Add Micro Processes to Your Main Workflow

Learn how to add micro processes to the workflow of your main process.

Add a micro process to your structured process workflow

  1. On the Process Editor’s elements palette, expand the System elements.
  2. Drag and drop a Micro Process element into your process workflow.
  3. Implement the micro process element:
    1. Click the element and select Open Properties, General.
    2. Select a micro process link from the drop-down list. All the links that you’ve created within the application are listed here.
  4. Click Open Data Association and configure input and output data mappings for the micro process task.
  5. Click Save.


You can also use a process for which you have not created a link previously. Click Use Micro Process Use Micro Process icon next to the Micro Process field to display a list of deployed processes on your server. Select a process from the list, and click Link. Complete the properties settings and click Create. See Create a Micro Process Link. When you add a micro process in this way, a corresponding link is automatically created on the Processes tab of the Application Home page.

Add a micro process to your dynamic process canvas

To add a micro process activity in a dynamic process, see Create Activities.

To edit the activity's implementation details, see Specify Implementation Details for a Micro Process Activity.

Finally, perform the necessary data associations for the micro process activity.


  • You can call only message-based processes (Message Start and Message End) using the micro process element or activity. Additionally, you’ll need to ensure that the start and end events of the micro processes called are correctly configured, so that the data flow between processes is seamless.
  • In dynamic processes, you can call only asynchronous micro process links.
  • You can edit the authentication and other settings for a micro process link while activating the main process.