Adding Questions for Alert Types

When you create an Alert Type, you may want a user to answer questions about their actions before they indicate the Alert Type is complete. For example, you may ask if a certain process was followed when completing that reconciliation. Questions can be set to the Administrator, Assignee, Approver, Owner, or Viewer roles. This allows key details to be gathered from the user experiencing the issue.

You can specify various types of questions, such as Text, Number, or True/False, and indicate whether they are required. If a question is required, the user must respond or they cannot submit the reconciliation for approval. You can also order the questions by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Adding Questions

To add a question:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, then click Configuration and then click the Alert Types tab on the left.
  2. From the New or Edit dialog, select the Questions tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. For Question, enter text for the question, with a maximum of 4000 characters.
  5. From the Type list, select a question type:
    • Date

    • Date and Time

    • Integer

    • List

      Enter a list of valid responses to the question.

    • Multi-Line Text

      The maximum length should be less than 4,000 characters.

      Select Multi-Line Text, and then enter the Number of Lines, from 3 to 50 lines. Multi-Line Text determines how many lines of text are visible without scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes.

    • Number

      If you select Number, select number formatting options:

      • For Decimal Places, enter a value for the number of decimal places to display.

      • Select the Thousands Separator option if you want numbers to display a thousands separator (for example, 1,000.00)

      • From the Currency Symbol list, select a currency symbol, for example, Dollars ($).

      • From the Negative Number list, select how to display negative numbers, for example, (123).

      • From the Scale list, select a scale value for numbers, for example, 1000.

    • Text

    • True or False

    • User

    • Yes or No

  6. Click an Alert Type tab and continue entering information.