Tours and Tutorials

The following tours and tutorials introduce you to integrations and show the ease of designing, activating, invoking, and monitoring an integration.


Tours walk you through the design-time and runtime aspects of integrations and require no hands-on activities.


Sample recipes and accelerators are available for download from the Integration Store. See Get Familiar with the Home Page in Getting Started with Oracle Integration 3 and Recipes and Accelerators on the Oracle Help Center.
Tour Complexity Description

Explore the Navigation Pane


Learn how the navigation menu helps you find your way around.

Tour: Explore an Integration That Sends a Hello World Message


Oracle Integration includes a recipe for a Hello World integration, which uses a simple log notification action with a REST Adapter in an application integration.

In this tour, you review the design-time and runtime aspects of a Hello World integration.

Tour: Explore a Multiple Verbs and Resources Invoke Integration


Oracle Integration includes a recipe that creates and invokes a REST web service with multiple HTTP verbs and resources.

In this tour, you review the design-time and runtime aspects of this integration.


In a tutorial, you build everything you need for an integration from start to finish.

Tutorial Complexity Description

Build Your First Integration from Scratch


Design, run, and monitor a Hello World integration from start to finish.

Build Your Second Integration from Scratch


Design, run, and monitor an integration that receives a weather report for a city. This integration invokes a weather application with the REST Adapter.

Tutorial: Read Files and Write the Files to File Server


Learn how to use the File server action to read one or more files that are on an FTP server and then write the files to File Server in Oracle Integration.