Hard-Coded UDC Tables

This list includes the UDC tables that contain hard-coded values. You do not need to set up these UDC tables, but you should verify that they exist:

  • 52G/AB

    This UDC table lists the base methods for depleting ACRNs.

    Values include:

    A: Award fee amount

    C: Cost amount

    F: Fee amount

    S: Sum (cost amount plus fee amount)

    T: Total (cost, fee, and award fee amounts)

    See Setting Up ACRNs.

  • 52G/AL

    This UDC table lists allocation levels. Values include:

    Blank: None

    1: Specific job

    2: All jobs

  • 52G/AM

    This UDC table lists methods for depleting ACRNs. Values include:

    Blank: None

    1: FIFO

    2: Ratio

    3: Manual

  • 52G/BS

    This UDC table lists billing statuses that you assign to contracts. Values include:

    B: Billable

    C: Billing complete

    F: Awaiting final bill

    H: On hold

    N: Do not bill

    See Billing and Revenue Information.

  • 52G/BM

    This UDC table lists billing methods that you assign to contracts. Values include:

    F: Fixed price

    N: None

    S: Cost plus

    T: Time and materials

    See Billing and Revenue Information.

  • 52G/CM

    This UDC table lists methods for summarizing cumulative amounts in a section of an invoice style. Values include:

    01: Detail (Every Transaction)

    02: One Line

    03: Employee Name

    04: Employee Name + Date

    05: Job Type (Labor Category)

    06: Job Type + Emp Name

    07: Job Type + Emp Name + Date

    08: Job Type + Job Step

    09: Job Step

    10: Object Account

    11: Pay Type (PDBA)

    12: Name Alpha Explanation (EXA)

    13: Name Remark Explanation (EXR)

    See Setting Up Invoice Print Styles for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/CR

    This table lists methods for summarizing current amounts in a section of an invoice style. Values include:

    01: Detail (Every Transaction)

    02: One Line

    03: Employee Name

    04: Employee Name + Date

    05: Job Type (Labor Category)

    06: Job Type + Emp Name

    07: Job Type + Emp Name + Date

    08: Job Type + Job Step

    09: Job Step

    10: Object Account

    11: Pay Type (PDBA)

    12: Name Alpha Explanation (EXA)

    13: Name Remark Explanation (EXR)

    See Setting Up Invoice Print Styles for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/DO

    This table lists options for the level of detail to retain when the system creates reburdening records. Values include:

    1: No detail

    2: Detail by Alt Home BU

    3: Detail by Alt Home BU, Job Type

    4: Detail by Alt Home BU, Job Step

    5: Det by Alt HBU, Job Ty & Step

    6: Detail by Job Type

    7: Detail by Job Step

    8: Detail by Job Type, Job Step

    9: Full Detail (By All)

    See "Processing Reburdening" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.

  • 52G/FE

    This table lists eligibility statuses for fees. Values include:

    0: 0 - Recurring

    1: 1 - One Time Occurrence - Both

    2: 2 - One Time Occurrence - Inv

    3: 3 - One Time Occurrence - Rev

    4: 4 - Suspended

    See Setting Up Fee Billing Lines for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/FM

    This table lists methods for calculating fees. Values include:

    1: 1 - Percent (Of Cost)

    2: 2 - Labor Category

    3: 3 - Rate per Hour

    4: 4 - Flat Amount

    5: 5 - LOE @ Funding Level

    6: 6 - LOE @ Labor Category

    7: 7 - Percent (Of Limit Value)

    See Setting Up Fee Billing Lines for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/FT

    This UDC table lists methods by which the system calculates fees. Values include:

    1: Amount per hour

    2: Percent

    See Setting Up a Contract-Specific Labor Category.

  • 52G/F2

    This table identifies form exits on the Work With Advanced Contracts form. Values include:

    01: Contract Master

    02: Job Master

    03: Contract Labor Categories

    See Entering Advanced Contract Billing Contract Master Records.

  • 52G/GC

    This table is used by the Advanced Contract Billing Used check box in the Billing Constants program (P48091) and specifies whether the Advanced Contract Billing system is used. Values include:

    Blank: Advanced Contracts Not Used

    1: Advanced Contracts Used

  • 52G/IH

    This table is used by the Maintain Invoice History field in the P48091 program and specifies whether to maintain invoice history. Values include:

    Blank: Do Not Maintain Inv. History

    1: Maintain Invoice History

  • 52G/LM

    This UDC table lists methods to apply limits. Values include:

    1: Funded by line

    2: Funded by total

    3: Awarded by line

    4: Awarded by total

    5: No limit

    See Understanding Limit Processing.

  • 52G/PC

    This table lists source amounts to be used in calculating the percent complete for retainage. Values include:

    Blank: Schedule of Values

    1: Funded Amount

    2: Awarded Amount

    See Setting Up and Calculating Retainage for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/PL

    This table lists presentation levels for invoice styles. Values include:

    1: Invoice Level Contract

    2: Funding Level Contract

    3: Business Unit

    4: Business Unit + Subsidiary

    See Setting Up Invoice Print Styles for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/PR

    This table lists options for printing rates in a section of an invoice style. Values include:

    Blank: Do Not Print

    1: Print for Current Only

    See Setting Up Invoice Print Styles for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/PU

    This table lists options for printing units in a section of an invoice style. Values include:

    Blank: Do Not Print

    1: Print for Current Only

    2: Print for Cumulative Only

    3: Print for Current and Cum

    See Setting Up Invoice Print Styles for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.

  • 52G/RM

    This UDC table lists calculation methods for revenue recognition. Values include

    E: Revenue percent method

    F: Fixed price

    H: Percent of billing method

    N: None

    S: Cost plus

    T: Time and materials

    See Billing and Revenue Information.

  • 52G/R1

    This table lists row exits on the Work With Advanced Contracts form. Values include:

    01: Attachments

    02: Supplemental Data

    03: Billing Line Details

    04: ACRN Detail Revisions

    05: ACRN History Inquiry

    06: Contract Limit Summary Inquiry

    07: Print Contract

    See Entering Advanced Contract Billing Contract Master Records.

  • 52G/SR

    This table lists options for summarizing burden and component amounts in invoices. You assign summarization options to burden/component rules and then assign burden/component rules to sections in invoice styles. Values include:

    1: Add to Base Line.

    2: Detailed After Base Line.

    3: By Burden at Section End.

    4: By Burden in App Burden Sec

    5: One Line in Applied Burden Sec

    See Adding an Invoice Burden/Component Rule.

  • 52G/ST

    This table lists types of invoice sections. You use multiple invoice sections to create an invoice style. Values include:

    A: Award Fee

    B: Labor Burden

    BRD: Applied Burden/Component

    D: Direct Draw

    DSC: Discount

    EXC: Limit Exceeded/Adjustment

    F: Fee Line

    L: Lump Sum

    M: Milestone

    OTH: Other

    P: Progress

    R: Rated Draw

    RET: Retainage

    S: Cost Plus

    SBT: Subtotal

    T: Time and Material

    TAX: Tax

    TXT: Text

    U: Unit Price

    See Setting Up Invoice Print Styles for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.