Installing a Gateway Node

Install gateway nodes on-premise or in the Cloud, and then register them with a logical gateway on the Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic Management Portal.

Prerequisites to Install a Gateway Node

Make sure that the machine on which you are going to install a gateway node meets requirements.

  • Ensure your machine meets the minimum requirements. See System Requirements for On-Premises Gateway Installation.

  • More than 10GB should be allocated for tmp files.

  • The tmp directory should not be set up with noexec, nosuid, and nodev.

  • Download the gateway node installer to the machine you want to install a node on. See Downloading the Gateway Node Installer.

  • Ensure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to a supported JDK.

  • Set JAVA_HOME to root and exclude the bin folder. For example, if the JAVA_HOME to be used is /usr/java/ and the java binary is in /usr/java/bin, set JAVA_HOME environment variable to /usr/java.

  • Ensure you have created Gateway Manager and Gateway Runtime users in your identity domain and assigned them appropriate roles. You will need to provide credentials for these users when you install a gateway node. See Adding Users.


Installing more than one node on a single machine is not supported. Install any additional nodes on separate machines.


Gateway nodes should not be installed on the same server as the management tier.

Installing the First Gateway Node for a Logical Gateway

You can generate the gateway node settings file gateway-props.json and install a gateway node to an existing logical gateway from the Management Portal.

To install a gateway node to an existing logical gateway:
  1. From the Gateways tab, select the gateway in which you want to install the gateway node.
  2. Click the Nodes icon (Nodes) tab.
  3. Configure the node properties file gateway-props.json.
    1. Click Open Installation Wizard to start configuring values for the gateway-props.json properties file.
      The first screen is displayed with information about your gateway.
    2. Click next > to continue.
    3. In the Step 2: Node Properties Configuration screen, complete required parameters marked with an asterisk (*). Complete optional parameters according to your environment. For a detailed description of all parameters, see gateway-props.json File.

      Required fields:

      • Gateway Node Name

      • Listen IP Address

      • Publish Address

      • Node Installation Directory

    4. In the Step 3: Optional Additional Configuration screen, complete any additional parameters that you would like to customize. For a detailed description of parameters, see gateway-props.json File.
    5. In the Step 4: Download Properties File screen, click Download File to download the file to the directory in which you extracted the Gateway Node Installer package.
  4. Register the node to the logical gateway by running the install-configure-start-join installer action.
    This installs the gateway node, configures the domain, starts the node domain’s servers, and registers the node to the gateway.

    Sample Linux command:

    ./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a install-configure-start-join

    When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

    • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. This user is created when you run this action. The user is stored in the gateway domain’s local LDAP. When running other actions on this node, you must supply these credentials.

    • gateway manager user: the gateway manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist and must be assigned the Administrator or Gateway Manager role. This user is issued the Manage Gateway grant when the gateway is created.

    • gateway runtime user: the gateway runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist and must be assigned the Gateway Runtime role. This user is issued the Node Service Account grant when the gateway is created.

You can view the log files for the installer actions here:

  • <nodeInstallDir>/logs: contains log files for the installer actions

  • <nodeInstallDir>/GATEWAY_HOME/logs/wlst_<timestamp>.log: contains WLST log files for the configure action

Where <nodeInstallDir> is the directory you installed the gateway into, specified by the nodeInstallDir property.

After the node is installed, approve the node’s registration to the logical gateway. See Approve a Gateway Node Registration.

Installing Additional Gateway Nodes for a Logical Gateway

When you installed the first gateway node in the logical gateway, you generated the gateway node settings file gateway-props.json and downloaded the file to the directory in which you extracted the Gateway Node Installer package. Use the same gateway-props.json file to install additional gateway nodes.


To install additional gateway nodes in an existing logical gateway:

  1. Register the node to the logical gateway by running the install-configure-start-join installer action and specifying the same gateway-props.json file that you used to install the first gateway node in the logical gateway.

    This installs the gateway node, configures the domain, starts the node domain’s servers, and registers the node to the gateway.

    Sample Linux command:

    ./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a install-configure-start-join

    When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

    • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. This user is created when you run this action. The user is stored in the gateway domain’s local LDAP. When running other actions on this node, you must supply these credentials.

    • gateway manager user: the gateway manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist and must be assigned the Administrator or Gateway Manager role. This user is issued the Manage Gateway grant when the gateway is created.

    • gateway runtime user: the gateway runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist and must be assigned the Gateway Runtime role. This user is issued the Node Service Account grant when the gateway is created.

You can view the log files for the installer actions here:

  • <nodeInstallDir>/logs: contains log files for the installer actions

  • <nodeInstallDir>/GATEWAY_HOME/logs/wlst_<timestamp>.log: contains WLST log files for the configure action

Where <nodeInstallDir> is the directory you installed the gateway into, specified by the nodeInstallDir property.

After the node is installed, approve the node’s registration to the logical gateway. See Approve a Gateway Node Registration.

Create a New Logical Gateway while Installing a Gateway Node

If you do not have a logical gateway created, you can install a gateway node and create a logical gateway at the same time.

Check that your machine meets requirements. See Prerequisites to Install a Gateway Node.

To create a new logical gateway and install a gateway node at the same time:

  1. In the directory in which you extracted the Gateway Node Installer package, edit the gateway-props.json file with properties describing your API Platform Cloud Service instance and your gateway node.

    You must supply the following properties:

    • nodeInstallDir

    • logicalGateway

    • gatewayNodeName

    • managementServiceURL

    • listenIpAddress

    • publishAddress

    The following properties are not mandatory to install a gateway node, but may be required depending on your environment:

    • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

    • nodeProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to pass client requests to backend services. You can also provide a value for this property in the Management Portal UI. See Configuring a Proxy for a Gateway Node.

    • gatewayExecutionMode: value of Production is required to enable SSL host name verification and certificate verification. If this property is not provided, it defaults to a value of Development and SSL host name verification and certificate verification are disabled.

    Remove any properties that you don’t need and add any others your runtime environment requires. See gateway-props.json File.

  2. Install the gateway node and create a logical gateway at the same time by running the install-configure-start-create-join installer action.

    This installs the gateway node, configures the domain, starts the node domain’s servers, creates a logical gateway, and registers the node to that gateway.

    Sample Linux command:

    ./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a install-configure-start-create-join

    When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

    • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. This user is created when you run this action. The user is stored in the gateway domain’s local LDAP. When running other actions on this node, you must supply these credentials.

    • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Manage Gateway grant when the gateway is created.

    • gateway runtime user: the Gateway Runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Node Service Account grant when the gateway is created.

You can view the log files for the installer actions here:

  • <nodeInstallDir>/logs: contains log files for the installer actions

  • <nodeInstallDir>/GATEWAY_HOME/logs/wlst_<timestamp>.log: contains WLST log files for the configure action

Where <nodeInstallDir> is the directory you installed the gateway into, specified by the nodeInstallDir property.

After the node is installed, approve the node’s registration to the logical gateway. See Approve a Gateway Node Registration.

gateway-props.json File

The gateway installer zip includes a gateway-props.json file. Gateway installer actions use the values defined in this file. Edit the file to provide the values required for the installer actions you want to run.


The sample gateway-props.json file contains properties you may not need. Remove properties you don’t need and their placeholder values. If the properties are still present in the file with placeholder values you may experience issues running actions.

See Gateway Node Installer Actions.

gateway-props.json Values

Property Display Name in Wizard Description Example Mandatory/Optional


Managed Server Port

The HTTP Managed Server port of the gateway node. Provide this property when a port on the machine you are installing the node on to conflicts with the default value of 8011.




Administration Server Port

The HTTP Administration Server port of the gateway node. Provide this property when a port on the machine you are installing the node on to conflicts with the default value of 8001.




Node Installation Directory

The directory where the gateway is installed or will be installed.

Note: This directory must be different than the directory you unzipped the gateway installer into.


Mandatory for all actions



This property indicates what should be done with a previous installation that may exist in the directory referred by gatewayInstallDir when any of the install actions are run. The currently supported options are clean (remove the contents of the nodeInstallDir before installing the gateway in that directory) and archive (move the contents of the nodeInstallDir to the location specified by the installationArchiveLocation property before installing the gateway). The default option is clean.



This property applies for only the following actions:

  • install

  • install-configure

  • install-configure-start-create-join

  • install-configure-start-join

This property is not applicable for other actions.


Installation Archive Location

The directory where the archive of the current installation will be stored before a fresh install is initiated, or when the archive action is run.

Note: This directory must be different than the directory you unzipped the gateway installer into.


Mandatory only if the archive option is specified in the prevInstallCleanupAction property.

This property applies for only the following actions:

  • install

  • install-configure

  • install-configure-start-create-join

  • install-configure-start-join

This property is not applicable for other actions.



The name of the logical gateway created on the management service when running create actions.

Production Gateway

Mandatory for the following actions:

  • create-join

  • creategateway

  • install-configure-start-create-join

This property is not applicable for other actions.


Logical Gateway Id

The ID of the logical gateway the node registers to. This property must be supplied when registering to a logical gateway that already exists in the management tier.


Mandatory for the following actions:

  • join

  • install-configure-start-join

This property is not applicable for other actions.


Gateway Node Name

The name of the node gateway domain.


Mandatory for the following actions:

  • create-join

  • install-configure-start-create-join

  • install-configure-start-join

  • join

This property is not applicable for other actions.


Administration Server SSL Port

The HTTPS Administration Server port of the gateway node. Provide this property when a port on the machine you are installing the node on to conflicts with the default value of 9027.




Managed Server SSL Port

The HTTPS Managed Server port of the gateway node. Provide this property when a port on the machine you are installing the node on to conflicts with the default value of 9029.




Note: this property replaces the managementServerHost and managementServerPort properties from earlier releases.

Management Service URL

The URL of the management service instance you’re registering the node to, in the following format: https://<hostname or IP>:<port>. If you have configured a hostname for API Platform Cloud Service, you should always use the hostname for this property.

Note: To specify an HTTPS connection to the management service, you must prefix this property with https and use port 443. This should always be the case for provisioned service instances.

Mandatory for the following actions:

  • create-join

  • creategateway

  • install-configure-start-create-join

  • install-configure-start-join

  • join

  • lockdown

  • reset

  • unregister

  • updatecredentials

  • updateoauthprofile

While not required to run the action, this property is used by the status action to determine the status of the connection to the management service.

This property is not applicable for other actions.


OAuth 2.0 Profile Location

This property refers to the local OAuth profile name used in context with the updateoauthprofile action.


Mandatory for the updateoauthprofile action.

This property is not applicable for other actions.


Listen IP Address

The internal IP used for configuration of the gateway node domain.

The value of this property should be a private IP address of the machine the node is installed to; this IP corresponds to the ethernet interface (eth0, eth1, etc.) over which client requests are received. Setting this property to localhost,, or loopback IPs are not correct and may result in errors.

Mandatory for the following actions:

  • configure

  • install

  • install-configure

  • install-configure-start-create-join

  • install-configure-start-join

  • lockdown

This property is not applicable for other actions.


Publish Address

The public IP address/hostname that is displayed in the management service for the node's URL. The node URLs in the UI are set to this address (suffixed by appropriate ports).

Mandatory for the following actions:

  • configure

  • install

  • install-configure

  • install-configure-start-create-join

  • install-configure-start-join

  • lockdown

This property is not applicable for other actions.


Management Service Connection Proxy

A JSON array defining the HTTP/HTTPS proxies used by the gateway controller to pull down updates and deployments, provide acknowledgements, and send analytcs data.

Note: HTTP or HTTPS in a proxy’s URL refers to the URL the proxy uses; this doesn’t necessarily indicate if a proxy is secured or not secured by SSL.

If you don’t need to use a proxy to reach the management service, make sure you:

  • remove this line from the properties file, or

  • set this property’s value to an empty JSON array (like []).



Note: this property is required at runtime if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServiceUrl property.


Gateway Node Proxy

A JSON array defining the HTTP/HTTPS proxies used for outbound backend service calls.

Note: HTTP or HTTPS in a proxy’s URL refers to the URL the proxy uses; this doesn’t necessarily indicate if a proxy is secured or not secured by SSL.

If you don’t need to use a proxy to reach your backend services, make sure you:

  • remove this line from the properties file, or

  • set this property’s value to an empty JSON array (like []).

You can also provide a value for this property in the Management Portal UI. See Configuring a Proxy for a Gateway Node.



Note: this property is required at runtime if the gateway node needs a proxy to pass client requests to backend services.


Coherence Port

The Coherence port the gateway node domain uses. Provide this property when a port on the machine you are installing the node on to conflicts with the default value of 8088.




Gateway Database Port

The Java DB port used by the gateway. Provide this property when a port on the machine you are installing the node on to conflicts with the default value of 1527.





The hostname by which the Java DB installed with the gateway is accessible. When the installer is run, this property is updated to use the value provided for the listenIpAddress property.

Note: The only instance in which you should provide a value for this property is if the value of the listenIpAddress property has changed or the proper value was not provided when the installer was run initially.



Node Manager Port

The node manager listen port. Provide this property when a port on the machine you are installing the node on to conflicts with the default value of 5556.




Heap Size (Gb)

The memory size (in GB) to be used for admin and managed servers. This value must be an integer. The default value is 2.




Maximum Heap Size (Gb)

Maximum memory size (in GB) allowed that can be used for admin and managed servers. This value must be an integer. The default value is 4.




Gateway Execution Mode

Specifies the execution mode of the gateway node. Supported values are Development (default) and Production.

When this property is set to Development, SSL hostname verification and certificate validation are turned off. These are enabled when this property is set to Production.

If set to Production mode, ensure that the OTD public certificate is CA signed. See Obtaining a CA-Signed Certificate and Installing a Certificate in Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide to import the certificate chain. In addition, ensure that the intermediate and root certificate of the CA-signed certificate installed on OTD is trusted by the trust store configured on the gateway. It is also recommended that the gateway should be configured with custom identity and custom trust or custom identity and Java standard trust. See Configure Keystores for WebLogic Server.

Development or Production




Specifies the location that contains patches you want to apply to the gateway node.


Mandatory for the applyPatches action.

This property is not applicable for other actions.

Example 3-1 Sample gateway-props.json File

   "nodeInstallDir" : "/path/to/install",
   "logicalGateway"       : "gateway1",
   "gatewayNodeName"   : "testGatewayNode",
   "managementServiceUrl"    : "",
   "oauthProfileLocation"    : "/path/to/OAuth2TokenLocalEnforcerConfig.xml"
   "listenIpAddress"              : "",
   "publishAddress"      :  "",
   "managementServiceConnectionProxy" : ["”,”"],
   "nodeProxy"      : , "[”,”]"
   "gatewayExecutionMode": "Development",

Gateway Node Installer Actions

The gateway node installer supports multiple actions that you can perform on a gateway node.

Each action is executed by running the APIGateway gateway node installer and passing the action name in the -a or --action property. When executing an action, its mandatory and optional properties can be passed by adding them to the gateway-props.json File, passed with the -f or --file property, or passing them as key-value pairs using the --keyvalue or -kv properties (separate each pair with a space, like –kv nodeInstallDir=<value> logicalGateway=<value>).

Actions containing multiple hyphen-separated actions, like install-configure-start-create-join, perform all listed actions in sequence. Required properties for all actions must be provided by either including them in the gateway-props.json File passed with the -f or --file property, or passing them as key-value pairs.


Run this command to view a full list of installer actions and options: ./APIGateway -h


Patches an installed gateway node.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • opatchesFolder

Example 3-2 Example patch Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a patch


Configures a gateway node domain.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • listenIpAddress

  • publishAddress

Optional Properties

This action also supports these optional properties:

  • heapSizeGb

  • maximumHeapSizeGb

Example 3-3 Example configure Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a configure


Creates a new logical gateway with the management service and registers the gateway node to it.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Manage Gateway grant when the gateway is created.

  • gateway runtime user: the Gateway Runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Node Service Account grant when the gateway is created.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • logicalGateway

  • gatewayNodeName

  • managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort.

  • nodeProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to pass client requests to backend services. You can also provide a value for this property in the Management Portal UI. See Configuring a Proxy for a Gateway Node.

Example 3-4 Example create-join Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a create-join


Creates a new logical gateway with the management service.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Manage Gateway grant when the gateway is created.

  • gateway runtime user: the Gateway Runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Node Service Account grant when the gateway is created.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • logicalGateway

  • gatewayNodeName

  • managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

Example 3-5 Example creategateway Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a creategateway


Unregisters the gateway node (which undeploys all APIs, applications, policies, and artifacts) and undeploys the gateway controller.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Manage Gateway grant for the logical gateway the node is registered to.


To restore the node after running this action:

  • Run the stop action to stop the node’s servers

  • Run the configure, start, and join actions in sequence to configure the node domain, start its servers, and then reregister it to a logical gateway on the management tier.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

Example 3-6 Example destroyNode Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a destroyNode


Installs a gateway node domain. You must also run the configure action to configure the domain and the start action to start the servers. Then you can either create and join a new logical gateway using the create-join action, or join an existing logical gateway.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. This user is created when you run this action. The user is stored in the gateway domain’s local LDAP. When running other actions on this node, you must supply these credentials.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • listenIpAddress

  • publishAddress

Example 3-7 Example install Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a install


Installs a gateway node and configures the domain.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. This user is created when you run this action. The user is stored in the gateway domain’s local LDAP. When running other actions on this node, you must supply these credentials.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • listenIpAddress

  • publishAddress

Optional Properties

This action also supports these optional properties:

  • heapSizeGb

  • maximumHeapSizeGb

Example 3-8 Example install-configure Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a install-configure


Installs and configures a gateway node domain, starts the domain’s admin and managed server(s), creates a new logical gateway with the management service, and registers the node to it.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. This user is created when you run this action. The user is stored in the gateway domain’s local LDAP. When running other actions on this node, you must supply these credentials.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Manage Gateway grant when the gateway is created.

  • gateway runtime user: the Gateway Runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Node Service Account grant when the gateway is created.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • logicalGateway

  • gatewayNodeName

  • managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

  • listenIpAddress

  • publishAddress

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

  • nodeProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to pass client requests to backend services. You can also provide a value for this property in the Management Portal UI. See Configuring a Proxy for a Gateway Node.

  • gatewayExecutionMode: value of Production is required to enable SSL hostname verification and certificate verification. If this property is not provided, it defaults to a value of Development and SSL hostname verification and certificate verification are disabled.

This action also supports these optional properties:

  • heapSizeGb

  • maximumHeapSizeGb

Example 3-9 Example install-configure-start-create-join Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a install-configure-start-create-join


./APIGateway -a install-configure-start-create-join –kv nodeInstallDir=<value> logicalGateway=<value> ...


Installs and configures a gateway node domain, starts the domain’s admin and managed server(s), and registers the node to an existing logical gateway with the management service.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. This user is created when you run this action. The user is stored in the gateway domain’s local LDAP. When running other actions on this node, you must supply these credentials.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Manage Gateway grant when the gateway is created.

  • gateway runtime user: the Gateway Runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user is issued the Node Service Account grant when the gateway is created.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • logicalGateway

  • gatewayNodeName

  • managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

  • listenIpAddress

  • publishAddress

  • logicalGatewayId

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

  • nodeProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to pass client requests to backend services. You can also provide a value for this property in the Management Portal UI. See Configuring a Proxy for a Gateway Node.

  • gatewayExecutionMode: value of Production is required to enable SSL hostname verification and certificate verification. If this property is not provided, it defaults to a value of Development and SSL hostname verification and certificate verification are disabled.

This action also supports these optional properties:

  • heapSizeGb

  • maximumHeapSizeGb

Example 3-10 Example install-configure-start-join Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a install-configure-start-join


Registers the gateway node to an existing logical gateway on the management service.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Manage Gateway grant for the logical gateway the node is registering to.

  • gateway runtime user: the Gateway Runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Node Service Account grant for the logical gateway the node is registering to.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  • logicalGateway

  • gatewayNodeName

  • managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

  • logicalGatewayId

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

  • nodeProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to pass client requests to backend services. You can also provide a value for this property in the Management Portal UI. See Configuring a Proxy for a Gateway Node.

Example 3-11 Example join Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a join


Locks down the gateway node domain. See Gateway Node Lockdown.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  •  managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

  • listenIpAddress

  • publishAddress

Optional Properties

If you need to use a proxy to reach the URLs defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties from the gateway node you must also provide values for the managementServiceConnectionProxy and nodeProxy properties.

Example 3-12 Example lockdown Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a lockdown


Resets the gateway node by fetching and redeploying all entities, like APIs, applications, policies, artifacts, and configurations deployed to the gateway node.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Manage Gateway grant for the logical gateway the node is registered to.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  •  managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

Example 3-13 Example reset Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a reset


Starts the gateway node domain’s servers. This action takes several minutes to complete.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

This action assumes that the install and configure actions (or a compound action that performs all of these actions) have been completed successfully. The start action uses metadata generated from these actions and the nodeInstallDir property to identify the node to start.

Example 3-14 Example start Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a start


Returns the results of all installer actions performed by a user, the status of the Management Tier and gateway node servers, and details about the gateway node domain environment.

See Viewing Gateway Node Status.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

While the status action doesn’t require any properties other than nodeInstallDir, it reuses properties that are required to be defined for actions that are run before status. For example, the status action does not require the managementServerHost and managementServerPort properties to run, it uses these to determine the status of the Management Service that a node is registered to.

Example 3-15 Example status Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a status


Stops the gateway node domain’s servers. This executes asynchronously; it takes several minutes for the database and the servers to shut down completely.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the weblogic user credentials. These credentials belong to the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

This action assumes that the install, configure, and start actions (or a compound action that performs all of these actions) have been completed successfully. The stop action uses metadata generated from these actions and the nodeInstallDir property to identify the node to stop.

Example 3-16 Example stop Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a stop


Unregisters the gateway node from the specified logical gateway with the management service.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Manage Gateway grant for the logical gateway the node is registered to.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  •  managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

  • logicalGatewayId

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

Example 3-17 Example unregister Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json  -a unregister


Updates the Gateway Runtime user credentials used by the node. The Gateway Runtime user is used to poll for updates to the logical gateway node definition and to send analytics data to the management tier. Perform this operation after updating the user's credentials on the management tier.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Manage Gateway grant for the logical gateway the node is registering to.

  • gateway runtime user: the Gateway Runtime user that is used to download configuration from and upload statistics to the gateway. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Node Service Account grant for the logical gateway the node is registering to.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  •  managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

Optional Properties

The following properties are not mandatory to run this action, but may be required (if you have not already defined them) depending on your environment:

  • managementServiceConnectionProxy: required if the gateway node needs a proxy to connect to the management service, as defined in the managementServerHost or managementServerPort properties.

Example 3-18 Example updatecredentials Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a updatecredentials


Updates the OAuth profile of the gateway node. The action reads the file specified by the oauthProfileLocation property and updates the gateway node OAuth profile accordingly.

When you run this action, you are prompted for the following user credentials:

  • weblogic user: the WebLogic administrator user of the gateway node. These credentials are created when you run any of the install actions.

  • gateway manager user: the Gateway Manager user that is responsible for managing this gateway. You must provide the user’s name and password. This user must already exist on the Management Portal. This user must be issued the Manage Gateway grant for the logical gateway the node is registered to.

Required Properties

This action requires that the following properties are defined in gateway-props.json File or passed when the action is run as key/value pairs:

  • nodeInstallDir

  •  managementServerHost

  • managementServerPort

  • oauthProfileLocation

Example 3-19 Example updateoauthprofile Action

./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a updateoauthprofile