Insert an Incident Thread

Use incident threads to display all communication related to an incident in your HTML content.

  1. Click Incident Thread in the Dynamic Content section of the Toolbox.
    An incident thread opens on the content pane.
  2. To edit the thread properties, double-click the incident thread.
    The Thread Properties window opens.

    Thread properties display by incident thread type. In Outreach and Feedback, all thread types, except for the Private Note thread type, are selected by default. In message templates, whether or not the Private Note check box is selected by default depends on the message type. For example, message templates that are designed for agents will have the Private Note check box selected by default. However, on message templates that are designed for customers, the check box will be cleared.

  3. To define the types of threads that display in your content, clear or select the check boxes in the Thread Type section.
    Note: Because thread types are specific to the type of thread, you may need to edit several (or all) thread types depending on which B2C Service products your organization uses.

    Thread Type Definitions

    Thread Type Description

    Customer Entry

    Select this check box to display threads submitted by the customer.

    This option maps to both the Customer and Voice Integration incident thread type IDs in the threads.entry_type field.


    Select this check box to display threads for incident responses submitted from the Response option on the incident workspace.

    This option maps to the Response incident thread type ID in the threads.entry_type field.

    Customer Proxy

    Select this check box to display threads for incidents submitted by an agent on behalf of the customer from the incident workspace.

    This option maps to the customer proxy incident thread type ID in the threads.entry_type field.

    Chat Transcript

    Select this check box to display incident threads created from a chat session.

    This option maps to the Chat Transcript incident thread type ID in the threads.entry_type field.

    Auto Response

    Select this check box to display responses that are automatically added to the thread from a business rule.

    This option maps to the Auto Response incident thread type ID in the threads.entry_type field.

    Private Note

    Select this check box to display threads added as private notes on the incident workspace or threads added through business rules to the Notes thread.

    This option maps to both the Note and Rule Response Template incident thread type IDs in the threads.entry_type field.

  4. To apply formatting styles for your thread content and headings, click the link on the Thread Properties window that is specific to the type of thread you want to edit. For example, clicking the Response link opens the Response Thread Type window.
  5. Enter field information.

    Thread Type Window

    Field/Option Description
    Thread Properties Enter information in this section to define how the content and heading of your incident thread will display.

    Thread properties apply to the entire thread entry. Thread properties are not available when using the text editor. See Create Text Content in Documents.

    Content Style

    Enter any HTML style and class attributes you want the content of your entire incident thread to display.

    By default, font-size: 12pt; border: 1px solid #BBB.

    Heading Style

    Enter any HTML style and class attributes you want the heading of your entire incident thread to display.

    By default, font-size: 12pt; border: 1px solid #CCC: background-color: #EOEAD8.

    Dynamic Thread Content This section is used to define the placement of your content and in which thread entries to include the content. It applies only to the content displayed in the email message.

    The options in this section apply only to the specific thread type.

    Content Placement

    The options in this drop-down list define the placement of your content—either Before Thread Entry, which is selected by default, or After Thread Entry.


    The options in this drop-down list define where in the incident thread your content displays. Options include the following.
    • Most Recent Entry—Displays your content in only the most recent thread of this type. (Default)

    • All Entries—Displays your content in every thread of this type.

    • All Entries Except Most Recent—Displays your content in every thread of this type except the most recent one.

  6. Define the content to include in addition to your incident thread using the HTML editor on the Thread Type window. See How the HTML Editor Works.
  7. Click OK to save your content and close the window.
    The Thread Properties window remains open.
  8. Repeat steps 4 to 7 for each thread type your system uses.
  9. To change the thread order to display the oldest threads first, select Oldest to Newest in the Thread Order drop-down list in the Display section of the Thread Properties window. By default, the most recent threads display.
  10. To limit the number of threads that display, select Limit Thread Count in the Display section of the Thread Properties window.

    The Limit Thread Count check box is available only if the thread order is set to Newest to Oldest.

    1. Enter the number of threads you want to display (up to 99) in the field next to the Limit Thread Count check box.
  11. To truncate the text that displays within each thread (for all thread types), select Limit Text To in the Display section of the Thread Properties window.

    The Use Ellipsis check box is available only if the Limit Text To check box is selected.

    1. Enter the number of characters you want to display in the field next to the Limit Text To check box.
    2. Select the Use Ellipsis check box to display an ellipsis (...) at the end of the truncated characters if the text exceeds the set character limit.
  12. Click OK to close the Thread Properties window.
    Tip: You may want to consider showing conditional content based on the number of threads that are included within the sent message. See Define Conditional Content Based on Message Thread Count.
  13. Add any other links or dynamic content you need to customize your message using the hyperlinks, buttons, dynamic content, and other features available on the HTML editor of the message template.


If an incident is triggered, all communication regarding the incident displays in your message.