update the personal record with the imported data because the current application has been matriculated.

If the student has matriculated with a previous application not associated with the current combination of Personal ID and Application Code, then the system updates the personal data of the student, regardless of whether you have selected the Update Matriculated Students check box.

Default Marital Status

Select the default marital status value that the system should assign to the imported applicant records.

Default Admin Function

Select a value to be the default administrative function when you add a 3C record using the 3C/Attachments page.

Values are ADMA and ADMP.

If you don't select a value here, the system enters ADMA as the default value when you add a 3C record using the 3C/Attachments page.

System Setup

Field or Control


Database Link

Enter the name of the ODBC database link that the system uses to connect to UCAS.

You can create a database link to UCAS by running the following command:


CONNECT TO user_name


USING 'service_name'

link name is the value you enter in the Database Link field of the UCAS Configuration page.

UCAS supplies the link name, user_name, password, and service_name values to institutions.

Refer to the ODBC-link Technical Manual for more information about connecting to the UCAS database.


Select if you want to import UCAS applicant and application data.

If you don't select this check box, the import process doesn't load the UCAS data into the Campus Solutions tables.


Note: UCAS decommissioned UTT at the end of the 2021 cycle.

Import Live

Select if you want to import live data from UCAS or Apply into the Campus Solutions tables through the staging tables. UCAS data that contains errors will remain in the staging table.

If you don't select this check box, the import process can only be run to post the data from the staging tables to the Campus Solutions tables.

Unit Results

Select if you want to import unit grade results of your applicants from ApplicantUnits.


Select if you want to import data from the Unicode version of applicant data.

Create CAS Records

Select if you want the import process to automatically create a CAS record for a Campus Solutions application when the applicant's record has a Visa Required value of Y.

See Understanding PBI Data Exchange

Campus Used

Select if you have multiple institution campuses for UCAS admissions. Otherwise, don't select if you have a single institution campus for UCAS admissions.

This check box indicates whether or not the UCAS Campus field is used by your institution. If the UCAS Campus field isn't used, then when the application choices are imported with a null value the UCAS Campus field is populated with an asterisk (*), and this value is used as part of the Course Mapping to get the Campus Solutions academic program, plan, or campus.

Disable Decision Link

Select to disable the Decision Entry link on the UCAS Applicant Summary page (Student Admissions, UCAS Processing, UCAS Applications, UCAS Applicant Summary), and the UCAS Application Notes page (Student Admissions, UCAS Processing, UCAS Application Notes).

HRMS Decision Approver

Select if you want the Approver and Decision Maker lookups to display person IDs from PeopleSoft HCM (HRMS) records (EMPLEE_NAME_VW).

If you don't select this check box, the Approver and Decision Maker lookups display person IDs from only the People records (PEOPLE_SRCH).

Contextual Data

Select if you want to import Contextual Data (ContextualData and ApplicantContextualData).

Use XML for Applicants

Select to import applicants through XML-link.

Use XML for Decisions

Select to send transactions to UCAS through XML-link.

Use XML for Reference

Select to load reference data through XML-link.

XML-Link User ID

XML-Link Password

Enter your user ID and password for XML-link requests.

If there's a UCAS encryption profile ID defined on the SA Features page, then the encrypted value of the password is saved. Otherwise, the unencrypted value is displayed here and then saved.

To update an encrypted value, clear the field, then enter a password". The value will be saved and masked on this page.

For information on the SA Features page, see Selecting Country-Specific Features and Enabling CRM for Higher Education Feature.

Note: If you implement Campus Solutions and a separate instance of PeopleSoft Human Capital Management, you should read the additional documentation to understand the setup, functional, and technical implementation considerations.


- Integrating Person Data

- Integrating Setup Data

- Monitoring Integrations Using the Integrity Utility

- Campus Solutions to Human Capital Management Integration in My Oracle Support (ID 1553319.1).

Apply Setup

Here, you can configure the settings for importing applications through the Apply interface.

Field or Control


Use Apply

Select to enable the Apply check box on the Import Applicant Data page.

Selecting this also makes the Apply Import page appear.

Default Decision Maker

If you select this, the Decision Maker field in Apply Decision defaults to the ID of the person entering the decision.

By default, this check box isn't selected. If this isn’t selected or the person entering the decision doesn’t have an ID, the Default Maker field defaults to blank.

Attribution Name

The value here is used to populate attribution.full_name in the meta key of POST requests.

Attribution Email

The value here is used to populate in the meta key of POST requests.

Attribution User ID

The value here is used to populate attribution.user_id in the meta key of POST requests.

Authentication Token

The value here is used to populate the authorization token in each request header.

If there's an Apply encryption profile ID defined on the SA Features page, then the encrypted value of the password is saved. Otherwise, the unencrypted value is displayed here and then saved.

To update an encrypted value, clear the field, then enter a token. The value will be saved and masked on this page.

Address Usage

The system uses these values when it imports applicant address data from ivStarA and ivgStarA views.

Field or Control


Correspondence Address Type

Select the address type that you want the import process to assign to the imported UCAS correspondence addresses and to the Apply candidate address.

Home Address Type

Select the address type that you want the import process to assign to the imported UCAS home addresses.

The home and correspondence address values must be different.

Telephone Type

Select the phone type that you want the import process to assign to the imported UCAS and Apply telephone numbers.

Mobile Phone Type

Select the phone type that you want the import process to assign to the imported UCAS mobile phone numbers.

Email Type

Select the email type that you want the import process to assign to the imported UCAS and Apply email addresses.

For information about defining address types, see Defining Address Types.

Confirmation Enquiry

After exam results are published, applicants may want to confirm with an institution whether or not they have been accepted. Also, during this Confirmation processing period, an institution will also handle enquiries from rejected applicants who may want to be considered through Clearing. Use the Confirmation Enquiry group box to configure how to handle such applicant enquiries related to Confirmation and Clearing.

Field or Control


Automatic Save

Select to have the system automatically save the record once you have entered the mandatory values on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page.

If you do not select this check box, you will need to click the Save button on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page, after entering the mandatory values.

Outcome Required

Select to make the Action Required and Outcome Codes fields mandatory to save a Notes record on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page. If you do not select this check box, the Action Required and Outcome Codes fields become optional fields.

Access the UCAS Application Import page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Application Import).

When you import choice data for the first time, the system creates Campus Solutions application records for the imported data. You can use the Maintain Applications component to access the Campus Solutions application records. The import process uses the values you set up on the UCAS Application Import page to create the Campus Solutions application records for the imported choices.

Field or Control


Initial Action Reason

Enter the default action reason that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choices.

Define the initial action reasons in the Program Action Table page. Only action reasons mapped with the program action of APPL appear on the UCAS Application Import page.

For information about setting up action reasons, see Setting Up Admissions Program Actions and Program Action Reasons

Admit Type

Enter the admit type that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choices.

Define the admit types in the Admit Type Table page. If you have defined an admit type for a career, ensure that the Admit Type in the UCAS Application Import page matches the career that is associated with the choices.

Academic Level

Select the default academic level that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choices. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. The import process assigns this default value only if you do not map the academic levels to entry points on the Entry Point Mapping page.

Application Center

Select the default application center that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choices. The import process uses this default value only if you do not map application centers to UCAS courses and Campus Solutions careers, programs, and plans on the UCAS Course page.

Define the application processing centers in the Application Center Table page. If you have defined an application center for a career, ensure that the application center selected on the UCAS Application Import page matches the career with which the choice is associated.

See Setting Up Application Processing Centers

See Setting Security for Application Centers

Application Fee Type

Select the application fee type that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choices. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

Application Method

Select the application method that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choices. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

Housing Interest

Set the value to be used when the Home value isn't mapped.


Enter the default campus that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choices. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. The import process assigns the default value only if you do not map a campus to UCAS courses and Campus Solutions careers, programs, and plans on the UCAS Course page.

UCAS Course Code

Enter the default course code that you want the import process to assign to the imported choices. The import process assigns the default value only to imported applications that do not have a course code.

Earliest Application Year

Enter the application year for which you want the process to import applications. If you leave the field blank, the import process may import applications for both previous and current admission cycles depending on timestamp values.

Suppose, your institution is implementing Campus Solutions UCAS for the 2010 cycle (the UCAS cycle is 2010 on the UCAS Configuration page). The institution wants to prevent the import of 2009 applications. In this case, enter 2010 in the Earliest Application Year field.

Previous Name Type

Select the name type that the import process should use to create the Previous Name records in Campus Solutions. The import process creates the previous Name records from the imported Forenames and Previous Surname values.

The available values for this field does not include Primary or Preferred because the import process uses these two types when it creates applicant's current Name records in Campus Solutions.

To define name types, select Set Up Common Objects > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Type.

After running the import process, both the previous names and primary/preferred names can be viewed on the Names page (Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Names).

Note: The import process assigns the academic load of Full time and the notification plan of Regular to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported choice data. The values Full time, Part time, and Regular are delivered with your system as translate values.

Access the Apply Import page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > Apply Import).

This page appears when you select Use Apply on the UCAS Configuration page.

When you import application data for the first time, the system creates Campus Solutions application records for the imported data. You can use the Maintain Applications component to access the Campus Solutions application records. The import process uses the values you set up on this page to create the Campus Solutions application records for the imported Apply applications.

Field or Control


Initial Action Reason

Note: This field isn’t considered in Apply applications. For Apply, the initial action reason is defined in Apply Program Actions.

Admit Type

Enter the admit type that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported application data.

Define the admit types on the Admit Type Table page. If you have defined an admit type for a career, ensure that the default Admit Type on the Apply Import page matches the career with which the application data is associated.

Academic Level

Select the academic level that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported application data. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

Application Center

Select the default application center that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported application data. The import process uses this default value only if you do not map application centers on the Apply Course page.

Define the application processing centers in the Application Center Table page. If you have defined an application center for a career, ensure that the application center selected in the Apply Import page matches the career with which the application data is associated.

Application Fee Type

Select the application fee type that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported application data. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

Application Method

Select the application method that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported application data. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.


Enter the default campus that you want the import process to assign to the Campus Solutions application records related to the imported application data. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. The import process assigns the default value only if you do not map a campus on the Apply Course page.

Housing Interest

If you define a value here, it’s used as the default for new Apply applications. Otherwise, this is set to blank in the applications.

Notification Plan

If you define a value here, it’s used to override the default value Regular Admission Decision (REG) for new Apply applications.

Note: For Apply applications, if the academic load isn't defined in Apply Course, the import process assigns the academic load of Full time or Part Time based on the imported Study Mode value.

Access the UCAS Decision Approval page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Decision Approval).

Select the Interview, Unconditional Offer, Conditional Offer, Rejection, and Withdrawal check boxes to indicate that a user must use one of the UCAS Decision Approval processing pages to review and approve the decisions before the institution communicates the decisions to UCAS.

See Approving or Rejecting a UCAS Decision

See Approving or Rejecting Multiple UCAS Decisions

Select the Confirmation Acceptance and Confirmation Rejection check boxes to indicate that a user must use the UCAS Confirmation Approval page or the Quick Confirmation Approval page to review and approve the UCAS Confirmation decision before the institution communicates the decisions to UCAS.

See Approving or Rejecting a UCAS Confirmation Decision

See Approving or Rejecting Multiple UCAS Confirmation Decisions

Select the Release to Clearing check box to indicate that a user must use the UCAS Release Approval page to review and approve the release before the institution communicates the decisions to UCAS.

See Approving or Rejecting the Release into Clearing Decision

Access the UCAS Program Actions page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Program Actions).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the UCAS Program Actions page (1 of 3). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Program Actions page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the UCAS Program Actions page (2 of 3). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Program Actions page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the UCAS Program Actions page (3 of 3). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Program Actions page (3 of 3)

Institution Decisions

When you generate decision transactions to send to UCAS, the system uses the Institution Decisions group box values to update the Campus Solution application records (related to the imported application data). The following table describes when the system uses the program action and reason values for the institution decisions:

Program Action and Action Reason Values For

Used by the System When

Conditional Offer

You make a conditional offer.

Amended Conditional Offer

You amend a decision to conditional offer. This decision is applicable to an LA transaction.

Unconditional Offer

You make an unconditional offer.

Amended Unconditional Offer

You amend a decision to unconditional offer. This decision is applicable to an LA transaction.


You reject an application.

Amended Rejection

You amend a decision to rejection. This decision is applicable to an LA transaction.


You enter a decision of interview.

Amended Interview

You amend a decision to interview. This decision is applicable to an LA transaction.

Course Full

You enter a decision of course full.

Amended Course Full

You amend a decision to course full. This decision is applicable to an LA transaction.


Your institution withdraws an application.

Amended Withdrawal

You amend a decision to be withdrawn by the institution. This decision is applicable to an LA transaction.

UF Withdrawal - Institution

Applicant declines the offer. This decision is applicable to an RW transaction.

UF Amendment

You amend a course, entry date, or entry point of an applicant who has firmly accepted an unconditional offer or who has accepted a Clearing place. This decision is applicable to an RA transaction.

Course Correction

When you correct a course, the system does not automatically generate LC transactions for UCAS and as a consequence the system does not update the Campus Solutions application record using the program action/reason for Course Correction.

Applicant Replies

The system uses the Applicant Replies group box values when the Reply values you imported change. The following table describes when the system uses the program action and reason values for the applicant reply decisions:

Program Action and Action Reason Values For

Used by the System When

Conditional Firm

The applicant replies for the first time by accepting a conditional offer firmly.

Cond Firm – Upgraded

The applicant changes his or her reply from Conditional Insurance to Conditional Firm prior to confirmation.

This can be set to the same values as Conditional Firm if your institution does not want to distinguish between initial replies and updated replies.

Conditional Insurance

The applicant replies for the first time by accepting a conditional offer as insurance.

Cond Insurance – Downgraded

The applicant changes his or her reply from Conditional Firm to Conditional Insurance.

This can be set to the same values as Conditional Insurance if your institution does not want to distinguish between initial replies and updated replies.

Unconditional Firm

The applicant replies for the first time by accepting an unconditional offer firmly.

Uncond Firm – Upgraded

The applicant changes his or her reply from Unconditional Insurance to Unconditional Firm prior to confirmation.

This can be set to the same values as Unconditional Firm if your institution does not want to distinguish between initial replies and updated replies.

Unconditional Insurance

The applicant replies for the first time by accepting an unconditional offer as insurance.

Uncond Insurance – Downgraded

The applicant changes his or her reply from Unconditional Firm to Unconditional Insurance.

This can be set to the same values as Unconditional Insurance if your institution does not want to distinguish between initial replies and updated replies.

Conditional Decline

The applicant declines a conditional offer.

Unconditional Decline

The applicant declines an unconditional offer.

The applicant declines an unconditional offer made by your institution for an Adjustment choice (Choice Number = 6, Decision = U, Reply = D and Adjustment isn't D).

UCAS Amendments

The system uses the UCAS Amendments group box values when UCAS initiates changes and you import these changes. The following table describes when the system uses the program action and reason values for the UCAS amendments:

Program Action and Action Reason Values For

Used by the System When

Changed Course

UCAS changes a course.

Changed Campus

UCAS changes a campus.

Changed Entry Point

UCAS changes an entry point.

Changed Term

UCAS changes entry year, entry month, or both, which results in a change of admit term for the applicant.

Cancelled Choice

UCAS cancels an application choice, the value of the Reply field is CNC.

Withdrawal - UCAS

UCAS either notifies that the applicant has withdrawn all application choices (the value of the Withdrawn field is C) or applicant has withdrawn only one choice (the value of Decision is W).

UF Withdrawal - UCAS

Applicants with an unconditional firm offer for an application choice notify UCAS that they want to withdraw their application (the value of the Decision field is W).

Withdrawal Re-instated

UCAS notifies that a previously withdrawn application choice can be considered by the institution. The system uses the Withdrawal Re-instated field values when UCAS changes the decision value to blank from W.

Reject by Default

UCAS rejects the application because your institution did not communicate any decision to UCAS (the Action field is R).

Decline by Default

UCAS declines an offer because the applicant did not reply (the Action field is D).

Note that if the Action field is U (updated from insurance to firm, CI to CF, or UI to UF), then the system picks up the change in the Reply value.

The following scenario shows how Campus Solutions uses the values set up on the UCAS Program Actions page:

  1. On the UCAS Program Actions page, for the Rejection decision enter a program action of DENY and an action reason of R.

  2. Enter a decision of Rejection for a UCAS application on the Initial Decision Entry page. If approval is required, use the UCAS Decision Approval page to approve the Rejection decision.

  3. Select the Generate Transaction check box on the Transaction Processing page and run the Transaction Processing Application Engine (SAD_UC_TRAN) process to generate a transaction for the Rejection decision.

  4. The system sets the program action to DENY and the action reason to R in the Campus Solutions application record of the corresponding UCAS application number.

Access the Apply Program Actions page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > Apply Program Actions).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Apply Program Actions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Apply Program Actions page

Use this page to create mappings between an application status and program actions and reasons for Apply applications.

Access the HESA Data Import page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > HESA Data Import ).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HESA Data Import page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

HESA Data Import page

Field or Control


Process Mismatched Applicants

The system uses this check box's setting when you import HESA data from UCAS.

Select this check box if you want the system to continue processing the staging record if there is a mismatch on Name, Gender or Date of Birth between the incoming record and the existing person record. That is, if the check box is selected, then the system will log the mismatch and the processing of the staging record will continue.

If you do not select the check box, then if there is a mismatch on Name, Gender or Date of Birth between the incoming record and the existing person record, then the system sets the staging record to Error and no further processing is done. You will need to resolve the mismatch either by updating the staging record or by updating the person record before the staging record can be re-processed.

Import SCN

By default, this check box is selected. This option determines if the SCN external system ID values are created or updated.

SCN Update Option

By default, Add/Update is selected. This is required if the Import SCN check box is selected.

If Add/Update is selected, a new effective-dated external ID record will be created for the imported value. If Add If Blank is selected, the external ID will only be created if there is no existing ID for the person.

Import ULN

By default, this check box is selected. This option determines if the ULN external system ID values are created or updated.

ULN Update Option

By default, Add/Update is selected. This is required if the Import ULN check box is selected.

If Add/Update is selected, a new effective-dated external ID record will be created for the imported value. If Add If Blank is selected, the external ID will only be created if there is no existing ID for the person.

Import Entry Qualifications

By default, this check box is selected. This option determines if entry qualifications are imported to HESA Entry Profile.

HESA Fields

This grid enables you to control the import of individual person-level and Entry Profile fields. The records you see on this grid are as delivered and can't be deleted or added to.

In cases where the incoming value can be used for the associated Data Futures field, the Import check box is selected by default. Institutions can choose to deselect Import for any fields that they don't want to import.

Field or Control



This option is enabled or disabled for the corresponding Staging Fields as delivered. You can select or deselect the check box to control the import of individual fields.

If this check box is selected, the other values including Update Option are required to save the record.

HESA Field

You can select an alternative field for the same HESA record to import data.

If you want to import data from the old Student return fields, you can replace the Data Futures (DF) field by the equivalent Student return field. For example, the Care Leaver HESA field can be updated from CARELEAVERE to CARELEAVER.

Update Option

This field is set to Add/Update by default. This field is enabled and you can update it if the Import check box is selected.

If Add/Update is selected, any existing value for the field in the HESA record will be overwritten with the imported value. If Add If Blank is selected, the value will be added only if there is no existing value for the field in the HESA record.

Access the UCAS Confirmation page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > UCAS Configuration > UCAS Confirmation).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the UCAS Confirmation page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Confirmation page

UCAS Confirmation Decisions

When the system generates UCAS confirmation transactions (RD transactions), it uses the UCAS Confirmation Decisions group box values to update the Campus Solutions application records (related to the imported UCAS application data). The following table describes when the system uses the program action and reason values for the UCAS Confirmation decisions:

Program Action and Action Reason Values For

Used by the System When

Accept Firm

The institution confirms acceptance for a conditional firm application. That is, Decision is A (Accept) and Reply is F (Firm).

Also, the system uses this value in choice update processing when the Reply changes to F, the Decision is U, and the application was previously CF.

Accept Insurance

The institution confirms acceptance for a conditional insurance application. That is, Decision is A and Reply is I (Insurance).

To prevent an Accept Insurance row being added when the choice is UF elsewhere, the system uses the following process: If Decision is A and existing Reply value of the choice is I and the current action/reason isn't UF Elsewhere, the system gets the new Program Action and Action Reason for Accept Insurance.

Reject Firm

The institution confirms rejection for a conditional firm application. That is, Decision is R (Reject) and Reply is F.

Reject Insurance

The institution confirms rejection of a conditional insurance application. That is, Decision is R and Reply is I.

Amended Confirmation

You change a Confirmation decision and a new RD transaction is generated.

Confirmation with Change

You change Course or Year as part of a Confirmation decision. That is, Decision is C (Conditional Offer) in an RD transaction.

Delayed Confirmation

You delay the conditional offer. That is, Decision is D (Delayed Confirmation Decision) in an RD transaction.

For an applicant, you can enter the institution decision and view the applicant reply on the Initial Decision Entry page and the Decision Processing page.

See Entering an Initial Admission Decision for a UCAS Application Choice

See Entering or Updating an Admission Decision for a UCAS Application Choice

See Entering a Decision for Multiple UCAS Application Choices

UCAS Confirmation Amendments

When you receive Confirmation amendments from UCAS, the system uses the UCAS Confirmation Amendments group box values to update the Campus Solution application records (related to the imported UCAS application data). The following table describes when the system uses the program action and the reason values for the UCAS Confirmation amendments:

Program Action and Action Reason Values For

Used by the System When

UF Elsewhere

The applicant is UF (unconditional firm) at another institution and the local choice is UI (unconditional insurance) or CI (conditional insurance).

Clearing Elsewhere

Another institution has accepted the applicant through Clearing.

Adjustment Decline

Note: This is no longer used as Adjustment has been decommissioned by UCAS.

UI to UF at Confirmation

An unconditional insurance offer becomes firm as a result of the applicant's conditional firm choice being rejected at Confirmation. That is, Decision is U, Reply is F, and the previous Reply value was I.

CI to CF at Confirmation

The applicant's CF choice is rejected during Confirmation and UCAS updates the applicant's existing CI choice to CF. That is, Decision is C, Reply is F, and the previous Reply value was I.

UCAS Enquiry

During the Clearing and Adjustment processes, the system uses the UCAS Enquiry group box values to create or update the Campus Solutions application records. The following table describes when the system uses the program action and the reason values for the UCAS Clearing decisions:

Program Action and Action Reason Values For

Used by the System When

Adjustment Acceptance

Note: This is no longer used as adjustment has been decommissioned by UCAS.

Clearing Application

You import Clearing applications and the system creates the corresponding Campus Solutions application records for the imported Clearing applications.

Clearing Acceptance

You create a RX transaction (with Decision = A) and the system updates the corresponding Campus Solutions application record.

You import an accepted Clearing application and the system creates a new Campus Solution application record for the accepted Clearing application (new application).

You import an accepted Clearing decision (Result = A) and the system updates the Campus Solution application record with the result (existing application).

Clearing Rejection

You create a RX transaction (with Decision = R) and the system updates the corresponding Campus Solutions application record.

You import a rejected Clearing decision (Result = R) and the system updates the Campus Solution application record with the result (existing application).

Release to Clearing

You create a RR transaction to notify UCAS that the applicant is released into Clearing and the system updates the corresponding Campus Solutions application record.

RPA Applicant

(record of prior acceptance applicant)

Application source (EAS) is R, and the system updates the corresponding Campus Solutions application record.


The following scenarios show how Campus Solutions uses the values set up on the Confirmation page:

Scenario 1: Importing new Clearing applications (that is, application choice number 9 does not exist in the database)

  1. For Clearing Application, enter the program action APPL (Application) and action reason CAP. For Clearing Acceptance, enter the program action ADMT and action reason CAC. For Clearing rejection, enter the program action DENY and action reason CR.

  2. The Import Applicant Data Application Engine (SAD_UC_IMPAP) process imports UCAS Clearing application records. The imported UCAS Clearing application records have a choice number of 9.

  3. If the Result value is null for the Clearing application, the system creates a corresponding Campus Solutions application record with a program action of APPL and action reason of CAP.

  4. If the Result value is A for the Clearing application, the system creates a corresponding Campus Solutions application record with a program action of ADMT and action reason of CAC.

  5. If the Result value is R for the Clearing application, the system creates a corresponding Campus Solutions application record with a program action of DENY and action reason of CR.

  6. For the new Clearing Campus Solutions application record that has a program action of APPL, you enter a decision A. After entering the decision you generate the RX transaction. In this case, the system updates the Campus Solutions application record with the program action of ADMT and action reason CAC.

Scenario 2: Confirming offers

  1. For the Accept Firm decision enter a program action of ADMT and action reason of COF.

  2. Click Accept on the UCAS Confirmation page for a UCAS application that has a conditional offer. If required, approve the acceptance of the admission offer.

  3. Select the Generate Transaction check box on the Transaction Processing page and run the Transaction Processing process to generate a transaction for the Confirmation decision.

  4. The system assigns the program action ADMT and action reason COF to the Campus Solutions application record for the corresponding UCAS application.

Scenario 3: Importing updated Clearing applications.

After a Decision has been made for a choice but before the applicant replies, any changes to course details, term or entry point made at UCAS can lead to the adding of a new row in the Campus Solutions application. Consequently, the earlier offer row generated by the LD/LA transaction is no longer the latest. In this scenario,

  • If the incoming Result = A and the Reply isn't D, add a new row for Clearing Acceptance.

  • If the incoming Result = A and Reply is D and the Campus Solutions application isn't already withdrawn (application status isn't Cancelled from WADM or WAPP program action), add a new row for Unconditional Decline.

  • If the incoming Result = R, add a new row for Clearing Rejection.

Access the Outcome Codes page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Outcome Codes).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Outcome Codes page . You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Outcome Codes page

Field or Control


Action Required

Select a value that allows you to filter the outcome codes on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page, and UCAS Application Notes pages.

Values are Applicant, Institution, and None.


Select to have the outcome code available for selection on the UCAS Application Notes and UCAS Confirmation Enquiries pages.


Select to have the outcome code available for selection on the Apply Application Notes page.


Select to have the outcome code available for selection on the UCAS Confirmation Enquiries page.

Access the Attendance Type page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Attendance Type).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Attendance Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Attendance Type page

Map the UCAS attendance types to Campus Solutions academic load values.

Note: The attendance type mapping is used to set the Approved Academic Load value when External Education records are created from imported education records.

Access the Entry Year page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Entry Year).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entry Year page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entry Year page

Use this page to map the admit term for UCAS and Apply choices.

Field or Control


Entry Year

Enter the entry year in the format YYYY.

Entry Month

Enter a number between 1 and 12 to indicate the UCAS entry month. For example, if the month is January, enter 1.

For Apply applications, this field defaults to zero. If there’s a value in Entry Month on the Apply Course page, then that value is used here.

Entry Point

(Optional) Set the year of program the applicant can join. When you set a value in this field, you can define multiple records for different Entry Points, and define different Cohort Tags for each Entry Point. If you leave this field blank, you can continue to have a single mapping of Entry Year and Month to Admit Term and a single Cohort Tag that will apply to all Entry Points.

Note: This field is hidden if System is set to Apply.

Cohort Tag

Use this field if you are using the Program Enrollment functionality and you want the Import Applicant Data process to set this cohort value when it creates or updates Campus Solutions applications as part of the UCAS or Apply application import.

For information about Program Enrollment, refer to the Student Records - Program Enrollment documentation.

See Understanding Program Enrollment

Note: When you import application data, the system uses the mapped admit term to create or update the related Campus Solutions application records.

It is recommended that you define entry year mappings for a single career for each combination of institution and system.

Access the Entry Point page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Entry Point).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entry Point page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entry Point page

Note: When you import UCAS application data, the system uses the mapped academic level and year of program to create the related Campus Solutions application records. If the year of program isn't mapped, then the system sets the value in Application Program Data page to 00 (not set).

UCAS admission entry points range from 0 for foundation year and 1 through 5 for first through fifth year entry. Entry point isn't used in Apply admissions. Therefore, for Apply you need not map entry points with academic levels and careers. The system uses the default academic level that you defined on the Apply Import page for Apply applications.

Access the Gender page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Gender).

Map the UCAS gender codes to the equivalent Campus Solutions gender codes used in UCAS and CTM records.

These codes are valid only for the 2023 admissions cycle:

  • F: Female

  • M: Male

  • U: Unknown

  • X: Undisclosed

These codes will be used from the 2024 cycle onwards:

  • A: I prefer to use another term

  • B: Woman

  • C: Man

  • N: I prefer not to say

Access the Home page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Home ).

Values for the Housing Interest field are delivered with your system as translate values. Values are Commuter, Off Campus Housing, and On Campus Housing.

Note: When you import UCAS application data, the system populates the mapped Campus Solutions housing interest into the related Campus Solutions application records.

Access the Title page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Recruiting and Admissions > UCAS > Mappings > Title).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Title page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Title page

Name Prefix values are defined here: Set Up Common Objects > Foundation Tables > Personal > Name Prefix.

Note: When you import UCAS application choices, the system populates the mapped name prefixes into the related Campus Solutions name records.

If a UCAS Title value isn't mapped to a name prefix, then the system uses the UCAS Title value as the prefix in the name record.

Access the External System page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Campus Community > Define Campus Community > Set Up > Define External Systems).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External System page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External System page

Define the following external systems codes listed in the following table.

External System Code



National Insurance No (NIN)


Scottish Candidate Number (SCN)




Unique Learner No (ULN)


Apply Candidate ID (AP)

You must define the codes as shown in the table but you can modify the description.

The system uses this setup to track applicant IDs imported from UCAS and Apply. To view the imported IDs for an applicant, use the External System page (Campus Community, Personal Information, Identification, External System ID).

Access the UCAS, Apply Defaults page (Set Up SACR > User Defaults > UCAS, Apply Defaults).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the UCAS, Apply Defaults page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service), Apply Defaults page

The system uses the defaults that you set up here to populate data in the UCAS, Apply Applications, and Apply Decisions pages. The default values that you set up here can be overridden on any page in the system.

Although setting user defaults can save time and minimize data entry errors, doing so is optional.

To set up user defaults for the Academic Institution, Term, Career, and Academic Program fields, select Set Up SACR > User Defaults > User Defaults 1.

To set up user defaults for the Application Center field, select Set Up SACR > User Defaults > User Defaults 2.

If your institution does not have PeopleSoft HCM (HRMS) installed, the Decision Maker and Approver lookups do not have access to the database table that differentiates staff members from the other person records (such as students). Therefore, if HCM isn't installed, the lookups will display all person records. The same logic applies to other pages where Decision Maker or Approver lookups exist (for instance, the UCAS Decision Processing page).

Note: If you implement Campus Solutions and a separate instance of PeopleSoft Human Capital Management, you should read the additional documentation to understand the setup, functional, and technical implementation considerations.


Integrating Person Data

Integrating Setup Data

Monitoring Integrations Using the Integrity Utility

See Campus Solutions to Human Capital Management Integration in My Oracle Support (ID 1553319.1).

Access the National ID Type Table page (Set Up Common Objects > Foundation Tables > Personal > National ID Type).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the National ID Type Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

National ID Type Table page

NID Type (maximum 6 characters)


Description (maximum 30 characters)

Short Desc (maximum 10 characters)

National ID Format (maximum 20 characters)



UCAS Personal ID


9999999999 (10 digits)



Apply Candidate ID



(10 characters)

The Import Applicant Data process uses the UCASID and APPLID NID types to import UCAS and Apply applications.