Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Capture Screenshots in Robots

When you add an action to a robot, you have several options for capturing screenshots, including capturing a robot's view before and after completing an action.

Why Capture Screenshots?

Screenshots are helpful when troubleshooting a failed robot instance.

For example, if a robot's credentials don't have the appropriate access, a robot might not be able to see the field it needs to update. A screenshot of the missing field can help you quickly troubleshoot any issues that the robot encounters.

Screenshot Options

Most robot actions include the following options for capturing screenshots:

A Screenshots heading appears. Below the heading are 2 checkboxes: Before this action and After this action. Below the checkboxes is the Specify screenshot type control with two radio buttons: Full page and Action target.

  • Before this action: Take a screenshot of the application before the action occurs. Screenshots are typically most helpful when you are debugging and troubleshooting a new robot. A robot that captures screenshots sometimes run a little slower and captures more data than a robot that doesn't capture screenshots.
  • After this action: Take a screenshot of the application after the action occurs.
  • Specify screenshot type: Select the scope of the screenshot. To capture the entire application screen, select Full page. To capture only the UI element that the action affects, select Action target.

A Screenshot Action Is Also Available

You capture screenshots for robot action to use in troubleshooting. If you need to use a screenshot as part of a robot's or integration's other activities, use the screenshot action. See Add a Screenshot Action