Add or Delete a Load Balancer Post-Provisioning

If you did not enable a load balancer when provisioning your Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance, you can optionally configure an existing load balancer or add a new load balancer at any time after provisioning. Subsequently, you can delete the load balancer.

The tasks of adding or deleting a load balancer post-provisioning are performed using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console Resource Manager.

Guidelines for adding or deleting a load balancer in a SOA cluster:

  • For a multinode cluster, it is recommended to always front-end nodes with a load balancer.
  • SOA Servers must be in running state.
  • When you configure an existing load balancer:
    • Do not add the load balancer using the Edit Stack option. Instead, follow the steps in Configure an Existing Load Balancer for a Provisioned Instance.
    • Once the load balancer is configured, any subsequent scale out or scale in operations to the Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance will NOT make necessary changes in the load balancer configuration. These changes include adjusting backend sets.
    • Any changes to the stack will NOT affect the load balancer accordingly. For example, deprovisioning the Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance does not delete the load balancer.
  • When you add a new load balancer:
    • Once the load balancer is added, any subsequent scale out or scale in operations to the Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance will make necessary changes in the load balancer configuration. These changes include adjusting backend sets.
    • Any changes to the stack will affect the load balancer accordingly. For example:
      • Deprovisioning the Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance deletes the load balancer.
      • Deselecting PROVISION LOAD BALANCER deletes the load balancer only.

The steps to add or delete a load balancer depend on whether you are using a new or existing subnet: