
You can use your first- and third-party data that is linked to Oracle Data Cloud cookies in the Flashtalking platform to optimize your creative ad components based on users' attributes. Flashtalking is an integrated dynamic creative optimization (DCO) partner that provides advanced targeting capabilities to help you deliver fresh, engaging creatives. Its platform helps you schedule ad versions, test and refine offers, localize campaigns, and manage dynamic ad content.

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Installing the Flashtalking app

Use the install an app workflow to configure the Flashtalking app.

Generating and deploying a JSON container tag

Because the Flashtalking app delivers data to web pages by using JSON return, you must create a container and generate a JS container tag. You then copy and paste the tag into the HTML code on your page before the closing </head> tag.

Delivering audience data to Flashtalking

To send Oracle Data Cloud platform data to Flashtalking, you create audiences that include the users you want to target and then deliver those audiences. When you configure delivery, configure JSON return delivery by entering the site ID associated with the JSON return tag you created earlier. In addition, configure the Win Frequency setting for the delivery to Win Every Time.

After you specify the Flashtalking app and save the audience, Flashtalking receives an automatic e-mail notification. They map your data to their segment objects at the campaign level. After you have received notification that mapping is complete, you can deliver the audience.

Emailing Flashtalking

To register your site ID and serve dynamic creatives based on the campaign IDs returned from the JSON return tag, send the following information to your Flashtalking account manager:

  • Your campaign ID
  • The site ID of your Flashtalking container tag
  • Dynamic creative mapping logic which explains what creative should be delivered if campaign A or campaign B is delivered