B2C Analytics playbook

Oracle Unity analytics widgets have multiple metrics for calculating analytics data. These widgets need to bring in data for the metrics from various data objects and attributes in the Oracle Unity data model. To properly display data for these widgets and metrics, you need to map out how to link your organization's customer data to Oracle Unity data model objects and attributes. This document explains how the data needs to be mapped.

Note: The campaign data used for creating the widgets is imported from Oracle Responsys.

Once the data is properly configured, it will be displayed in the following pages: Home page, One time campaigns, Recurring campaigns, Campaign analysis.

To learn more about importing data into Oracle Unity, refer to the following:

Subtype attribute

The Order Item data object uses the Subtype attribute to identify the status of an order.

There are four attribute values for Subtype:

  • Demand (an order was placed but not shipped),
  • Shipped (item was sent to customer),
  • Canceled (order was canceled before it was shipped),
  • Returned (order was received then canceled).

To correctly configure the data for this attribute, every change in order status needs to generate a new record and not override an older order status record. For example, for every Returned value, there will also have to be a record for Demand and Shipped.

Medium, Target, and Type attributes

Email is a ready-to-use attribute value for the Medium and Target attributes.

The Type attribute has the following ready-to-use attribute values:

  • Sent
  • Opened
  • Clicked
  • Bounced
  • Subscribed
  • Unsubscribed
  • Spam

Key metrics widget

The Key metrics widget displays important customer metrics to your organization and allows you to assess the current state of your customer base.

To display six time periods in the widget, at least six months of historical data needs to be imported into Oracle Unity.

Data requirements

You can select to map out any of the following metrics so that they appear in the widget.

Metric Data object Attributes Attribute values Calculation
Average order value Order Item Subtype
Extended price
Shipped for Subtype
Total amount for Extended price
Sum of Total amount/Sum of Shipped values
The count is calculated at the order level, although it checks subtype at order item level.
Bounce rate (email) Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Bounced and Sent for Type
Bounced/Sent x 100
Click rate (email) Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Clicked and Sent for Type
Clicked/Sent x 100
Click to open rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Opened and Clicked for Type
Clicked/Opened x 100
Engaged customers Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Opened, Clicked, Subscribed, and Unsubscribed for Type
You can create custom events with custom attribute values for your remaining marketing channels
Sum of customers that have at least one engagement attribute value
Open rate (email) Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent and Opened for Type
Opened/Sent x 100
Opted in Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Subscribed for Type
You can create custom events with custom attribute values for your remaining marketing channels
Sum of Subscribed values
Opted out Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Unsubscribed for Type
You can create custom events with custom attribute values for your remaining marketing channels
Sum of Unsubscribed values
Purchasers Order Item Subtype Demand and Shipped Sum of customers that have both Demand and Shipped values for at least one order
Revenue Organization
Order Item
Type for Organization
Extended Price and Subtype for Order Item
Online and In-store for Type
Shipped and Returned for Subtype
Total amount for Extended Price
Sum of Total amount values with Shipped and Returned attribute values
Returners Order Item Subtype Returned Calculated as COUNT_DISTINCT(ReturnerCount) from CR_OrderCube
ReturnerCount is derived as customerId when total_return_count > 0
total_return_count is derived as a metric from total_return_count from CA_OrderItem cube
total_return_count metric in the cube is calculated as COUNT_DISTINCT(return_orderid)
return_orderid is OrderItem.orderid when OrderItem.SubType = Returned
Returns Order Item Subtype Returned Derived from total_return_count from MasterCustomer
total_return_count is derived as a metric from total_return_count from CA_OrderItem cube
total_return_count metric in the cube is calculated as COUNT_DISTINCT(return_orderid)
return_orderid is OrderItem.orderid when OrderItem.SubType = Returned
Targeted customers Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent for Type
Sum of Sent values
Total orders Order Item Subtype Shipped, Returned, and Canceled Sum of Shipped, Returned, and Canceled values
The count is calculated at the order level, although it checks subtype at order item level.
Web visitors Event Cookie Values that are not Null Sum of not Null values


One time campaigns data (widget, performance page, and campaign analysis)

One time campaigns data is available in the following areas: the One time campaigns widget on the Analytics dashboard, the One time campaigns page, and the Campaign analysis page.

One time campaigns widget

The One time campaigns widget displays the performance of the 10 most recent one time campaigns that occurred in the past 90 days.

A one-time campaign is a campaign that is created for a specific marketing event, and all sent events are sent within seven days of the campaign launch date. The launch date is determined by the date the first event was sent.

The One time campaigns widget has the following metrics:

  • Average order value

  • Click rate

  • Conversion rate

  • Customer count

  • Open rate

  • Revenue

One time campaigns performance page

The One time campaigns page gives a more expansive look at metrics for each one time campaign.

The One time campaigns page has the following metrics

  • Average order value

  • Bounce rate

  • Channel

  • Click rate

  • Click -to-open rate

  • Conversion rate

  • Customer count

  • Open rate

  • Revenue

Campaign analysis page

The Campaign analysis page allows you to investigate problematic campaigns, identify the groups of contacts that are responsible for the poor performance, and re-target the problematic contacts.

The Campaign analysis page has the following metrics:

  • Average order value

  • Click rate

  • Click to open rate

  • Conversion rate

  • Open rate

One time campaign metrics

Review the requirements for one time campaign metrics.

Metric Data object Attributes Attribute values Calculation
Average order value Order Item Subtype
Extended price
Shipped for Subtype
Total amount for Extended price
Sum of Total amount/Sum of Shipped values
Click rate (email) Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Clicked and Sent for Type
Clicked/Sent x 100
Click to open rate (email) Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Opened and Clicked for Type
Clicked/Opened x 100
Conversion rate (email) Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent, Clicked, and Sent for Type
Calculated as

forConversionCount is defined as customerid when OrderTotal > 0
forTargetedCount is defined as customerid when Type is Sent
Customer count Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent for Type
Sum of Sent values
Open rate (email) Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent and Opened for Type
Opened/Sent x 100
Revenue Event Medium
Order Total
Email for Medium and Target
Sent for Type
Sum of Order Total values for Email event records

Recurring campaigns data (widget and performance page)

Recurring campaigns data is available in the following areas: the Recurring campaigns widget on the Analytics dashboard and the Recurring campaigns page.

Recurring campaigns widget

The Recurring campaigns widget displays the performance of active recurring campaigns, which are campaigns that have had triggered events in the time period selected and also the time period prior to that triggered event. The launch date is determined by the date the first event was sent.

A recurring campaign is a campaign whose marketing messages are sent based on triggers of a customer's behavior or their profile.

The Recurring campaigns widget has the following metrics:

  • Bounce rate

  • Click rate

  • Click-to-open rate

  • Open rate

Recurring campaigns page

The Recurring campaigns page gives a more expansive look at metrics for each active recurring campaign.

The Recurring campaigns page has the following metrics:

  • Bounce rate

  • Click rate

  • Click-to-open rate

  • Open rate

Recurring campaigns metrics

Review the requirements for recurring campaign metrics.

Metric Data object Attributes Attribute values Calculation
Bounce rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Bounced and Sent for Type
Bounced/Sent x 100
Click rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Clicked and Sent for Type
Clicked/Sent x 100
Click to open rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Opened and Clicked for Type
Clicked/Opened x 100
Open rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent and Opened for Type
Opened/Sent x 100

Engagement by channel widget

The Engagement by channel widget displays a breakdown of how your customers engaged with your organization's marketing channels. The widget displays the percentage of customers whose "initial touchpoint" of their engagement were exclusively in a single channel versus customers who engaged on multiple channels within the aggregated time period selected. Examples of channels to include in the widget include email, web, store, direct, and mobile.

Data requirements

There is only one metric available to display in the widget.

Metric Data object Attributes Attribute values Calculation
Engagement by channel percentages Event Medium
Set custom attribute values for your engagement channel names. For example, Email, Web, Store, Direct, and Mobile. Sum of customers that engage with a channel/Total customer count x 100

In-store vs online widget

The In-store vs online widget widget displays a comparison of trends between in-store and online transaction data for revenue and orders.

This widget uses two data objects: Organization and Order Item. The Order Item data object has a relationship with the Organization data object and they are both linked through the SourceOrganizationID attribute. Make sure that the SourceOrganization attribute in the Order Item data object has up-to-date records so that the data between the two data objects is properly linked.

Data requirements

This widget displays comparisons of the Orders or Revenue metrics.

Metric Data objects Attributes Attribute values Calculation
Orders Organization
Order Item
Type for Organization
Subtype for Order Item
Online and In-store for Type
Shipped or Demand for Subtype
Sum of Shipped or Demand values
Revenue Organization
Order Item
Type for Organization
Extended Price and Subtype for Order Item
Online and In-store for Type
Shipped and Returned for Subtype
Total amount for Extended Price
Sum of Total amount values with Shipped and Returned attribute values

Comparative Trends widget

The Comparative trends widget widget displays trends of up to four metrics over time. The graph in the widget displays the percentage change of the metric compared to the previous time period.

For the Revenue metric, two data objects are needed: Organization and Order Item. The Order Item data object has a relationship with the Organization data object and they are both linked through the SourceOrganizationID attribute. Make sure that the SourceOrganization attribute in the Order Item data object has up-to-date records so that the data between the two data objects is properly linked.

Metric Data objects Attributes Attribute values Calculation
Average order value Order Item Subtype
Extended price
Shipped for Subtype
Total amount for Extended price
Sum of Total amount/Sum of Shipped values
Click rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Clicked and Sent for Type
Clicked/Sent x 100
Click to open rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Opened and Clicked for Type
Clicked/Opened x 100
Engaged customers Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Opened, Clicked, Subscribed, and Unsubscribed for Type
You can create custom events with custom attribute values for your remaining marketing channels
Sum of customers that have at least one engagement attribute value
Open rate Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent and Opened for Type
Opened/Sent x 100
Orders Organization
Order Item
Type for Organization
Subtype for Order Item
Online and In-store for Type
Shipped or Demand for Subtype
Sum of Shipped or Demand values
Purchasers Order Item Subtype Demand and Shipped Sum of customers that have both Demand and Shipped values for at least one order
Revenue Organization
Order Item
Type for Organization
Extended Price and Subtype for Order Item
Online and In-store for Type
Shipped and Returned for Subtype
Total amount for Extended Price
Sum of Total amount values with Shipped and Returned attribute values
Targeted customers Event Medium
Email for Medium and Target
Sent for Type
Sum of Sent values
Web visitors Event Cookie Values that are not Null Sum of not Null values

Top Products widget

The Top products widget widget displays information on the top-performing products based on the metric and time period selected.

For the Revenue metric, two data objects are needed: Organization and Order Item. The Order Item data object has a relationship with the Organization data object and they are both linked through the SourceOrganizationID attribute. Make sure that the SourceOrganization attribute in the Order Item data object has up-to-date records so that the data between the two data objects is properly linked.

Metric Data objects Attributes Attribute values Calculation
Average order value Order Item Subtype
Extended price
Shipped for Subtype
Total amount for Extended price
Sum of Total amount/Sum of Shipped values
Orders Organization
Order Item
Type for Organization
Subtype for Order Item
Online and In-store for Type
Shipped or Demand for Subtype
Sum of Shipped or Demand values
Revenue Organization
Order Item
Type for Organization
Extended Price and Subtype for Order Item
Online and In-store for Type
Shipped and Returned for Subtype
Total amount for Extended Price
Sum of Total amount values with Shipped and Returned attribute values
Returns Order Item Subtype Returned Derived from total_return_count from MasterCustomer
total_return_count is derived as a metric from total_return_count from CA_OrderItem cube
total_return_count metric in the cube is calculated as COUNT_DISTINCT(return_orderid)
return_orderid is OrderItem.orderid when OrderItem.SubType = Returned

Learn more

B2C Dashboard widgets

B2C Dashboard metrics

B2C Campaign performance

Analyzing B2C campaigns

analytics, metrics, open rate, click rate, click to open rate, bounce rate, targeted customers, revenue, customer count, orders, engagement by channel, widget, analytics widget, adding a widget, moving a widget, deleting a widget, removing a widget, how to add a widget, how to move a widget, how to delete a widget, how to remove a widget, multi-channel engagement