Ready-to-use intelligent attributes

Oracle Unity comes with a set of ready-to-use intelligent attributes. If needed, you can manage these attributes. To view how attribute values are created in JSON from the Intelligent attributes page, click View formula for the attribute.

List of ready-to-use intelligent attributes

Review the set of ready-to-use intelligent attributes.

Attribute name Data object Status How attribute values are created
Age Group Customer Active Attribute is based on banded values for Age
Average Order Value Order Item Active total_spent/total_purchase_count
Average Purchased Item Value Order Item Active Attribute is based on banded values for Average Order Value
Click Rate Event Inactive total_click_messageID/total_sent_messageID
Days Since Last Clicked Event Inactive datediff( current_date, last_click_event)
Days Since Last Email Click Event Inactive days_since_last_clicked_event
Days Since Last Email Open Event Inactive Attribute is based on banded values for days_since_last_opened_event
Days Since Last Opened Event Event Inactive datediff( current_date, last_open_event)
Days Since Last Order Order Item Active Attribute is based on banded values for days_since_last_purchase
Days Since Last Purchase Order Item Active datediff(current_date , last_purchase_date)
Days Since Last Sent Event Event Inactive max(sent_eventDate)
Email Click Rate Event Inactive total_email_clicked_messageID/total_email_sent_messageID
Email Open Rate Event Inactive total_email_opened_messageID/total_email_sent_messageID
First Purchase Date Order Item Active MIN(purchase_date)
Purchase means orders with subtype = 'shipped'
Last Bounced Event Date Event Inactive max(bounced_eventDate)
Last Clicked Event Date Event Inactive datediff( current_date, last_click_event)
Last Email Opened Event Date Event Inactive Attribute is based on banded values for days_since_last_opened_event
Last Opened Event Date Event Inactive max(opened_eventDate)
Last Purchase Date Order Item Active MAX(purchase_date)
Last Push Opened Event Date Event Inactive Attribute is based on banded values for last_push_opened_eventdate
Last Sent Event Date Event Inactive max(sent_eventDate)
Last SMS Opened Event Date Event Inactive Attribute is based on banded values for last_sms_opened_eventdate
Life Time Value Order Item Active Attribute provides banded values
Months Since Last Clicked Event Event Inactive months_between( current_date, last_clicked_event)
Months Since Last Delivered Event Event Inactive months_between( current_date, last_delivered_event)
Months Since Last Opened Event Event Inactive months_between( current_date, last_open_event)
Months Since Last Purchase Order Item Active months_between(current_date , last_purchase_date)
Most Popular Day Order Item Active dayofweek is derived column in DSV
Most Popular Hour Order Item Inactive orderHour
Most Popular Month Order Item Active orderMonth
Most Popular Response Day Event Inactive Most popular day of open events
Most Popular Response Hour Event Inactive Most popular hour of open events
Numbers of Orders Event Active total_order_count
Open Rate Event Inactive total_opened_messageID/total_sent_messageID
Push Click Rate Event Inactive total_push_clicked_messageID/total_push_sent_messageID
Push Open Rate Event Inactive total_push_opened_messageID/total_push_sent_messageID
SMS Click Rate Event Inactive total_sms_clicked_messageID/total_sms_sent_messageID
SMS Open Rate Event Inactive total_sms_opened_messageID/total_sms_sent_messageID
Top Product Order Item Active top_product
Top Product Category Order Item Active top_product_category
Total Clicked Count Event Inactive count(distinct click_messageid)
Total Delivered Count Event Inactive count(distinct Delivered_messageid)
Total Email Clicks Event Inactive Attribute is based on banded values for total_clicked_count
Total Email Opens Event Inactive Attribute is based on banded values for total_opened_count
Total Email Sends Event Inactive Attribute is based on banded values for total_delivered_count
Total Opened Count Event Inactive count(distinct opened_messageid)
Total Order Count Order Item Active count(distinct demand_orderid)
Total Purchase Count Order Item Active count(distinct purchase_orderid)
count(distinct orderid) where subtype = 'shipped'
Total Return Count Order Item Active count( distinct return_orderid)
count(distinct orderid) where subtype = 'return' OR 'cancel'
Total Returns Amount Order Item Active sum(return_extendedprice)
sum(extendedprice) where subtype = 'return'
Total Spent Amount Order Item Active sum(Spent_ExtendedPrice)

Use cases for ready-to-use intelligent attributes

Review the following use cases for using ready-to-use intelligent attributes.

Use case Description Segment criteria Category Intelligent attribute
Use case one You want to create a segment of customers that are in a specific age range so that you can target them with age-suitable products. Customers between the ages of 35 and 44 Customer profile Customer age group
Use case two You want to create a segment of customers that are in the market for apparel because you want to run a winter apparel campaign. The most frequently purchased product category for the customer is apparel Purchase behavior Most frequently purchased product category
Use case three You want to create a segment of customers that have ordered a specific amount of products recently because you want to target active customers. The average order value of the customer over the past 90 days is over $50. Purchase behavior Average order value (AOV) with a lookback window of 90 days
Use case four You want to create a segment of high-value customers because you assume you will have a high chance of success with those customers. The lifetime value of the customer is high Purchase behavior Lifetime value (LTV) with bands so that you can select the High band
Use case five You want to create a segment of recent actively engaged customers because you assume you have a high chance of converting them. The customer's recency score for email click is high Engagement Email click recency (an objective score to evaluate how recent a customer opens their email)

Learn more

Master entities

Deduplication rules

Promotion rules

intelligent attributes, what is an intelligent attribute, what are intelligent attributes, data schema, data model