Edit Documents and Pages

You can improve the quality of an image after scanning or importing it. Moreover, you can reorganize a document by moving, duplicating, or cutting/pasting pages. You can also rotate and flip pages in a document. In some cases where you combine different documents, you might want to copy metadata of one document to another or you might want to clear metadata of some documents.

The documents task bar provides features to let you perform these tasks:

Increase an Image’s Quality

Many scanners have capabilities to improve black/white image quality using features such as noise removal and dynamic thresholding. Review your scanner's documentation to optimize image quality when scanning in black/white.

To increase the quality of an image:

  1. Make sure the scanner is operating optimally as described in its documentation (for example, ensure that the glass is clean).
  2. In the batch pane, click the left side of Capture settings/Capture source and adjust the available scanner settings (for example, adjust brightness and contrast for scanning). Note that a client profile may restrict you from changing some scanner settings such as DPI resolution and color.
  3. If needed, contact your procedure manager to request that scanner settings such as DPI or brightness and contrast be adjusted for the client profile.

Move a Page to Another Document

To move a page within a document or to another document, drag and drop the page thumbnail to the new location.

Note: If you drag the only remaining page in a document to another document, the document is automatically removed.

Duplicate One or More Pages of a Document

To duplicate one or more pages of a document to a new document:
  1. Select one or more pages of an image document and either click Duplicate document from the document pane's toolbar or right click the document and select Duplicate from the context menu.
    The Duplicate dialog is displayed.
  2. Select the Selected Pages option.
  3. Specify the number of copies to be created in the Number of Copies field. The default value is 1 and the maximum value is 10.
  4. Select the Keep Metadata Values field if you want the duplicated document(s) to have the same document profile and metadata values as that of the source document.
  5. Click OK.
    The duplicated document(s) that are newly created using the selected pages are inserted immediately after the source document in the batch/document list tree.

Rotate or Flip Pages

To rotate or flip pages:

  1. In the Document pane, select the thumbnails of one or more pages to rotate or flip.

    Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple thumbnails. If you scanned an entire batch upside down, press Ctrl+A to select all pages before selecting the Flip option described in the next step.

  2. Click one of the rotate buttons. Rotating or flipping a page saves it that way within the batch.
    • Click Rotate left to rotate images 90 degrees counterclockwise.

    • Click Rotate right to rotate images 90 degrees clockwise.

    • Click Flip to rotate images by 180 degrees.

Copy and Paste Metadata Values

You can copy metadata values from a document and paste them into another document (within the same batch) with a matching document profile.

To copy and paste metadata values:
  1. Select a document (from a batch) from which you want to copy the metadata values.
  2. Click Copy metadata on the document pane toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+C). The metadata values are copied.
  3. Select a target document (within the same batch) with a matching document profile to which you want to paste the copied metadata values.
  4. Click Paste metadata on the document pane toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+V). The copied metadata values are pasted.


    • You can copy and paste metadata values only if the documents belong to the same batch.
    • You can paste metadata values into a document only if its document profile matches with the document profile of the source document (from which metadata values were copied) or if the target document (to which metadata values are being copied to) uses the Default document profile. The Paste metadata icon and keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+V) are enabled only when the paste action is supported.
    • You can paste the copied values into multiple documents.
    • If you copy metadata values from a document with the Default document profile, then you can paste the copied values only into a document with the Default document profile.

Clear Metadata Values for a Document

You can clear the metadata values in a document using the Clear Metadata Values icon or the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+D).

To clear the metadata values in a document:
  1. Select a document from a batch.
  2. Click Clear metadata values on the document pane toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+D). In the Clear Metadata Values dialog, confirm by clicking Yes. All the metadata values of the selected document are cleared.


    This option is useful when you want to reset all metadata values and enter new values for all fields.

Cut or Copy Pages and Paste Them in Image Documents

You can cut or copy pages and paste them within the same image document or into an image document that belongs to the same batch.

To cut or copy and paste pages:
  1. In the Document pane, select a document and then select one or more page thumbnails to cut/copy.


    • You can cut/copy pages from an image document and paste them within the same image document or into an image document that belongs to the same batch. You cannot cut/copy and paste pages from or to non-image documents.
    • Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple thumbnails.
    • If you copied one or more pages, you can paste them multiple times but if you cut one or more pages, you can paste them only once.
  2. Right-click a selected thumbnail and from the right-click menu, select Cut or Copy.
  3. Right-click the page thumbnail before or after which you want to paste the pages, and select Paste Before or Paste After from the right-click menu.
    The pages are pasted.