Links and Dynamic Content Elements

B2C Service contains an HTML editor for creating dynamic content in messages. When you edit a message, you can use word processing functions to create HTML, as well as dynamic content, such as case sections, conditional sections, or incident threads.

You can add several types of links and dynamic content to your content. Links appear as clickable text when the document is used in a message. When a link is added, you have the option of defining certain attributes depending on the type of link. Links and dynamic content elements are found in the toolbox.

Note: The tools that display on the HTML editor are context sensitive and are the logical tools you would use for the specific message you are customizing. Links and dynamic content that were designed with message templates in mind are described in the following table. For a complete list of links, including those not listed in the following table, see the Toolbox Section table in How You Add HTML in Design Mode.

Links and Dynamic Content Elements

Button Description


Buttons in this section are used to insert the available context-sensitive links in your message content.

Account Assistance Link

Inserts a link to the Account Assistance page on your customer portal where customers can request an email containing either their user name or a link to a page for resetting their password. See Insert an Account Assistance Link.

Agent Browser UI Incident Link

Inserts a link to the incident that triggered the sent message so that agents can access the incident from the Agent Browser User Interface. See Insert an Agent Browser UI Incident Link.

Answer Link

Inserts a link to any answer you specify. See Insert an Answer Link.

Customer Portal Incident Link

Inserts a link to the incident that triggered the sent message. For example, the standard Question Receipt email sends a confirmation message after a customer submits a question through the Ask a Question page, an email, or a chat session. By adding a Customer Portal Incident Link to your Question Receipt message template, you can provide your customers with easy access to the incident created from their question. See Insert a Customer Portal Incident Link.

Incident Link

Inserts a link to any incident you specify in the message. See Insert an Incident Link.

Profile Link

Inserts a link to the Account Settings page on your customer portal where customers can change their user name and update their profile information. See Insert a Profile Link.

Proof Comments Link

Inserts a link to a web page where the recipient can give feedback about the survey they have been asked to proofread. See Insert a Proof Comments Link.

Proof Survey Link

Inserts a link to the survey you want your proofreaders to review. See Insert a Proof Survey Link.

This link is included, by default, on the Survey Proof message template.

Setup Password

Inserts a link to the Finish Account Creation page on your customer portal. See Insert a Setup Password Link.

Survey Link

Inserts a link to a survey. See Insert a Survey Link.

Survey Results Link

Inserts a link to a web page that shows the survey responses. Insert a Survey Results Link.

This link is included, by default, on the Survey Notification message template.

This Answer Link

Inserts a link to the incident that triggered the sent message. See Insert a This Answer Link.

This Discussion Link

Inserts a link to the email discussion that triggered the sent message. See Insert a This Discussion Link.

Unsubscribe All Answers Link

This button inserts a link that lets contacts who receive answer notifications unsubscribe from future communications. See Insert an Unsubscribe All Answers Link.

Unsubscribe This Answer Link

Inserts an unsubscribe link to a specific answer that’s been returned as the result of a repeatable answer section. See Insert a This Answer Link.

View Subscriptions Link

Inserts a link customers can use to update the list of notifications they are subscribed to. See Insert a View Subscriptions Link.

Dynamic Content

Buttons in this section are used to insert dynamic content in your message content.

Attached File List

Inserts a list of file attachment links that display as long as attachments have been added to the record the template is referencing. See Print Templates.

This button is available only for print templates.

Answer Section

Click this button to add any repeatable answer details on your answer update notification messages. See Insert an Answer Section.

Case Section

Click this button to add a case section to your conditional text. See Insert a Case Section.

Conditional Section

Inserts a conditional section that you can define to filter content by contact, profile, runtime variable, or record type. For example, you could add a conditional section that displays a coupon based on the product specified in the incident. See Insert a Conditional Section.

Incident Thread

Inserts an incident thread that displays all communication between the parties associated with the incident. See Insert an Incident Thread.

Merge Field

Inserts a merge field. See Insert a Text Merge Field.

Merge Report

Inserts a merge report. See Merge a Report into Content.