16 Understand the Content Capture Client Features

The Content Capture Client provides a single window with three distinct work areas or panes. In these panes, you work with batches, documents, attachments, and pages.

The Batch Pane

The batch pane in the upper left is fixed, while the other panes change, depending on your selection in the batch pane's tree. It lists your selection in the hierarchical list of batches and their documents.

Use the batch pane to select batches, documents, and attachments, and to perform actions on batches by clicking batch task bar icons above the tree. When you select a batch in the batch pane, batch information displays in the right pane to view or edit. For example, change the batch's status or priority, or include a note as a reminder or for others to view. The lock information displays below the batch information.


Press F1 to access Help topics on the Content Capture Client.
Task Batch Pane Icon Shortcut

Select a profile to apply its settings when scanning or importing batches.

A client profile must always be selected when creating, updating, or releasing batches.

Client profiles


Begin scanning or importing documents.



Change capture settings:

  • Click its left side (Capture Settings) to change settings for the selected scanner or for the import source.

  • Click the triangle on its right side (Capture Source) to select a scanner or the import source as the capture source.

Capture settings/Capture source

Ctrl+S (Settings)

Ctrl+Alt+S (Source)

Unlock one or more selected batches to synchronize their data with Oracle Content Management.

Release a batch after choosing a release process.

Either Unlock or Release will be visible to you. To switch between Unlock and Release, click the triangle next to one of these icons.


Release batch

F10 (Unlock/Release)

Ctrl+Alt+R (Select a Release Process)

Permanently remove one or more selected batches, including their documents and metadata.

Delete Batch


Specify search criteria for batches and filter the batch list.

You can search based on batch name, creation date, status, priority, or processing state.

Search batch


Perform asset lookup on a field.

Asset Lookup

Ctrl + L

Reload the list of batches to reflect recent batch changes.

Refresh batch list


Find a document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field.

Find document


Find the previous or next document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field.

Find previous or next document



The Document Pane

When you select a document or its attachment in the batch pane, all documents and their thumbnail images display in the document pane on the right side, and document options are available in the top toolbar. Use the document pane to review and edit selected documents. It displays details of the documents in the batch, including a scrollable thumbnail view of document pages:

  • The selected thumbnail page also displays as an adjacent full page view, allowing you to carefully review pages and further magnify them if needed. A dotted outline indicates the selected thumbnail.

  • A light-colored bar between pages identifies the end of one document and the start of the next.

  • You can drag and drop thumbnails from image documents to move pages within or between documents. But, you cannot move pages contained in non-image documents.

  • The tooltip on the thumbnail displays the page number for each page in a document.

Toolbar icons along the top of the pane allow you to make changes to documents or their pages. Note that a document must be selected to use keyboard shortcuts.

Task Document Pane Icon Shortcut

Capture a new document to a batch.

Capture document


Split a document using the current page and all pages below it, until the next document.

Split a document


Remove or delete the selected document.

  • Remove the selected document, adding its pages to the end of the previous document. (If the selected document is the first document in the batch, only an option to delete the document displays.) Note that removing a document also removes its metadata values.

  • Delete the selected document, including all of its pages, from the batch.

Remove/Delete document


Capture a new attachment to a document.

Capture attachment  

Split an attachment using the current page and all pages below it. This icon is available when page 2 or greater is selected in a document attachment.

Split an attachment to create new attachment


Delete the selected attachment and its pages from the batch.

Remove/delete attachment


Duplicate the selected document, page, or pages.

Duplicate document


Go to a specific page in the current document.

Go to page

  • Ctrl+G (for the text field)
  • Ctrl+P (go to the previous page)
  • Ctrl+N (go to the next page)

Go to the previous or next document.

  • CTRL+ALT+P (go to the previous document)
  • CTRL+ALT+N (go to the next document )

Insert pages before the selected page.

  • If scanning, prompts you to scan one page or all pages in the feeder.

  • If importing, prompts you to specify files to import.

Insert page


Previous or next document action

  Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N

Scan or import pages to add to the batch (append pages).

  • If scanning, prompts you to scan one page or all pages in the feeder.

  • If importing, prompts you to specify files to import.

Append pages


Delete the selected page or all the pages (including the selected page and the linked pages) and replace the page(s) with the page you scan or import. Or, delete one or more selected pages.

Delete pages

Replace page

Ctrl+D to delete one or more pages

View a non-image document/attachment in its native application.

View document in associated application


Copy metadata values from the selected document.

Copy metadata


Paste metadata values copied from another document into the current document.

  • Copying/pasting of metadata values is allowed only if the documents belong to the same batch.
  • Paste is supported only for a document whose document profile matches that of the source document.
  • You can paste the copied values into multiple documents.
  • You copy metadata values of a document into another document if both have the default document profile.

Paste metadata


Clear the metadata values for the selected document.

Clear metadata values


Increase and decrease the magnification level. Click repeatedly to further zoom in and zoom out.

Zoom in

Zoom out



Change the page display so that the entire page fits in the window.

Fit to window


Change the page display so that the entire height or width fits in the window.

Fit to height

Fit to width


Rotate the selected page to the left or right 90 degrees. The page is saved as last rotated (applies to images only).

Rotate left

Rotate right

Ctrl+R to rotate right

Rotate the selected page upside down 180 degrees. The page is saved as last rotated (applies to images only).



Print the selected page to the selected printer.

Print page


Display file information for the selected document.

File information


Switch the thumbnail display between a vertical and horizontal orientation.

View thumbnail horizontally


Display thumbnails using a small, medium, or large view.

Choose thumbnail size


The Metadata Pane

The lower left pane, the metadata pane, displays metadata fields for indexing documents. Use the metadata pane to index documents by completing their metadata values.

  • The metadata pane displays when the selected client profile includes indexing and a document is selected in either the batch or document pane.

  • Values you enter in the metadata fields apply to all pages in the selected document. To ensure standard input, metadata fields may use input masks or special formatting, numeric or date fields or choice lists. An asterisk indicates a required metadata field.

  • Metadata fields are constrained by their definition in the corresponding Capture procedure. For instance, numeric fields may be defined to have a minimum and/or maximum value, or text fields may have a maximum length. Additionally, metadata fields of type Path will be normalized, and the selected invalid character handler will be applied. For example, the value of C:\Sample\mylab\capture will be normalized to become: /Sample/mylab/capture. The normalization takes into consideration the invalid character handling approach selected when the metadata field was created. This includes blanking the value, replacing invalid characters with '_', or removing invalid characters from the value.
  • Use the Document Profile field to identify the set of metadata fields to complete for the selected document.

    For example, a batch of customer documents might contain correspondence and customer agreement document profiles. While indexing, you would select a Correspondence document profile each time you encounter a correspondence document and complete its fields, then select the Customer Agreement document profile each time you encounter an agreement document.

  • Use the Document Language drop-down list to choose a language which Capture will use to collect and set the language values when creating new Items and Assets in Oracle Content Management.

  • To move between metadata fields using keyboard shortcuts, press Tab to move to the next metadata field, and Shift-Tab to move to the previous metadata field.

  • Use the Attachment Type field to change the attachment type for a selected attachment. This field is not available for capture-only profiles.

The Batch Information Pane

Whenever you select a batch in the left batch pane, batch information displays in the right pane. In the batch information, you can add or edit notes about the batch and change its status or priority. You can also view the name of the user who created the batch and when it was created and last modified.

You can view the lock information for a batch below the batch information pane. Click Get Information to view the name of the user who has locked the batch and the workstation name.