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Setting Up Scheduled Preventive Maintenance

To set up the preventive maintenance feature:

  1. Select the Allow Preventive Maintenance check box (on the FieldService Definition page) for all business units on which you want to run preventive maintenance.

  2. Define a preventive maintenance service type by using the Service Types component.

    Note that in PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, preventive maintenance is available only to services that are defined under service types that are designated as preventive maintenance. In a given setID, you can specify multiple service types to be designated as preventive maintenance by selecting the Preventive Maintenance check boxes that are associated with them on the Service Types page.

  3. Define the lead time and frequency for preventive maintenance services.

    The preventive maintenance feature applies to preventive maintenance services only. When you define a service and select a preventive maintenance service type on the service record, the Preventive Maintenance check box is automatically selected; you cannot modify it.

    Note: You cannot edit the Preventive Maintenance check box on the service records of any services that are defined with a preventive maintenance service type, unless the Preventive Maintenance check box of the associated service type is cleared.

    In addition, the system displays the Lead Time (required) and Lead Time Interval fields on the Service page, where you define how many days, weeks, months, or years in advance of the actual service to generate a service order for the preventive maintenance service.

    Another piece of information that you specify in the Service component is the frequency (how often the preventive maintenance process for a service repeats itself). The system uses the frequency to calculate the next preventive maintenance due date that is recorded in preventive maintenance entries.

    When you enter the start and end dates for the service frequency, the system ensures that both dates fall within the service offering time line and do not go beyond the service start and end dates. The system issues a warning if a frequency is not defined for preventive maintenance services; in this case, the preventive maintenance process doesn't start.

    Note that the system issues an error if the lead time is greater than the frequency. For example, suppose that you defined a service in which the lead time is set to two months and frequency is set to every one month. Today is June 1. The system must create a new preventive maintenance entry for this service because the current service order was finished this morning. According to the lead time and frequency values in the service record, the next preventive maintenance due date (the service order completion date plus the frequency) is scheduled for July 1, and the service order creation date (the next preventive maintenance due date minus the lead time) is May 1: a day that has already passed. To avoid this error, always set a lead time that is less than or equal to the frequency.

  4. Select a field service business unit for preventive maintenance services.

    As you define a preventive maintenance service, select the field service business unit under which to assign the service orders that are created for this service. The Field Service Unit field is available only for preventive maintenance service records. You can overwrite the business unit that is specified for service orders on preventive maintenance entries as long as they have a status set to Pending.

  5. Define agreement lines for installed products.

    Before inserting a preventive maintenance entry or creating a service order for a preventive maintenance service, the system verifies whether the corresponding installed product has a valid agreement. Make sure that you have added all installed products on which you want the preventive maintenance process to run to an available agreement that has not expired.

  6. Run the Application Engine process for every business unit that uses the preventive maintenance feature.

    The process creates the service orders for the preventive maintenance services.

    Note: We recommend that you schedule the process to run nightly.