Review Documents and Pages

You can review and index documents after capturing them. When you are working on documents, you need to zoom in or zoom out to see contents, resize or reposition thumbnail display to see more thumbnails, go to a specific page or print it, find a document, view a document's attachment, and so on. The documents task bar provides icons to help you quickly perform these actions.

Disable Auto-Review and Indexing of Documents

After you scan or import a batch, the document pane is displayed by default. It shows the first page in the first document of the batch selected. You can set a preference to instead display the properties in the right pane. You can do this by disabling the auto-review and indexing of documents.

To disable auto-review and indexing of documents:
  1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the Content Capture Client window and select Preferences.
    The Preferences dialog is displayed.
  2. Deselect the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning field.

Zoom In and Out of the Selected Page

Use Zoom in, Zoom out, Fit to height, Fit to width, Fit to window to enlarge or reduce the image in the viewer to examine image quality. These settings are not saved with the batch. When you open a batch, its images are always displayed in the Fit to window size.

  • In the document pane, click Zoom in to enlarge the image. Click Zoom out to reduce the image.

  • Another way to zoom is to click and drag a rectangular area on the image using the left mouse button (rubberband zooming).

  • Click Fit to height to change the page display so that the entire height fits in the window.

  • Click Fit to width to change the page display so that the entire width fits in the window.

  • At any point, click Fit to window to display the entire image in the viewer.

Resize or Reposition the Thumbnail Display

You can display the scrollable thumbnail bar either vertically (default) or horizontally. To resize the panes, click and drag the pane separator.

After you resize or reposition the thumbnail display, the new settings are saved for subsequent sessions.

To resize or reposition the thumbnail display:
  1. In the document pane, click Choose thumbnail size in the toolbar.
  2. Select Small, Medium, or Large, and the thumbnail size changes to reflect your new selection.
  3. Click View thumbnail horizontally to switch the display to horizontal or vertical thumbnails, if desired.

Go to a Specific Page

Use the Go to page text box (or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G) to go to specific pages.

  • In the document pane, enter a page number in the Go to Page text box to go to a specific page in the current document. You can also use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+G) to bring the focus on to the Go to Page text box from anywhere within the client application.


    To view the page number of a page, hover the cursor over a page thumbnail and view the tooltip. The tooltip displays the page number of that specific page.
  • Click < (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P) to go to the previous page in the current document.
  • Click the > (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N) to go to the next page in the current document.

Print a Page

To print a scanned or imported page:

  1. In the Document pane, select the page to be printed by selecting its thumbnail.
    You can print multiple pages of image documents by selecting their thumbnails.
  2. Click Print page.
  3. In the Print dialog, select the printer and configure settings as needed.
    The page is printed.

View a Document or an Attachment in an Associated Application

To view a non-image document or a non-image attachment in an associated application, you can either:
  • Right click a document or an attachment and select View document in associated application from the context menu.

  • Select the document or attachment in the batch pane and click View document in associated application from the document pane toolbar.

View File Information

Select the document or attachment in the batch pane and click File information from the document pane toolbar to view information about a document or attachment. For image documents or image attachments, select a page in the document pane to display information about the page. The File Information page is displayed listing the following details about the file or page:

Table 19-1 File Information

Property Description

System Identification

The attributes listed under this group are:
  • Procedure

  • Procedure ID

  • Batch Name

  • Batch ID

  • Document ID

  • Attachment ID

  • Item ID

Note: The Document ID attribute is displayed only for documents and the Attachment ID attribute is displayed only for attachments.


The attributes listed under this group are:
  • System File Type

  • File Name

  • Original File Name

  • File Location

  • Size

  • Date modified

Note: The Original File Name attribute is displayed only for non-image files.


The attributes listed under this group are:
  • Format

  • Author

  • Compression

  • Color bit depth

  • Width

  • Height

  • Resolution - Horizontal

  • Resolution - Vertical

  • Photometric Interpretation

  • Bits per sample

  • Endorsement

  • Bar codes

  • MICR

  • Patch code

Note: The Image property group is displayed only for image files. The following attributes are displayed only for TIFF images: Author, Photometric Interpretation, and Bits per sample.

The Endorsement, Bar codes, MICR, and Patch code attributes are displayed only if they contain values.

Tiff Tags

Displays tag numbers and tag values. This property is displayed only for TIFF image files.

Click Copy to Clipboard in the File Information window to copy the entire set of file attributes to the Windows clipboard.

Find a Document

To find a document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field:
  1. You can either select the document in the batch pane and click Find document from the batch pane toolbar or right click the document and select Find Document from the context menu. A horizontal toolbar with the Find Document options is displayed in the batch pane above the metadata pane.
  2. Enter a value that you want to search in the Find field. The search is case-sensitive.
  3. In the Options drop-down list select one of the following options:
    • Blank Required Fields: To find blank fields that are mandatory to fill.

    • Use wildcards: To specify wildcard characters in the Find field. Use ? as a wildcard to match any single character. Use * as a wildcard to match zero, one, or more characters.

  4. To start the search, either press the ENTER key in the Find field or click Find Next or Find Previous. The search starts at the next metadata field after the current metadata field.
  5. The document on which the search value is found is displayed. If no documents are found, the message No documents found is displayed.
    You can optionally continue to search by clicking the Find Previous or Find Next icons. Click the Close Find Toolbar icon to close the Find toolbar.