Configure Asset Type Choice Lists

You create asset type choice lists on the Metadata tab. Here is all that you can do with asset type choice lists:

Add or Edit Asset Type Choice Lists

To create an asset type choice list, you can select any asset type and repository you have access to. Keep in mind that the asset type you choose should be supported in Content Capture. Asset Type choice lists do not participate in dependent choice list configurations.

  1. On the Metadata tab of your procedure, go to the Asset Type Choice Lists table, and click Create asset type choice list to add an asset type choice list, or edit one by selecting it and clicking Edit asset type choice list.

  2. On the Asset Choice List page, enter a name in the Choice List Name field (for example, Digital Asset Type).

  3. From the Repository drop-down list, select the repository from which content items that will make the choice list should be used.

  4. From the Asset Type drop-down list, select the asset types created in Oracle Content Management.
  5. From the Item Value drop-down list, select the asset type that is stored in the data value. This can be any field in the asset type that matches one of the field types that are supported in Content Capture. The asset type field selected as the item value determines the data type (numeric, alphanumeric, etc.) of the list, and thus only content capture fields of the same data type can reference that choice list.

  6. (Optional) From the Display Value drop-down list, choose the value that will be displayed to the user for selection. This could be the same value as the item value. You can also leave it blank which implies it is the same as the item value.

  7. (Optional) In Select Date Format, select from the available options.
  8. (Optional) From the Sort Order drop-down list, choose Ascending or Descending.
  9. Click quick preview asset lookups on the top-right side of the Quick Preview table to preview matching data. If there are more than five asset items, then the matching data for the first five items is displayed.
  10. Click Submit to complete the configuration.

    The new choice list is displayed in the Asset Type Choice List table.

Delete Asset Type Choice Lists

When you no longer want to use an asset type choice list, you can delete it so that it's not available for use in a client profile.

To delete an asset type choice list:
  1. On the Metadata tab, select the choice list to delete in the Dependent Choice Lists table, and click Delete asset type choice lists.
  2. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.