Open a Report in the Report Management Component

You can open the Report Management component from your navigation pane.

  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane and then double-click Report Management.
  2. Open the folder containing the report you want to run.

    Report Management Reports

    Folder Description


    The reports in this folder display the scheduled reports that are being sent, helping administrators better manage receipt of scheduled reports. Depending on the report you select, you can search by individual email addresses, email subject lines, or report names. See Schedule a Report.


    The report in this folder displays the workspaces that use a particular report, helping administrators understand the impact of changing or deleting a report. See Overview of Workspaces.

    Navigation Sets

    The reports in this folder display the reports included in specified navigation sets or the navigation sets that include the specified reports. This helps administrators determine if a report can be deleted or modified. See Overview of Navigation Sets.


    The reports in this folder help administrators find reports that may require excessive processing to run, including reports that have no filters and reports that are automatically deferred due to processing time. These reports can then be modified to reduce the processing time or restricted to those staff members who understand the impact of running them.


    The reports in this folder are used to find reports that contain certain descriptions, custom scripts, column headings or column descriptions, and references to particular tables or columns in the database.

    We recommend using the Reports by Database Reference report to find reports that query a particular database field, such as when you want to delete a system attribute and need to know which reports use the field.


    The report in this folder returns the report descriptions for the reports you specify, allowing you to easily create a catalog of reports that can be used to understand the available public reports. See Create a List of Reports.


    The reports in this folder show you reports that are used in dashboards or in report links. See Overview of Dashboards and Overview of Linked Reports.

  3. Double-click the report you want to run.

    Search options vary depending on the report you run. Some reports have required filters (the filter names display in red with an asterisk), while other filters do not require you to select values for them. You can also specify limit, paging, and sorting options, and change the layout of the search window.

    The Search window opens where you can select options to filter and sort the report’s output. Any required filters are indicated by red text. You can also use paging options to specify how many records you want to display per page.
  4. Select the filter options you want and click Search. The report output displays.

    As with other reports you run, you can sort the output, print and export the report, and apply slicing and other options. You can also run the report again, selecting different search criteria in the docked filters shown above the report output.