Manage Sites and Site Settings

Site management includes creating and editing the site and managing the content used in the site. You use the Site Builder to create, copy, and delete site pages and page content. Use the folder and file manager to create, copy, share, and delete entire sites.

Use options on the action bar or right-click menu on the Sites page and in Site Builder to perform the following tasks.

Task Description
Filter sites view To filter the sites list, select one of the following options in the filter menu:
  • All - Shows all sites you have access to. If you're a site administrator and site governance is enabled, you have access to all sites in your environment.

  • Owned by You—Shows all sites you own.

  • Shared with You—Shows all sites that have been shared with you.

  • Online—Shows sites that are online (live).

  • Offline—Shows sites that are offline.

  • Requests (available only when site governance is enabled)—Shows pending site requests. If you're a site administrator, you see all site requests in your system, otherwise you see only those site requests you've submitted.

  • Trash—Shows deleted sites that are owned by you. If you are a site administrator and governance has been enabled, then it also shows all deleted sites.

Create a site

To create a site, click Create. When you create a site, you begin with a template. A template has everything you need to get started with your site, including the site code framework, a default site with sample pages and content, a theme with styling, resources such as images, and even custom components. See Create Sites.

You can see whether site governance is enabled by looking at the filter menu on the Sites page. If you see the Requests option, site governance is enabled. See Understand Site Governance.

View and manage site requests To view pending site requests (available only when site governance is enabled), in the filter menu, choose Requests. If you're a site administrator, you see all site requests in your system, otherwise you see only those site requests you've submitted. See Manage Site Requests.
Edit a site To edit the site, choose Open in the right-click menu or click Open icon in the actions bar. See Edit Sites.
Discuss or annotate a site You can discuss and annotate sites in Site Builder. Select a site and choose Open in the right-click menu or click Open icon in the actions bar. To discuss a site, click Sidebar icon to open the conversation panel. To annotate a site, click Add annotation icon. See Get to Know the Site Builder Page.
View a site To see what the site will look like when it's live (online), select a site and choose View in the right-click menu or click View icon in the actions bar.
Publish a site To publish a site, select it and choose Publish in the right-click menu or actions bar. See Publish Site Changes.
Republish If you’ve previously published a site, but an associated item or policy has change (for example, the associated localization policy has been updated to include more languages), you can Republish the site to refresh those changes. Select a site and choose Republish in the right-click menu or in the actions bar.
Unpublish If you’ve previously published a site and you want to remove the site files from the hosting location in Oracle Cloud, select a site and choose Unpublish in the right-click menu or in the actions bar. A site must be offline in order to unpublish it.

If your service administrator has enabeld a compilation service, compiling a site can speed up site delivery by generating and using static HTML files to render your site rather than rendering your site dynamically. You automate site compilation by enabling Compile site after publish on the Static Delivery tab of the site properties. If enabled, your site will render dynamically until compilation is finished and the static files will be served.

If you select a site that you’ve previously published and compiled and your site is set to Compile site after publish, a Compile option is available on the action bar. This allows you to compile a site without having to republish it. This is useful if you've added or republished a few assets that you would like to update in the compiled HTML without having to republish an entire site.

Bring a site online or take it offline The site must have been published before you can bring it online. To bring a site online or take it offline, select a site and choose Bring Online or Take Offline in the right-click menu. You can also click Offline icon in the site tile to bring a site online, or click Online icon in the site tile to bring a site offline. When a site is online, users can view it with a web browser at a designated address (URL). When a site is offline, the site isn’t available for public viewing; you can view the site only in Oracle Content Management. See Bring a Site Online or Take It Offline.
Rename a site

To rename a site, you must be the site owner or have the manager role for the site. If so, right-click it, and choose Rename in the right-click menu or click Rename icon in the actions bar. Enter a name for the site that’s different from any existing site name on the same server.

You can’t rename a site if it’s online. To take the site offline, you must be the site owner or have the manager role for the site.

Copy a site

You can copy a site to get a head start in building a site. Everything from the original site, including the theme, all outstanding updates, the pages, the page content, and all other assets such as images, are copied to the new site under the new name you provide. Your new site is offline and ready for editing.

Note: If site governance is enabled, the site might need to be approved before the copy is created.

If you are copying a site that uses content from multiple repositories, you need to do so using the Oracle Content Management Toolkit. See Develop with Oracle Content Management Toolkit and Use the cec Command-Line Utility.

Select the site you want to copy, and choose Copy in the right-click menu or click Copy icon in the actions bar. See Copy Sites.

Create a template from a site If you have a site that you want to use as a starting point for other sites, you can create a template from that site. Select the site, and choose Create Template in the right-click menu or click Create template from site icon in the actions bar. See Create a Site Template from a Site.


If you are creating a template from a site that uses content from multiple repositories, you need to do so using the Oracle Content Management Toolkit. See Develop with Oracle Content Management Toolkit and Use the cec Command-Line Utility.
Delete or restore a site

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can delete a site and its contents. When you delete a site, everything in the site folder, including all outstanding updates, site pages, page content, and assets such as images that you added to pages are put in the trash.

You can delete or restore a site if you created the site (you’re the site owner) or if someone shared a site with you and gave you the Contributor or Manager role.

You can’t delete a site if it’s online. To take the site offline, you must be the site owner or have the manager role for the site.

You also can't delete a site that has been published. You must first unpublish the content. If the site has content from multiple repositories, you need to unpublish associated content in each repository.

To delete a site, select it, and choose Delete from the right-click menu or click Delete icon in the actions bar. You’re prompted to move the site and all site updates to the trash. A deleted site stays in the trash until:
  • You restore the site.

  • You permanently delete the site.

  • Your trash quota is reached.

  • The trash is automatically emptied based on the interval set by your service administrator. The default value is 90 days.

To restore a site, in the Sites menu, choose Trash. Select the site from the list, and choose Restore.

Add members to a site

If your administrator enabled sharing, you can share your site with other Oracle Content Management users and allow them to view, modify, or manage the site in Oracle Content Management based on the permission you give them.

Anyone who can access your service is considered a member. When you share a site, you assign a role that defines what the member can or can’t do with your site. Members can only use your site according to the role you assign to them.

Select the site you want to share and choose Members from the right-click menu or on the actions bar to open the members panel. Once the members panel is open, click Add Members.

Enter one or more user names or email addresses, If your service administrator has enabled inclusion of external users, then you can choose to allow them access to the folder or not.

When adding an external user, enter the complete email address of the external user you are adding. Their full email address must be used each time you add them as a member. If there isn't already a user with that email address, Oracle Content Management will automatically provision a new external user. Once an external user has been invited and successfully provisioned, you can add them to other folders just as you would internal users.

Assign one of these roles:
  • Viewer: Viewers can view the site in the editor, but can’t change anything.

  • Downloader: For a site, the downloader role provides the same privileges as the viewer role and the user can create a new template from the site.

  • Contributor: Same as viewer, and can also edit the site, delete site pages, and delete the site if it’s offline.

  • Manager: Same as contributor, and can also add users and assign their roles, publish changes to an online site, and switch the site online and offline. The creator of a site (the owner) is automatically assigned the manager role.

    Note that external users can collaborate on objects to which they're given access, but they cannot be assigned the manager role. If they are a member of a group that is assigned a manager role, they will have only contributor rights. This safely limits their ability to create and remove content.


If you are sharing a site that has access to multiple repositories, only the default repository is shared. Any additional repository will need to be shared separately.

External users may not be a part of your organization, but can be added to a site, provided your service administrator allows it, their email address is registered with your service, and Allow external users folder access and membership is not disabled when adding members to the site. External users can collaborate on objects to which they're given access, but they cannot be assigned the manager role. This safely limits their ability to create and remove content. If they are a member of a group added to a site as a manager, any external users in the group will have only contributor rights.

Change site properties (description, logo, etc.) To quickly access files in a site's document folder, or to change the site description, add a logo, allow the site to be embedded, add a vanity URL, and view valuable information about a site, including the site URL, site owner, and other details, select the site and choose Properties from the right-click menu or on the actions bar. See Change the Site Description, Logo, or Properties.
Review site activity Select the site and choose Properties from the right-click menu or on the actions bar. then select the Activity tab to access logs of recent site activity.
Translate a site You can translate an enterprise site into multiple languages, if the associated repository allows for it, by exporting the site files, translating them, and then importing the translated files. See Translate a Site.
Set search engine properties In Site Builder, you can provide keywords and text to help search engines identify the content of the site. See Set Search Engine Properties
Customize site settings (favorite icons, controller files, etc.) In Site Builder, you can specify the site icons used with different browsers and platforms, or add a controller file to handle link behavior. See Customize Site Settings
Enable cobrowsing In Site Builder, you can enable the Oracle Cobrowse Cloud Service, a collaboration tool that lets you share screens or initiate a cobrowsing session with another person. For example, you may want to include this on an order form so a representative can view a customer’s screen while the customer is placing an order. See Enable Cobrowse Integration
Add analytics tracking to a site In Site Builder, you can add a snippet of JavaScript tracking code to a site for web analytics tracking, making it easier to integrate with external analytics providers like Google, Adobe, or Oracle Infinity. See Add Analytics Tracking.
Secure a live site

When you publish a site and make it available online, it’s publicly available to anyone. However, if you’re the site owner or have the manager role, you can restrict live sites to be available to registered users or a subset of users. To change the status of a site, you must be the site owner or have the manager role.

Select the site you want to secure and choose Properties from the right-click menu or on the actions bar, then click the Site Security tab. See Change Site Security.

Add a site redirect If the site URL changes, a redirect forwards one URL (source) to another URL (target). This helps to preserve user bookmarks and search engine rankings. See Add Site Redirects.