Create Sites without Site Governance

To create a site (with site governance disabled), select a template, name the site, and you can start adding content right away.

Before you can create a site, your administrator must enable site creation and make templates available to you. If you don’t see the Create option on the Sites page or there aren't any templates available, contact your administrator. See Get Started with Sites and Understand Site Governance.

When you create a site, if the Create Site dialog pops up, governance isn't enabled; if you see the Add Details for Your Site page, governance is enabled. If site governance is enabled, see Create Sites with Site Governance.

If you are creating an enterprise site, which enables the use of assets and multilingual sites, you'll select a repository, localization policy, and default language during site creation. If a repository and localization policy aren't available, create them, or ask your content administrator to create them.

  1. Click Sites.
  2. Click Create.
  3. In the Create Site dialog, select a template to use as the basis for your site, then click Next. The list includes all the templates you created and any templates that others shared with you.
  4. Enter a name for the site. The name is used in the site URL. You can use letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The URL is case sensitive. If you enter a space, it's automatically replaced with a hyphen. Do not use the name of an existing site with different capitalization. For example, if a site exists called ABC, do not create another site called Abc. That can cause a name conflict.

    Don’t use the following names for templates, themes, components, sites, or site pages: authsite, content, pages, scstemplate_*, _comps, _components, _compsdelivery, _idcservice , _sitescloud, _sitesclouddelivery, _themes, _themesdelivery. Although you can use the following names for site pages, don’t use them for templates, themes, components, or sites: documents, sites.

  5. Enter an optional description for the site.
  6. Select whether this will be an enterprise site, using digital assets and enabling multilingual sites. If you aren't creating an enterprise site, you can skip to the last step.
  7. If desired, edit the default site prefix, which will be appended to content item slug values.
  8. Choose the repository used to manage the content for the site.
  9. Choose the localization policy used to determine which languages are required for the site.
  10. Select the default language for the site. You see only those languages that are required by the localization policy.
  11. When you’re ready, click Create. A progress bar shows the new site name and creation status. When the site is created, the name appears in the list of sites. Its initial status is offline.

    To quickly find your newly created site in the list, sort the list by Last Updated. The site you just created is at the top of the list.

    To open the site so you can work on it, select the site and click Open in the menu bar.

If you created an enterprise site, a corresponding site collection is created in the repository you selected. If you share the site with a user, the user has the same permissions on the associated collection.

After your site is created, you can share the site, change the security, and add and edit content. See Manage Sites and Site Settings and Edit Sites.