Tutorial: Build Your Second Integration From Scratch

Let's walk through how to create, design, activate, run, and monitor a second integration completely from scratch. For this tutorial, you create an integration that invokes a weather application to return a weather report for a city that you specify.

What Do I Learn with this Tutorial

This tutorial walks you through performing the following tasks:
  • Creating a project in which to perform all design, management, and monitoring tasks.
  • Creating an integration in which to design your business requirements.
  • Creating and configuring a trigger connection in which you define a city parameter and the contents of the weather report to receive back from the OpenWeather application (city, latitude, longitude, and other content).
  • Creating and configuring an invoke connection to obtain the latitude and longitude coordinates for the specified city from the OpenWeather application.
  • Creating and configuring a second invoke connection to obtain the weather report from the OpenWeather application.
  • Specifying a city to start the integration and receiving the weather report back for that city from the OpenWeather application.
  • Monitoring the results of the integration run.

Step 1. Complete Prerequisites

When you configure the REST Adapter as an invoke connection to use in this integration, you select the API Key Based Authentication security policy. This policy requires you to specify an API key. Create an account at the OpenWeather application to obtain an API key.

  1. Go to the OpenWeather Application.
  2. Create an account to use the application.
  3. Sign in by specifying your email address and password.
  4. Click API keys or click your profile link in the upper right corner.
  5. Copy and save your API key value.

(Optional) Step 2. Test the API Key Outside of Oracle Integration

When you test REST Adapter configuration later in this tutorial, a message appears indicating that the API key is not validated as part of the test. You must validate the API key separately. While there may be nothing to indicate that your API key value is invalid, it is typically a best practice to test your connection outside of Oracle Integration to completely validate the API key.

You can use a third-party tool such as Postman to test your API key connection outside of Oracle Integration. This test provides a way to completely validate the API key. For example:

Where API_key_value is the key you obtained from the OpenWeather application.

For example, from a third-party tool such as Postman, you specify and test the URL and query parameter values for appid and units. Because this tutorial returns the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, imperial is specified. You can also specify metric to return the temperature in degrees Celsius.

The GET option is selected. The URL to test is specified to the right. The Send option appears to the right. Below this are tabs for Params (which is selected), Auth, Headers, Body, Pre-req, Tests, and Settings. Below this is a table with columns for Key, Value, and Bulk Edit. Values are specified for the appid and units query parameters.

Step 3. Create a Project

You manage the entire life cycle of an integration from within a project.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
  2. Click Add, then select Create.
  3. In the Name field, enter My Weather Project.
  4. Leave all remaining fields as they are, then click Create.

    The page for your project is displayed. Your project contains sections for creating, designing, deploying, and monitoring your integration resources (integrations, connections, lookups, and JavaScript libraries).

Step 4. Create an Integration

Let's now create an integration inside the project.

  1. In the Integrations section, click Add.

    The Add integration panel opens.

  2. Click Create, then select Application.

    The Create integration panel shows selections for Application and Schedule.

  3. In the Name field, enter Weather By City.
  4. Leave all remaining fields as they are, then click Create.

    The integration canvas opens with an option for creating a trigger connection. The trigger connection enables your integration to receive inbound messages from an application.

    The Weather By City integration canvas shows seven icons below the title. To the far right is the Share list. Start and End icons appear in the middle of the canvas. To the right is the Connections section, which includes an Add trigger button.


As you design this integration, an error icon can appear on the right side of the page. Errors may occur due to mistakes you make in the mapper or Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. Other errors that appear are resolved as you complete the design of all parts of this integration. Click the error icon to view details. To resolve the error, you can either follow the instructions in the Error panel or wait to see if your completed design resolves the issues. Click outside the Error panel to close it.
The Error icon shows a value of 4.

Step 5. Create a Trigger Connection to Define a City Parameter and the Content of the Weather Report Response

Let's now create a trigger connection inside the integration canvas. The trigger (source) connection allows you to define a city parameter and the content of the weather report to receive back from the OpenWeather application (city, latitude, longitude, and other content).

  1. In the Connections panel of the integration canvas, click Add trigger.

    The Create connection panel opens.

  2. Enter REST in the search field.
  3. Select REST as the adapter connection to use. For this tutorial, the REST Adapter processes inbound messages sent to Oracle Integration.

    The Create connection dialog shows REST being selected.

  4. The page for configuring the REST Adapter opens.
    1. Enter the following information.
      Field Description
      Name Enter Rest_Trigger.
      Role Select Trigger.

      Roles perform the following tasks.

      • Trigger: Enables an inbound application (endpoint) to trigger (run) the integration.
      • Invoke: Enables your integration to invoke an outbound application (endpoint).
      • Trigger and Invoke: Enables you to create a connection that can be used as both a trigger and invoke. For example, you use the connection as a trigger in one integration and as an invoke in another integration.
    2. Leave all remaining fields as they are, then click Create.

      The page for configuring security and delivery methods for the REST Adapter trigger connection appears.

    3. Enter the following information:
      Field Description
      Security Select OAuth 2.0 to secure incoming messages.
      Access type Ensure Public gateway is selected. This access type uses the public internet to receive messages.
    4. Click Test to confirm that you configured the connection successfully. When testing completes, a success message is displayed. Configuration progress is now 100% complete.

      The Rest_Trigger page is shown. The status of Configured is shown, the Role of Trigger is shown, the Identifier of REST_TRIGGER is shown, the updated data is shown, the number of integrations using the connection is shown, and the Project of My Weather Project is shown. Below the Security field value OAuth 2.0 is shown, the Configuration progress is 100%, and the Access type field shows that Public gateway is selected.

    5. Click Save.
    6. Click Back Back icon to return to the integration canvas. A menu shows that the newly-created Rest_Trigger connection is available for selection.

      The Weather By City integration canvas shows seven icons below the title. Start and End icons appear in the middle of the canvas. To the right is a menu with the Triggers section, which includes a Rest_Trigger connection.

    Let's now configure the REST Adapter trigger connection in the integration. During configuration, you specify details such as the operation, the relative resource URI, the query parameters, and the message payload content.

  5. In the integration canvas, click the Rest_Trigger connection shown in the menu.

    The Basic Info page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard opens. This wizard enables you to configure the Rest_Trigger connection for use in the integration.

  6. In the What do you want to call your endpoint field, enter GetWeatherByCity, then click Continue to access the Resource Configuration page.
  7. Enter the following information.
    Field Description
    What is the endpoint's relative resource URI Enter the following:
    What action do you want to perform on the endpoint Select GET.
    Select any options that you want to configure Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the following options:
    • Add and review parameters for this endpoint
    • Configure this endpoint to receive the response
  8. Leave all remaining fields as they are.

    The completed Resource Configuration page looks as follows.

    This image is described in the text immediately above it.

  9. Click Continue to access the Request Parameters page.
    1. In the Specify Query Parameters section, click Add.
    2. Double-click the row in the Name column to enter a value.

      The Name and Data Type columns are shown. The row under the Name column header is being clicked. The Data Type column has a value of string.

    3. Enter city, then select string from the Data Type list.

      The Name and Data Type columns are shown. A row with a name of city is shown. This name has a data type value of string.

      At runtime, you specify the city on the Configure and run page to receive a weather report.

    4. Click outside the city row.
    5. Click Continue to access the Response page.
  10. Enter the following information.
    Field Description
    Select the response payload format Select JSON Sample.
    <<< inline >>> Click this field and enter the following content, then click OK.
      "city" : "Timbuktu",
      "longitude" : 1.1,
      "latitude" : 1.2,
      "country" : "AF",
      "description" : "clear sky",
      "temp" : 20.6
    Element Ensure response-wrapper is selected.
    What is the media-type of Response Body Ensure JSON is selected.

    The completed Response page looks as follows.

    This image is described in the text immediately above it.

  11. Click Continue to access the Summary page.
  12. Review your selections, then click Finish.

    The REST Adapter trigger connection is now fully configured for use in the integration. A map action is also automatically created for mapping data between the trigger connection and the invoke connection that you create in the next section.

    The trigger and map icons are shown.

Step 6. Create an Invoke Connection to Call the OpenWeather Application

Let's now create an invoke connection inside the integration canvas to call the OpenWeather application and receive weather information.

  1. In the right pane, click Invokes Available invokes icon.

    The Create connection panel opens.

  2. Click Create Connection Install icon to create a new connection.

    The Connections field is shown. Add (being selected) and Refresh icons are shown. An empty field is shown.

  3. Select REST as the adapter connection to use. For this tutorial, the REST Adapter invokes the OpenWeather application.
    1. Enter the following information.
      Field Description
      Name Enter Weather.
      Role Select Invoke. This role enables your integration to invoke the OpenWeather application.
    2. Leave all remaining fields as they are, then click Create.

      The page for configuring security and delivery methods for the REST Adapter invoke connection appears.

    3. Enter the following information:
      Field Description
      Connection Type Select REST API Base URL to secure the message.
      Connection URL Enter the following.
      Security policy Select API Key Based Authentication. This is the authentication security used by the OpenWeather application.
      API Key Enter the API key you obtained in Step 1. Complete Prerequisites.
      API Key Usage Expand Optional security, then enter one of the following key usages. This is how the key is passed to the OpenWeather application. The value of imperial indicates that we want to return the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
      This tutorial describes how to return the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. If you want, you can return the temperature in degrees Celsius by specifying the following value:
      Access type Ensure Public gateway is selected. This access type uses the public internet to send messages.

      The Weather page is shown. The status of Configured is shown, the Role of Invoke is shown, the Identifier of WEATHER is shown, the updated data is shown, the number of integrations using the connection is shown, and the Project of My Weather Project is shown. Below the Security field value API Key Based Authentication is shown, the API Key value is shown, the API Key Usage value is ?appid=${api-key}&units=imperial, the Configuration progress is 100%, and the Access type field shows that Public gateway is selected.

    4. Click Test to confirm that you configured the connection successfully. When testing completes, the following message is displayed.
      Connection Weather was tested successfully.
         The API key is not validated as part of this test. You must validate
         the API key separately before using them with this security policy.

      While the API key may be completely valid, it cannot be completely validated from within Oracle Integration. You have the option of completely validating the API key in (Optional) Step 2. Test the API Key Outside of Oracle Integration.

    5. Click Save.
    6. Click Back Back icon to return to the integration canvas.

Step 7. Specify How the Invoke Connection Retrieves the Latitude and Longitude Coordinates for the City

Let's now configure the REST Adapter invoke connection in the integration to retrieve the latitude and longitude coordinates for the city you specify when running the integration. During configuration, you specify details such as the operation, the relative resource URI, the query parameters, and the message payload content.

  1. Drag your cursor along the line below the GetWeatherByCity trigger until the Add Add icon icon appears.
  2. Select Invokes, then select the Weather connection.

    The Add icon below the Trigger connection is selected. Below this is a map. On the right, a menu is shown with a Search field, a Suggestions section, and Invoke and Actions tab. Invokes is selected to show Connections in use and Available connections.

    The Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard opens.

  3. Enter the following information.
    Field Description
    What do you want to call your endpoint Enter the following:
    What does this endpoint do Enter the following:
    Get latitude and longitude for a city
    What is the endpoint's relative resource URI Enter the following:
    What action do you want to perform on the endpoint Select GET.
    Select any options that you want to configure Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the following options:
    • Add and review parameters for this endpoint
    • Configure this endpoint to receive the response
  4. Leave all remaining fields as they are.

    The completed Basic Info page looks as follows.

    This image is described in the text immediately above it.

  5. Click Continue to access the Request Parameters page.
    1. In the Specify Query Parameters section, click Add.
    2. Double-click the row in the Name column to enter a value.
    3. Enter q, then select string from the Data Type list.

      The Name and Data Type columns are shown. A row with a name of q is shown. This name has a data type value of string.

    4. Click outside the q row.
    5. Click Continue to access the Response page.
  6. Enter the following information.
    Field Description
    Select the response payload format Select JSON Sample.
    <<< inline >>> Click this field and enter the following content, then click OK.
    [ {
      "name" : "London",
      "local_names" : {
        "af" : "Londen",
        "ascii" : "London",
        "az" : "London",
        "ca" : "Londres",
        "da" : "London",
        "de" : "London",
        "en" : "London",
        "eu" : "Londres",
        "feature_name" : "London",
        "fi" : "Lontoo",
        "fr" : "Londres",
        "gl" : "Londres",
        "hr" : "London",
        "hu" : "London",
        "id" : "London",
        "it" : "Londra",
        "la" : "Londinium",
        "lt" : "Londonas",
        "nl" : "Londen",
        "no" : "London",
        "pl" : "Londyn",
        "pt" : "Londres",
        "ro" : "Londra",
        "sl" : "London",
        "tr" : "Londra",
        "zu" : "ILondon"
      "lat" : 51.5085,
      "lon" : -0.1257,
      "country" : "GB"
    }, {
      "name" : "London",
      "local_names" : {
        "ascii" : "London",
        "de" : "London",
        "en" : "London",
        "feature_name" : "London",
        "fi" : "London",
        "fr" : "London",
        "lt" : "Londonas",
        "nl" : "London",
        "pl" : "London",
        "pt" : "London"
      "lat" : 42.9834,
      "lon" : -81.233,
      "country" : "CA"
    }, {
      "name" : "London",
      "local_names" : {
        "ascii" : "London",
        "en" : "London",
        "feature_name" : "London"
      "lat" : 39.8865,
      "lon" : -83.4483,
      "country" : "US",
      "state" : "OH"
    }, {
      "name" : "London",
      "local_names" : {
        "ascii" : "London",
        "en" : "London",
        "feature_name" : "London"
      "lat" : 37.129,
      "lon" : -84.0833,
      "country" : "US",
      "state" : "KY"
    }, {
      "name" : "London",
      "local_names" : {
        "ascii" : "London",
        "ca" : "Londres",
        "en" : "London",
        "feature_name" : "London"
      "lat" : 36.4761,
      "lon" : -119.4432,
      "country" : "US",
      "state" : "CA"
    } ]
    Element Ensure response-wrapper is selected.
    What is the media-type of Response Body Ensure JSON is selected.

    The completed Response page looks as follows.

    This image is described in the text immediately above it.

  7. Click Continue to access the Summary page.
  8. Review your selections, then click Finish.
  9. Above the integration, click Horizontal Horizontal layout icon to see a horizontal view of the integration. Note that after you created and configured the GetCoord invoke connection in the integration, a map was automatically added after it.

    The trigger connection, map, invoke, and map are shown in the integration canvas.

When you configured the GetWeatherByCity trigger connection in the integration canvas, a map was automatically created. Let's now configure the first map.

  1. Double-click the map between the GetWeatherByCity trigger connection and GetCoord invoke connection.

    The trigger connection, map, and invoke connection are shown in the integration canvas. The map is being selected.

    The mapper opens.

  2. In the Sources section, expand Query Parameters.
  3. In the Target section, expand Query Parameters.
  4. Drag the source City element to the target Q element. This maps the city to its latitude and longitude coordinates. You created these query parameters earlier when you configured the trigger and invoke connections in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.

    The Map to GetCoord map shows the Sources, Mapping canvas, and Target sections. The source City element has been dragged to the target Q element. The Validate button appears in the upper right. Below this button are the Developer, XSLT, and six other icons. Above the Sources label are three icons.

  5. Click Validate and wait for the following message to appear.
    Map to GetCoord successfully validated.
  6. Click Back Back icon to exit the mapper and return to the integration canvas. Your mappings are automatically saved.

Step 8. Specify How the Invoke Connection Retrieves the Weather Report for the City

Let's now configure a second REST Adapter invoke connection in the integration to obtain the weather report from the OpenWeather application.

  1. Drag your cursor along the line after the GetCoord invoke connection until the Add Add icon icon appears.

    The trigger connection, map, and invoke connection are shown in the integration canvas. To the right of the invoke connection is an Add icon that is being selected. A menu is displayed with a Suggestions section and Invokes and Actions icons. Invokes is selected to show sections for Connections in use and Available connections.

  2. Select Invokes, then select the Weather connection again.

    The Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard opens.

  3. Enter the following information.
    Field Description
    What do you want to call your endpoint Enter the following:
    What does this endpoint do Enter the following:
    Get the weather
    What is the endpoint's relative resource URI Enter the following:
    What action do you want to perform on the endpoint Select GET.
    Select any options that you want to configure Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the following options:
    • Add and review parameters for this endpoint
    • Configure this endpoint to receive the response
  4. Leave all remaining fields as they are.

    The completed Basic Info page looks as follows.

    This image is described in the text immediately above it.

  5. Click Continue to access the Request Parameters page.
    1. In the Specify Query Parameters section, click Add.
    2. Double-click the row in the Name column to enter a value.
    3. Enter lat, then select float from the Data Type list.
    4. Click Add again.
    5. Double-click the row in the Name column to enter a value.
    6. Enter lon, then select float from the Data Type list.

      The Name and Data Type columns are shown. Rows with names of lat and lon are shown. Both names have data type values of float.

    7. Click outside the lon row.
    8. Click Continue to access the Response page.
  6. Enter the following information.
    Field Description
    Select the response payload format Select JSON Sample.
    <<< inline >>> Click this field and enter the following content, then click OK.
      "coord" : {
        "lon" : -122.08,
        "lat" : 37.39
      "weather" : [ {
        "id" : 800,
        "main" : "Clear",
        "description" : "clear sky",
        "icon" : "01d"
      } ],
      "base" : "stations",
      "main" : {
        "temp" : 282.55,
        "feels_like" : 281.86,
        "temp_min" : 280.37,
        "temp_max" : 284.26,
        "pressure" : 1023,
        "humidity" : 100
      "visibility" : 10000,
      "wind" : {
        "speed" : 1.5,
        "deg" : 350
      "clouds" : {
        "all" : 1
      "dt" : 1560350645,
      "sys" : {
        "type" : 1,
        "id" : 5122,
        "message" : 0.0139,
        "country" : "US",
        "sunrise" : 1560343627,
        "sunset" : 1560396563
      "timezone" : -25200,
      "id" : 420006353,
      "name" : "Mountain View",
      "cod" : 200
    Element Ensure response-wrapper is selected.
    What is the media-type of Response Body Ensure JSON is selected.

    The completed Response page looks as follows.

    This image is described in the text immediately above it.

  7. Click Continue to access the Summary page.
  8. Review your selections, then click Finish.

When you configured the GetCoord invoke connection in the integration canvas, a map action was automatically created. Let's now map the latitude and the longitude coordinates to the call to get the weather from the OpenWeather application.

  1. Double-click the map between the GetCoord invoke connection and GetWeather invoke connection.

    The invoke connection, map, and invoke connection are shown in the integration canvas. The map is being selected.

    The mapper opens.

  2. In the Sources section, expand GetCoord Response (REST), then Execute Response, then Response Wrapper, and then Top Level Array.
  3. In the Target section, expand GetWeather Request (REST), and then Query Parameters.
  4. Perform the following mapping:
    • Drag the source Lat element to the target Lat element.
    • Drag the source Lon element to the target Lon element.

    The Map to GetWeather map shows the Sources, Mapping canvas, and Target sections. The source lat and lon elements have been dragged to the target lat and lon elements. The Validate button appears in the upper right. Below this button are the Developer, XSLT, and six other icons. Above the Sources label are three icons.

  5. Click Validate and wait for the following message to appear.
    Map to GetWeather successfully validated.
  6. Click Back Back icon to exit the mapper and return to the integration canvas. Your mappings are automatically saved.

Step 9. Map the Weather Report Response Returned from the OpenWeather Application

When you configured the GetWeather invoke connection in the integration canvas, a map action was automatically created. Let's now map the response information you receive back from the OpenWeather application.

  1. Double-click the map after the GetWeather invoke connection.

    The invoke connection and map are shown. The map is being selected.

    The mapper opens.

  2. In the Sources section, expand GetCoord Response (REST), then Execute Response, then Response Wrapper, and then Top Level Array.
  3. In the Target section, expand GetWeatherByCity Response (REST), and then Response Wrapper.
  4. Perform the following mapping:
    • Drag the source Lat element to the target Latitude element.
    • Drag the source Lon element to the target Longitude element.
    • Drag the source Country element to the target Country element.

      The Map to GetWeatherByCity map shows the Sources, Mapping canvas, and Target sections. The source Lat, Lon, and Country elements have been dragged to the target Latitude, Longitude, and Country elements. The Validate button appears in the upper right. Below this button are the Developer, XSLT, and six other icons. Above the Sources label are three icons.

  5. Scroll down in the Sources section and expand GetWeather Response (REST), then Execute Response, then Response Wrapper, and then Weather.
  6. Drag the source Description element to the target Description element.

    The source Description element has been dragged to the target Description element. The Validate button appears in the upper right. Below this button are the Developer, XSLT, and six other icons. Above the Sources label are three icons.

  7. Collapse the source Weather element in the Sources section.
  8. Scroll down in the Sources section and expand the Main element.
  9. Drag the source Temp element to the target Temp element.

    The source Temp element has been dragged to the target Temp element.

  10. Collapse the source Main element in the Sources section.
  11. Scroll down in the Sources section and drag the source Name element to the target City element.

    The source Name element has been dragged to the target City element.

  12. Click Validate and wait for the following message.
    Map to GetWeatherByCity successfully validated.
  13. Click Back Back icon to exit the mapper and return to the integration canvas. Your mappings are automatically saved.

Step 10. Define a Business Identifier

Let's now define the primary business identifier for the integration. Business identifiers enable you to track payload fields in messages during runtime. Each integration requires a primary business identifier.

  1. Above the integration, click Business Identifier Business identifiers icon.
    1. Expand QueryParameters, and drag city to the Business identifier field.

      The Sources section shows TemplateParameters expanded. The city element has been dragged to the Business identifier name field. Above this field is the Business identifier variable field with tracking_var_1 as the value. Above this is the Business identifier field with a value of city. Two icons appear to the right of this field. All these fields are in the Primary business identifiers panel.

    2. Click Save, then click outside the Business identifiers panel to close it. The business identifier you specify here is visible when you monitor your completed integration instance in the Observe tab in Step 12. Monitor the Integration.
  2. Check for any red error icons. If you see any, click the icon for details and resolve those errors.

    The complete integration design looks as follows.

    The completed integration shows a trigger connection, a map, an invoke connection, a map, an invoke connection, and a map.

  3. Click Back Back icon to exit the integration canvas and return to the project page.

Step 11. Activate and Run the Integration

You are now ready to activate the integration to the runtime environment. Once activated, you can run the integration.

  1. In the Integrations section, click Actions Actions icon, then select Activate.

    The Integrations section shows Weather By City with a version of 1.0.0 and a state of Configured. To the right is a menu with the Activate option being selected.

  2. Click Activate. Keep the tracing level set to Production. If you receive runtime errors, the Debug (Not recommended) selection provides detailed information in the activity stream and is useful for testing and troubleshooting any runtime errors.
  3. Click Refresh Refresh iconperiodically.

    The integration status changes to Active.

    You are now ready to run the integration and send a message.

  4. In the Integrations section, click Actions Actions icon, then select Run.

    The Integrations section shows the Weather By City integration, version 1.0.0, and a status of Active. The Actions (…) menu is selected to show the Run option being selected.

    The Configure and run page enables you to run and test REST Adapter trigger-based integrations. This page provides a way of testing the delivery of an inbound message to your integration.

  5. In the Request section, specify a city, and click Run to send your inbound message to the integration.

    The Configure and run page shows the GET URL. The Request section shows the URI parameters (which is selected), Headers, Body, cURL, and Integration properties tabs. A field is provided for entering the city value.

    The Activity stream panel opens and shows the movement of the message through the actions that you designed (triggers, invokes, and maps). The unique instance ID that was created for this integration run is displayed at the top. All milestones in this activity stream are green, indicating a successful run of this integration instance.

    The Activity stream panel is shown. The instance ID value is shown. The Tracing level is set to production. Below this are sections of the integration through which the message was passed. Each is green, indicating success.

  6. View the response message at the bottom of the Configure and run page. The temperature of the city you specified is displayed (for this example, Chicago), along with its longitude and latitude coordinates, country, and current weather description.

    The Response section shows a status of 200 IK, the instance ID, and tabs for Body and Headers. Body is selected to show values for city (Chicago), longitude, latitude, country, description, and temp.

    The response information you received back from the OpenWeather application is based on the target-to-source element mappings you performed in the GetWeatherByCity map in Step 9. Map the Weather Report Response Returned from the OpenWeather Application.

Step 12. Monitor the Integration

  1. Close the Activity steam panel and click Track instances.

    The Observe tab in your project opens. This tab enables you to monitor the status of your integration instance. The status of the instance is displayed as Succeeded. Note that the primary business identifier (city) that you defined in Step 10. Define a Business Identifier is visible in the Primary Identifier column.

    The page for a specific project shows the Design, Deploy, and Observe tabs. Below is a field that shows the latest filter settings. At the top are search and filter icons. At the far left are Instances, Future runs, and Audit tabs. At the far right is the time stamp and refresh button. Below all these buttons and icons is a table with columns for Primary Identifier, instance Id, Business Identifiers, Status, and Duration. The table is populated with instance details. At the far left is a graph that shows the state of instances: Successful, Aborted, Queued, Blocked, Errored, In progress, Paused, and Resubmitted.

Congratulation! You have successfully created, designed, activated, run, and monitored your second integration. See the section below for more information about the capabilities used in this tutorial.