Custom Dashboards

If a business process has indicators (dimensions and measures), custom dashboards can capture and visualize data related to the indicators to track metrics, ratios, and trends that are important to the business.

Custom dashboards can be filtered by a number of different criteria, including when a business transaction started or ended, how long the business transaction took to complete, and which milestones have most recently been passed. There is no limit to the number of custom dashboards that you can create.

Insight provides the following chart types for custom dashboards:

Chart Type Description
Pie chart A pie chart is a circular chart where each sector represents the quantity of a dimension you select. The size of each sector is determined by the value of a measure you select, aggregated using a function you select (such as average, sum, count, or standard deviation).
Bar chart A bar chart is a two-dimensional chart, where the X-axis values are computed based on the values of a dimension you select. Each bar on the graph is optionally grouped by the value of a second dimension. The Y-axis values are computed based on values of a measure you select, aggregated using a function you select (such as average, sum, count, or standard deviation).

A bar chart is the only chart type that lets you group by two different dimensions. You can swap the dimensions used for the X-axis and its grouping to change how the bars are displayed in the chart.

Bubble chart A bubble chart is a three-dimensional chart, where each bubble groups values of a dimension you choose. The size of each bubble is determined based on values of a measure you select, aggregated using a function you select (such as average, sum, count, or standard deviation). A bubble’s location on the X- and Y- axes is determined based on values of measures you select, aggregated using a function you select (such as average, sum, count, and standard deviation).
Area chart An area chart is a two-dimensional chart that is a line chart, where the area between the axes and line is shaded to represent the range of measure values for each dimension. The X-axis values are computed based on the values of a dimension you select. The Y-axis values are computed based on values of a measure you select, aggregated using a function you select (such as average, sum, count, or standard deviation).
Line chart A line chart is a two-dimensional chart that is represented by a series of data points connected with a straight line. Line charts are most often used to visualize data that changes over time. The X-axis values are computed based on the values of a dimension you select. The Y-axis values are computed based on values of a measure you select, aggregated using a function you select (such as average, sum, count, or standard deviation).
Scatter chart

A scatter chart shows a single point for each point of data in a series without connecting them, showing patterns across hundreds of instances. The X-axis represents one measure, and the Y-axis represents another measure you select. Each point in the scatter chart is a combination of color and shape that represents a unique value of a dimension you select.

See Create Custom Dashboards and Work with Preconfigured and Custom Dashboards on the Console Page.