About Purging Data in Transaction Matching

There are multiple options for purging data in Transaction Matching.

Simple Purge

Matched transactions, with a Matched On date that is lesser than a specified Purge Age - Calculated Date, can be purged from the application. The Purge Age - Calculated Date is computed based on the Purge Age specified by the user. The necessary validations are performed before the purge operation. The purged transactions are permanently deleted from the application. Purging matched transactions helps keep the application efficient.

See Performing a Simple Purge in Transaction Matching.

Archive and Purge

Archiving matched transactions enables you to save matched transactions that are no longer required in the production system before they are purged. You specify an age and matched transactions that are equal to or greater than the specified age are archived. Archiving marks matched transactions in the application. The necessary validations are performed before the matched transactions are archived. The purge operation then purges all the marked transactions. If you don't want one or more marked transactions to be purged, you can later unmark these transactions.

It is recommended that you archive matched transactions before purging them.

See Archiving Matched Transactions in Transaction Matching and Purging Archived Transactions in Transaction Matching.