Straight-line Rent Processing Updates (Release 9.2)

To accommodate changes to FASB regulations, and provide greater flexibility for Straight-line rent processing, the following updates have been made:

  • Users can define which bill codes they want to include in straight-line rent processing during bill code setup. That value is then used as a default during recurring billing setup for a lease. You can override the default value on the recurring billing setup.

    Previously, users could identify up to 10 bill codes on the processing options of the R15130. Only those bill codes were included in straight-line rent generation. Now, you can define in the processing options for the R15130 whether the system uses the bill codes defined in the processing options, or whether the system uses the straight-line rent bill code designation defined in the recurring billing setup.

    See Generating Straight-line Rent Information and Setting Up Bill Codes and Adjustment Reason Codes for more information.

  • The Advanced Real Estate Forecasting system was also updated to enable users to define the bill codes that they want to include when creating real estate forecasts using the P15L106 (AREF Recurring Bill Code Rules program).

    Previously, users could identify up to 10 bill codes on the processing options of the R15L1091 (AREF Budget Calculation program). Only those bill codes were included in straight-line rent processing for the assumption. Now, you can define in the processing options for the R15L1091 whether the system uses the bill codes defined in the processing options, or whether the system uses the straight-line rent bill code designation defined in the AREF Recurring Bill Code Rule program (R15L106).

    Additionally, the R15L130, which is generated when you run the R15L1091, has been updated to print bill code error messages based on whether the system is using bill codes from the processing options, or straight-line rent designations from the AREF Bill Code Rule setup.

    See Generating the Budget and Setting Up AREF Recurring Bill Code Rules in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Advanced Real Estate Forecasting Implementation Guide for additional information.

  • The Straight-line Rent Generation program (R15130) was updated to accurately regenerate Straight-line Rent information in the event of the early termination of a lease. Previously, when you ran the R15130 using an As Of Date that was greater than the end date of the lease, the program would produce an error.

    See Reviewing and Revising Straight-line Rent Information for additional information.

  • Users can view, and if allowed, update the Straight-line Rent Generation flag on the recurring billing records of a lease.

    See Understanding Recurring Billing for Straight-line Rent (Release 9.2 Update) for additional information.

  • The system has been updated to more accurately identify records that have changes that could impact Straight-line Rent processing, and might require straight-line rent information to be regenerated.

    See Reviewing and Revising Straight-line Rent Information for additional information.

  • The following reports have been updated to display the Straight-line Rent Generation option:

    • Bill Code Listing report (R15450)

    • Recurring Billing Listing report (R154011)

    • Lease Master Listing report (R15401)

  • The Straight-line Rent Revisions program (P1513) has been updated to include a new inquiry form that enables users to view all records in the F1513B table, across leases, that might require straight-line rent processing to be regenerated due to changes that were made after the information was last generated.

    This program has also been updated to enable users to update the Straight-line Rent Generation Control field for a group of selected records. The program also enables users to select a record, and use a new Row menu option to roll back all records that have the same lease, building, unit, and batch number as a selected record to the previous generation of straight-line rent.

    These changes provide users with an easy way to view all of the records that have been marked for straight-line rent regeneration, and to update those records if they determine that regeneration is not required.

    See Reviewing and Revising Straight-line Rent Information for additional information.

    The Straight-line Rent Revisions program (P1513) has been updated to enable users to process straight-line rents based on the company's fiscal date pattern in addition to the calendar year date pattern.

    See Generating Straight-line Rent Information for additional information.

  • The Real Estate Management Constants program (P1510) has been updated to include straight-line rent fields. When leases are created after these constants have been defined, the system automatically adds those default values to the leases. You can set the processing options on the P1501 and P1502 to specify whether users are allowed to override the default straight-line rent values that are populated from the constants.

    See Setting Up Constants for additional information.

  • The Lease Information program (P1501) has been updated to support lease-specific straight-line rent setup. When you create a lease, the system looks to the Real Estate Management Constants program (P1510) to determine if default straight-line rent setup information exists. If default information is available in the constants, the system automatically updates the lease with the default values. Processing options on P1501 determine whether you can update those values.

    If the processing options enable you to change the straight-line rent setup information on a lease, you access lease-specific straight-line rent setup information using the Setup Straight-line form menu option on the Lease Master Revisions form.

    Additionally, a new program, Lease Straight-line Rent Setup (P15131), has been created to enable users to review, and if allowed, update the straight-line rent setup for leases. The program allows you to use filter criteria to view all leases that have straight-line rent setup information, to view all leases that do not have the setup, or to easily review the setup for all leases.

    This new program also includes the Append on Regeneration option, which enables users to specify whether, when a lease term has been changed, the subsequent run of the R15130 appends the straight-line rent records associated with the new lease term to the existing straight-line records, or if the existing records are deleted, and straight-line rent records for the lease are regenerated.

    You can also access this new program from the Recurring Billing Revisions form.

    See Understanding Straight-line Rent Processing for Leases, Entering Straight-line Rent Setup Information for Leases (Release 9.2 Update), and Forms Used to Enter Recurring Billing Informationfor additional information.

  • The Straight-line Rent R.B. Update program (R15132) has been updated to enable users to enter lease version selection information in the processing options.

    See Updating Recurring Billing Records with Straight-line Rent Information for additional information.

  • The Lease Global Update program (R15117) has been updated with a new processing option that enables users to specify that they want to update the Straight-line Rent Revisions table (F1513B) when the program is processed.

    See Updating Leases Globally for additional information.