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Understanding PeopleSoft CRM General Options

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PeopleSoft CRM general options are the basic control values that apply to multiple PeopleSoft CRM applications.

The system can automatically generate unique numeric identifiers for many PeopleSoft CRM objects by tracking the last number used and increasing the number by one for each new object. Autonumbers come from several sources: autonumbering rules, last numbers, and PeopleTools global unique identifiers (PeopleTools GUIDs).

If you need to autonumber in increments that are greater than one, use the GetNextNumberWithGapsCommit()function.

Autonumbering Rules

When you set up autonumbering rules, specify number prefixes and set the length of the identifier. You can use different rules for different setIDs.

Depending on how you set up autonumbering, duplication of numbers between business units can occur. For example, suppose that you use PeopleSoft Computer/Telephony Integration (PeopleSoft CTI) and callers key in a number, such as a service order ID, that is generated through autonumbering rules; you must set up autonumbering to ensure that the number is unique across all business units.

To review which objects use autonumbering rules, review the number types that you can select on the Auto Numbering page.

See Setup Auto Numbers Page.

SetIDs and Autonumbering

Certain objects that are not keyed by business unit or setID are hard-coded to use rules that are set up under the SHARE or NONE setIDs. In this case, if you set up an autonumbering rule for any of these objects under a regular setID (for example, CRM01), the system uses the rule of the setID that is hard-coded to this object when it assigns the next number to a new record. As a result, the autonumbering rule of the NONE setID, not CRM01, is used.

Last Numbers

Enter only the last number that the system uses to create new identifiers. For each object that uses this method, PeopleSoft delivers a row of data in the Last Number table (PS_RC_LAST_NBR_TBL). You can review the data and change the starting number, but that is the only necessary setup.

Numbers are not associated with setIDs, which means that the numbers are guaranteed unique across the system.

To review which objects use last numbers, review the data that appears on the Last Numbers page.

See Last Number Setup Page.

Last Number Types

PeopleSoft delivers PeopleSoft CRM with a set of last number types and a predefined Last Number table which includes the last number types that are required for the core PeopleSoft CRM applications. When you add PeopleSoft CRM applications for specific vertical markets, you must add last number types for objects used by those applications to avoid system errors that result from the object having no entry in the Last Number table.

For example, the following error might occur:

While trying to create the Time Header record, an error has occurred. If the error continues to happen, contact your Systems Specialist. RC_CASE.BUSINESS_UNIT.SavePreChange (Record PeopleCode).

To resolve this error, add the last number type, TIME_SHEET_ID, for the SHARE setID (or the specific setID that you have defined).

See Understanding PeopleSoft CRM General Options.

PeopleTools GUIDs

GUIDs are used only where the number is not visible online; there is no setup associated with these objects. For instance, business object IDs use GUIDs.

Installation options include system settings for PeopleSoft CRM products that you installed. The system options that you set determine:

You can associate regions with customer and worker addresses, provider groups (as part of the group assignment criteria), sales territories, and product definitions.

See Setting Up Regions.