Working with the Profile explorer

Use the Profile explorer to search for customer profiles.

Important: You will need to configure the Profile explorer before being able to access and use it. Learn more about Configuring the Profile explorer.

Accessing the Profile explorer

To access the Profile explorer:

  1. Click the Oracle icon Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of Oracle Unity. in the bottom-right corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Select Profile explorer.

Working with the Profile explorer

When the Profile explorer is displayed, you will need to search for the customer profile you want to view.

To search the Profile explorer:

  1. Search for the customer profile based on First name, Last name, Phone, Email, or Zip code. Records that meet one or more of the search terms will display.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Click the customer profile you want to view. The profile for that customer will display.

Note: For masked attributes, all user roles, except for the Instance admin user role, will see "*****" as the value for a masked attribute. Instance admin users will view the attribute's real value. Learn more about Masking data.

The following diagram describes the different actions you can take on the page.

An image of a customer profile

Callout number one Customer profile details: Review the profile information for the customer.

Callout number two Purchase details: Review the customer profile's absolute values for Customer Lifetime Value, Average Order Value, Total orders, and Days since last purchase. The red, yellow, and green indicators represent how the values for the customer compare relative to all other customers. Red indicates values that are the lowest relative to other customers. Green indicates values that are the highest relative to other customers. Yellow indicates values that are between the lowest and highest.

Callout number three Transactional and Behavioral tabs: Click the tabs to view transactional or behavioral data for the customer profile.

Callout number four Transactional and Behavioral details: Review the Transactional and Behavioral tabs to view data for the customer profile.

The Transactional tab will display the following attribute values:

  • Top product purchased
  • Top product category purchased
  • Total purchase count
  • Total return count
  • Total returns amount
  • Most popular day for purchases
  • Most popular month for purchases

The Behavioral tab will display the following attribute values:

  • Open rate
  • Click rate
  • Days since last open
  • Days since last clicked
  • Channel engagement values
  • Most popular response day
  • Most popular response hour

Callout number five Master Customer: Click Master Customer to display data for the customer profile from the Master Customer data object, which is the data object in the data model that stores unified customer records. Learn more about Master entities.

Next to Sources, you can check the different sources that provide data for the customer profile.

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Service
  • Commerce
  • Offline

An image of the Sources section

Click the arrow An image of the arrow icon for a Master Customer attribute to view the following:

  • The different possible attribute values for the customer profile.
  • The Source Name of the attribute value.
  • The Primary key for each attribute value.
  • If there are multiple attribute values linked to a customer profile, you can view the attribute value that was used for the Master Customer record.

An image showing the source of master customer values for a customer profile

Callout number six Detailed view: Click Detailed view to display data from all data objects linked to the customer profile.

  • Click Column settingsAn image of the column settings button to manage what columns to view.
  • Use the drop-down menu to select a different data object that has data linked to the customer profile.
  • An image of the detailed view for a customer profile

Learn more

Configuring the Profile explorer

Customer 360 job

Managing the Oracle Unity data model

Data viewer

profile explorer, customer profiles, 360 profiles, unified data, search records, search profiles, search customer profiles