Deduplication rules

Deduplication is a task to match and link duplicate customer records. This task is a part of ID resolution.

When deduplication is complete, Oracle Unity ensures that multiple records belonging to the same person are linked to one master record and don't count as more than one person.

Example: Your customer records have a "John Smith" and a "Jonathan Smith" with matching emails, home address, and zip code. Oracle Unity will run deduplication and identify that these two records belong to the same person. This allows Oracle Unity to create and maintain a master list of customers for your organization.

You can review all the Deduplication rules for Master entity data objects from the Master entities page.

Next steps

Viewing deduplication rules

Editing deduplication rules

Learn more

Master entities

Promotion rules

Intelligent attributes

Creating master entities

Viewing promotion rules

Managing promotion rules

master entity, master entities, what is a master entity, data schema, data model, deduplication rules, what is a deduplication rule, what is deduplication"