Message Types

The buttons on the Show group of the message templates ribbon can be used to switch between the different types of messages that are available, including administrator notifications, administrator email messages, and contact email messages.

Administrator Notifications—B2C Service can send automatic notifications to alert staff members of key events such as incident escalations, answer, task and opportunity assignments, mailing completions, and system errors. You can also send custom broadcast notifications containing short text messages from the Notifications component on the agent desktop. Staff members are alerted to new notifications through a toast and can view all their notifications from the Notifications component. When a notification is sent to staff members who are not logged in to B2C Service, a notification email is sent instructing them to log in to view the notification. See Notifications.

Tip: To send emails containing more information about the event that triggered a notification, you can select a detailed notification option from the Email Notifications menu on the Staff Accounts editor. See Add or Edit a Staff Account. Staff members can also set notification preferences in their personal settings, see Change Your Personal Settings.

Administrator Emails—Incident, opportunity, answer, and task information can be automatically emailed to staff members by business rules or forwarded manually. Contact, organization, and asset information can be forwarded manually. Staff members can also be sent automated account assistance emails if they have difficulty logging in.

Contact Emails—Customers can receive a broad range of email messages supporting their activities on your site, such as incident receipts and responses, answer and community update subscriptions, and account assistance requests.