Model a Dynamic Process in Design Time

Within an application, you can create dynamic processes to model flexible and data-intensive business scenarios. For a dynamic process, knowledge workers or process participants can define the process flow in runtime by making real-time decisions and carrying out relevant tasks.

Use the following approach as a general guideline to model a dynamic process; however, you may choose to complete some of these steps in any order. Iteratively refine the dynamic process and its elements as you model them to suit your requirements.

  1. To begin with, create a dynamic process with the required details. See Create a Dynamic Process.

  2. Create process roles to define responsibilities. See Work with Roles in Designer.

  3. Within the process, create activities that make up the process. See Create Activities.

  4. You can choose to divide the process into several segments by creating stages and group activities into these stages. See Create Stages.

  5. Define input and output arguments for the process. See Define Process Input and Output.

  6. Define data objects to be used within the process. See Define Process Data Objects.

  7. Define properties for each stage and activity. See Define Stage Properties and Define Activity Properties.

  8. Finally, define conditions for process completion or termination. See Define Process Completion and Termination.