Create Sites with Site Governance

To create a site (with site governance enabled), select a template, name the site, submit your site request, then, after it's approved, add content.

Before you can create a site, your administrator must enable site creation and make templates available to you. If you don’t see the Create option on the Sites page or there aren't any templates available, contact your administrator. See Get Started with Sites and Understand Site Governance.

When you create a site, if you see the Add Details for Your Site page, governance is enabled; if the Create Site dialog pops up, governance isn't enabled. If site governance isn't enabled, see Create Sites without Site Governance.

  1. Click Sites.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Choose from Available Templates page, select the template for your site.
  4. On the Add Details for Your Site page, you see what approval is needed before the site is created and the minimum level of security required for the site. Enter the following information, and then click Finish.
    • Enter enter a name for the site. The name is used in the site URL. You can use letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The URL is case sensitive. If you enter a space, it's automatically replaced with a hyphen. Do not use the name of an existing site with different capitalization. For example, if a site exists called ABC, do not create another site called Abc. That can cause a name conflict.


      Don’t use the following names for templates, themes, components, sites, or site pages: authsite, content, pages, scstemplate_*, _comps, _components, _compsdelivery, _idcservice , _sitescloud, _sitesclouddelivery, _themes, _themesdelivery. Although you can use the following names for site pages, don’t use them for templates, themes, components, or sites: documents, sites.

    • Enter an optional description for the site.
    • Enter an optional justification for this site request. This will help the site administrator determine whether the request should be approved.
  5. Click Finish.

If the site request requires approval, the site will be created after the site administrator approves it. You can see your pending requests on the Sites page, by selecting Requests in the filter menu. If your request is denied, you should see a message as to why it was denied, so you can correct the issue and submit your request again.

If the site request is set to be automatically approved, the site is automatically created. A progress bar shows the new site name and creation status. When the site is created, the name appears in the list of sites, and its status is offline.

After your site is created, you can share the site, change the security, and add and edit content. See Manage Sites and Site Settings and Edit Sites.