18 Import Electronic Documents

You can import image documents, such as multiple page TIFF files, and non-image documents, such as Microsoft Word files, if allowed by the client profile.

When you import non-image documents, Content Capture uses the client profile setting, taking one of the following paths:
  • Converts the file to a multiple page image document, as if you had scanned it. In the document pane, a thumbnail is displayed for each image. You can select and edit individual pages (for example, move and rotate pages).
  • Imports the file and retains it in its native format. In the document pane, a thumbnail is displayed for each non-image page, up to a maximum number set in the client profile. You can index the document, but cannot edit its pages.
  • Prevents the file from being imported and displays an error message. If you select multiple non-image files for import and specify that one document is to be created for all import files, the Content Capture Client displays an error message indicating that the selection is invalid.

Each time you import, specify how documents should be created in the batch if multiple files are selected. That is, create one document for all import files or per import file. Multiple non-image files cannot be imported into one document.


You can also set up automatic capture of electronic documents from monitored file folders or email account. For information, see Set Up the File Import Agent.

Here are the main tasks you do when importing documents to the Content Capture Client:

  1. Set Up Import Source and Import Settings

  2. Import Documents

Set Up Import Source and Import Settings

To specify importing as the capture source:

  1. In the batch pane, click the right side of Capture Settings/Source, select Import Source, and then click Capture to begin importing files.
  2. In the Import Directory field, specify a location from which the files should be selected for import.
  3. To import files of a specific type, select the type in the File Type field.
  4. In the Rotation Settings field, select a rotation degree (0, 90, 180, or 270). Content Capture rotates images during import as specified.
  5. Select the Delete source files after import field to delete images from the import directory after they are successfully imported.
  6. Click OK to save the settings.

Import Documents

You can import image files (such as multi-page TIFFs) or non-image files (such as Microsoft Word or PDF files) into Content Capture. When importing non-image files, the selected client profile determines if the files should be converted in to image format, if they should be imported in their native format, or prevented from being imported.

Make sure the desired client profile is selected in the Content Capture Client.
To import documents:
  1. Do one of the following, as required:
    1. In the Content Capture Client, if needed, click the right side of Capture settings/Capture source and select Import Source to specify importing rather than scanning and click Capture.
    2. In a business application, click Import on a business record page.
  2. In the Import dialog, specify how to create documents (one document from multiple files or one document per file), and click OK.
  3. In the Select files to import dialog, select one or more files to import and click OK.

    A new batch containing the imported files is selected in the batch pane.

  4. Review, edit, and index documents as needed. Metadata fields may already contain values.
  5. To capture more batches, click Capture in the batch pane.
  6. Release batches by selecting one or more batches in the batch pane and clicking Release batch.