Configure Dependent Choice Lists

In a choice list dependency, a parent field is linked to two or more child choice lists, one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field.

You create a dependent choice list and its associated choice lists on the Metadata tab and then select the dependent choice list in a client profile, as described in Add or Edit a Dependent Choice List. Before you start creating this type of choice list, take a look at Important Points About Choice List Dependencies.

Important Points About Choice List Dependencies

  • You can create choice list dependencies between user defined choice lists.

  • Create all choice lists you plan to link before creating a choice list dependency. At a minimum, you need a parent choice list, and two or more child choice lists.

  • Each item in a child list can be related to multiple parent items. For example, Supplies could be a child item to Household and Automotive subproducts.

  • You can create multi-level dependencies (for example, great grandparent, grandparent, parent, and child choice lists).

  • Only one choice list dependency may be assigned to a client profile. Multiple parent/child dependencies must be defined within a single Dependent Choice List definition.

Add or Edit a Dependent Choice List

To add or edit a dependent choice list:
  1. On the Metadata tab, create user defined choice lists.

    You need at least three choice lists, including one to serve as parent and two or more to serve as child choice lists.

    For example:

    Parent or Child Choice List Name Choices



    • Automotive

    • Household


    Automotive Subproducts

    • Cars

    • Motorcycles


    Household Subproducts

    • Bathroom

    • Kitchen

  2. On the Metadata tab, create metadata fields to contain the choice lists.

    In our example, we created a Products field to serve as the parent field and a Subproducts field to serve as the child.

    1. On the Metadata Field page for the parent field, choose a Choice List Source.

    2. In the Choice List field, select the choice list you created. In our example, we chose Products as the choice list.

    3. On the Metadata Field page for the child field, choose the Parent Choice List Field. In our example, we chose Products as the parent metadata field.

    4. To prevent users from typing in an entry instead of selecting a choice from the list, select the Locked check box and submit your changes.

  3. On the Classification tab, create a document profile that uses the metadata fields you created in step 1.

    In our example, we created a document profile called Products that contained the Products and Subproducts metadata fields.

  4. On the Metadata tab, create the dependent choice list and click Submit.

    1. In the Dependent Choice Lists table, click Add dependent choice list to create a dependent choice list. You can edit an existing dependent choice list by selecting it and clicking Edit dependent choice list.

    2. On the Dependent Choice List page, enter a name for the dependency, such as Product/subproduct dependency.
    3. In the Defined Dependent Choice Lists table, add fields for the first dependent choice by identifying fields for a parent choice list item (Household) and the child list that displays when the user selects it (Household Subproducts):
      • Parent Choice List Source: Capture Source

      • Parent Choice List: Products

      • Parent Choice List Item: Household

      • Child Choice List Source: Capture Source

      • Child Choice List: Household Subproducts

    4. Add fields for the second dependent choice, identifying another parent choice list item (Automotive) and the child list that displays when the user selects it (Automotive Subproducts).

  5. On the Capture tab, add or edit a client profile that uses the document profile and choice list dependency you created.

    1. On the General Settings page, select a profile of type 2 - Capture and Index or 3 - Index Only and then enter a name and batch prefix.

    2. On the Document Indexing Settings page, select the dependency you created in the Dependent Choice List field and select the document profile you created in the Document Profiles field.

    3. On the Security page, grant a user the login access to the client profile and save the client profile.

  6. Test the choice list dependency in the client.

    1. In the client, select the client profile you created and capture a batch.

    2. Expand the batch and select a document.

    3. In the metadata pane, try out the choice list dependency.

Delete Dependent Choice Lists

Deleting a choice list dependency means it is no longer available for use in a client profile. Its associated choice lists and metadata fields are not affected.

To delete a dependent choice list:
  1. On the Metadata tab, select the dependency to delete in the Dependent Choice Lists table, and click Delete dependent choice lists.
  2. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.