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Defining Audiences for Workers and Persons of Interest

This topic describes how to define audiences for workers and persons of interest.

Note: The process of defining audiences, as well as an explanation of other audience types, is described in detail in the PeopleSoft Marketing. This topic concerns audience definition only as it relates specifically to Workforce Communications.

See Understanding Roles Used with Workforce Communications.

See Understanding Audiences.

Page Name

Definition Name


Create a Target Audience Step 1: Select Roles Page


Begin the process of defining selection criteria for audiences.

Create a Target Audience Step 2: Define Selection Criteria Page


Define the selection criteria for the audience.

Use the Create a Target Audience Step 1: Select Roles page (RA_LB_STEP_1) to begin the process of defining selection criteria for audiences.

Image: Create a Target Audience Step 1: Select Roles page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create a Target Audience Step 1: Select Roles page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create a Target Audience Step 1: Select Roles page

Field or Control



Select the roles you want to include in the audience (Worker, Person of Interest, or both).

Use the Create a Target Audience Step 2: Define Selection Criteria page (RA_LB_STEP_2) to define the selection criteria for the audience.

Image: Create a Target Audience Step 2: Define Selection Criteria page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create a Target Audience Step 2: Define Selection Criteria page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create a Target Audience Step 2: Define Selection Criteria page

Field or Control


Profile Field

Click the lookup next to the Profile Field prompt to display a list of profile fields. Click the Individuals link, then either Workers or Persons of Interest to display the list of available profile fields.

Note: Audience Builder provides unrestricted access to all Worker and Person of Interest data in Workforce Communications. Some administrators might prefer that only a centralized, trusted administrator have the ability to build and provide access to audiences. Worker and Person of Interest specific profile fields can be used to generate targeted lists for use in program communications. You can find a list of profiles usable with Workforce Communication in the Job Data, Job Data – Federal, amd Job Data – Global topics.

See Job Data, Job Data – Global, and Job Data – Federal.

See Defining Audience Security.