17 Scan Hardcopy Documents

In the Content Capture Client, you scan paper documents using a TWAIN-compliant device, or you import electronic files. You set your scan and import requirements in the client profile.

The Content Capture Client accommodates image and non-image documents. When you scan documents, it creates multiple page image documents. In the document pane, you can view and edit each page individually (for example, move and rotate pages). You can also verify where one document ends and the next begins. The selected client profile determines how documents are created and separated within a batch. You are prompted to either select a document creation option or allow Content Capture to automatically create one.

Here are the main tasks you do when scanning documents for processing with the Content Capture Client:

Set Up Scanner

Make sure the scanner is turned on. For some scanners, you must ensure that the scanner is powered on before turning on the computer.

To set up scanner:
  1. Determine the client profile to use. If needed, ask your procedure manager which client profile to use for batches to scan, based on their structure. You should know how the client profile creates documents within batches.
  2. Organize documents into batches for scanning, inserting separator sheets between documents if needed. For example, organize single-sided documents into a batch for use with a simplex client profile.
  3. To scan, you must have a TWAIN-compliant scanner available to your system. Click the right side of Capture Settings/Source in the batch pane (Ctrl+Alt+S).

    When you click the triangle, one or more capture sources are listed. A check mark displays next to the selected capture source, which may be a scanner or Import Source.

  4. If you have multiple scanner sources listed, select one to use. To import rather than scan, select Import Source.
  5. Because capture settings are saved with the client profile, you can configure different scanner settings for each client profile. Note that you can set additional scanner options under Preferences.
    1. If needed, select the scanner source to which you want to apply settings. Press Ctrl+Alt+S and choose a scanner.
    2. Click the left side of Capture Settings/Source in the batch pane (Ctrl+S).
    3. Select scanner settings. See the documentation provided with the scanner for more information. Note that settings relating to color and resolution may be disabled, depending on client profile settings.

Configure Scanning Preferences

In addition to scanner settings you configure using Capture Settings/Source, you can set additional scanning options under Preferences settings.

To configure scanning preferences:
  1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog, optionally select the Prompt user to continue scanning into current batch field.

    When selected, a message displays after the initial scan to check if you want to continue scanning into the current batch. This option allows you to pause to insert more paper into the automatic document feeder. It is also useful when scanning pages one at a time into a batch.

  3. If needed, select the Prevent File Mode Transfer field.

    File mode transfer, which instructs the TWAIN-compliant driver to write image files to disk rather than transfer them by memory buffer, is the preferred approach, as it significantly increases scanning performance. However, the file transfer mode can cause scanning issues with certain scanner drivers. If needed, select this field to turn off the file transfer mode.

  4. In the Logging section, select each option from the Logging Level drop-down list one-by-one and confirm that the details are appropriate in the log files. Each logging level option provides appropriate amount of details for the actions that take place in the Content Capture Client. Log files are written to the client's local user home directory.
  5. Optionally deselect the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning field to display the properties in the right pane.
  6. In the Minimum number of bytes scanned before deleting a page field, optionally specify how blank pages should be detected and deleted.

    In this field, set the number of bytes below which a page is considered blank and deleted. If this value is 0, the value configured in the client profile is used for blank page detection.

  7. Click Save.

Scan Documents

Before you begin scanning, make sure that the appropriate client profile is selected in the Content Capture application and that scanner is ready with the required settings and papers in the feeder tray.

To scan documents:
  1. Do one of the following:
    1. To scan documents using a scanner, select a client profile and then click Capture in the batch pane of the Content Capture Client window.
    2. To scan using a business application, in the application, click the provided icon or button to capture documents. Depending on client profile settings, Content Capture may immediately begin scanning, or you may be prompted to select files to import or begin scanning.
    3. To scan batches with documents divided by separator pages, insert blank sheets between documents, and click Capture. The profile must be set to either prompt you to choose a document creation option or to create documents with a variable number of pages.
  2. Depending on client profile settings, the Document Creation Options dialog may display after you click Capture, prompting you to specify how to create documents.
    1. Specify the contents of each document in the batch. You can choose:
      • One Page (Simplex): Select this option if all documents are single-sided.

      • Two Pages (Duplex): Select this option if all documents are double-sided.

      • Variable Number of Pages: Select this option if you are using separator sheets to define documents or if documents are neither all single-sided or all double-sided documents.

    2. Click OK.

      A batch is scanned and created based on the document creation option you chose.

      If you chose Variable Number of Pages but did not insert separator sheets, a single document is created. Use Create new document in the document pane to create document separations in the batch.

  3. Review, edit, and index documents as needed. Metadata fields may already contain values.
  4. To capture additional batches, click Capture in the batch pane.
  5. Release batches by selecting one or more batches in the Batch pane and clicking Release batch. Alternatively, you can right-click one or more batches in the Batch pane, select Release Batch, and then select one of the release process options configured for you. These options are also available if you select one or more documents in a batch in the Batch pane.