Intelligent attributes

Intelligent attributes allow you to simplify the calculation of aggregated values for your customer and account data. For example, to calculate the average return value for a customer, you'll need to consider the historic purchase total each time any new event and new transaction for this customer occurs. By using an intelligent attribute to calculate this value, the attribute would update automatically when there is a new purchase and transaction event for a particular customer, simplifying the way the value is calculated.

You can then leverage intelligent attribute data for Segmentation and Analytics.

Important notes about intelligent attributes

  • You can't access historical values for ready-to-use intelligent attributes. For example, you can't view the change in a customer's average order value over the past three months.

  • Values for intelligent attributes are calculated every time the identity resolution job runs. You can't configure an automatic refresh of values.

  • We recommend setting the status to Active only for intelligent attributes that are needed. The number of active intelligent attributes affects the time needed for the identity resolution to complete.

Using intelligent attributes

You can use intelligent attributes in the following broad categories.

Simple calculations

You can use metrics such as Sum, Count, Min, Max, and Avg to generate values for intelligent attributes. Examples of these types of intelligent attributes include Average order value and Total amount spent.

Recency and Frequency values

You can use event and order data to generate values for intelligent attributes related to customer behavior and purchasing activity. Examples of these types of intelligent attributes include Email click recency and Most purchased product.

Intelligent attributes and models

The Total Spent Amount intelligent attribute sums the total amount that customers spend on goods and services. It references a model called CA_OrderItemModel, which defines dimensions and measures relevant to the data being calculated.

The CA_OrderItemModel model can also help you identify other values for intelligent attributes. The following are examples:

  • Top product

  • Top brand

  • Most popular day of the week for shopping

  • Total number of returns on orders

Another model that is used for intelligent attributes is CA_EventModel. The following intelligent attributes use this model:

  • Click rate

  • Open rate

  • Click-to-open rate

Bucket attributes

Bucket attributes are related to intelligent attributes and group data according to rules you specify. They need to be based on another attribute, either a data object attribute or another intelligent attribute.

Bucket attribute example

The attribute age_bands is a bucket attribute and is based on the Age attribute. This bucket attribute groups customers by their age in the following buckets:

  • Under 18

  • 18-44

  • 45-64

  • 65+

Custom intelligent attributes

You have the option of creating custom intelligent attributes. Learn more about Creating intelligent attributes from the Oracle Unity Developer Help Center.

Next steps

Ready-to-use intelligent attributes

Managing intelligent attributes

Learn more

Master entities

Deduplication rules

Promotion rules

intelligent attributes, what is an intelligent attribute, what are intelligent attributes, data schema, data model