An Example of Using a PL/SQL REST Service as an Invoke (Target) Connection in an Integration

To better understand how to use Oracle E-Business Suite services in Oracle Integration, this chapter describes an integration example through the use of Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection.

Sample Business Scenario

Take a PL/SQL API called Sales Order Services (OE_INBOUND_INT) as an example to explain the integration between the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter and a trigger (source) connection in Oracle Integration.

In this example, the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter is used as an invoke (target) connection for service invocation, and the REST Adapter is used as a trigger (source) connection to provide a REST request. When the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter receives the request message with input payload for order creation from the trigger (source) connection, the OE_INBOUND_INT REST service in Oracle E-Business Suite is invoked to create the order.

Once the integration is successfully executed at runtime, a sales order will be created in Oracle E-Business Suite.


Any application adapters can be used as trigger (source) connections to create integrations for your business needs. In this example, the REST Adapter is used as a trigger (source) connection.


Before creating the integration in Oracle Integration, you need to ensure the following tasks are in place:

  • The "Sale Order Service (PROCESS_ORDER)" service operation contained in the Sales Order Services (OE_INBOUND_INT)" PL/SQL API is deployed as a REST service with alias process_order.

    For information on deploying REST services, see Deploying REST Web Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

    This image shows the PL/SQL Interface Details page. At the top of this page shows the selected Integration Repository tab and the Administration tab. Below the Integration Repository tab, "PLSQL Interface: Sales Order Services" is shown with the Browse, Search, and Printable Page buttons. Below, on the left side the following read-only fields are displayed top to bottom — Internal Name, Type, Product, Business Entities, and Online Help. On the right side, the Status and Scope fields are displayed top to bottom. In the middle of this page, there are the Overview tab, the REST Web Service tab, and the Grants tab displayed from left to right. In the REST Web Service tab being shown, the Service Alias field with “process_order”, REST Service Status with “Deployed”, and Verb POST are displayed top to bottom. The View WADL link is shown next to the REST Service Status field. Below, there is a Service Operations table with these column names — Name, Internal Name, Included Operations, and Grant. This table contains the following names and its associated Internal Name: Get Sales Order Service, GET_ORDER, Sales Order Service, PROCESS_ORDER, Sales Order Service, PROCESS_ORDER_25. Note that the Sales Order Service, PROCESS_ORDER mentioned above has additional information shown in the table, including a green check mark in the Included Operations column and a Grant icon in the Grants column. At the bottom of this page, the REST Service Security region is shown. Below the region, this is the Undeploy button.

    Record the following REST service endpoint from the WADL:


    Replace <alias> with process_order in this example. You will use this service endpoint later when you create a REST connection in Oracle Integration.

  • Security grants are created for the operations user.

    For information on creating security grants for REST services, see Managing Grants for Interfaces with Support for SOAP and REST Web Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

Based on the integration scenario, the sample tasks for using an Oracle E-Business Suite PL/SQL REST service in an integration are included in the Topics section:


  1. Establish the Connections for Oracle E-Business Suite and REST Services

  2. Create an Integration

  3. Add the REST Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection

  4. Add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection

  5. Create Mappings

  6. Assign a Business Identifier for Tracking

  7. Activate and Test the Integration

  8. Sample JSON Payloads for the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke Example for a PL/SQL REST Service