Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger Validations

Validations enforce data integrity. The following validations run for Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger applications.

In addition to these Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger validations, system and generic validations are run on nodes, hierarchies, viewpoints, and properties in the application. See System Validations and Generic Validations.


For validations with a scope of Viewpoint in the table below, for hierarchy-set bound viewpoints the validation is run for the bound viewpoint.
Validation Name Description Scope Level
Duplicate (Shared Nodes) A tree version contains a duplicate node at the leaf level but Allow Duplicate Nodes is not selected.


Duplicate nodes at the rollup level are never allowed in Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger applications.
Viewpoint Tree or Hierarchy Set
Equivalent Nodes Nodes with a Summary Flag set to False are not in at least one location in all required related viewpoints. See Configuring Related Viewpoints.


When you have a list viewpoint configured with several related hierarchy viewpoints, you must run this validation against the list viewpoint in order to see if the node is missing in any of the related hierarchy viewpoints.
Related Viewpoints Tree or Node Set
Maximum Depth Check Node cannot have a level greater than the Max Depth. If the Max Depth is -1 then the validation is not run. Viewpoint Tree or Hierarchy Set
Maximum Length Node Name Text/Numeric Node name exceeds the Maximum Character Length Node Value or Node
Minimum/Maximum Node Name Text Node name falls outside of the text range.


Numeric names are allowed when the Value Type is text as long as a numeric value is entered as either the minimum or maximum values (or both).
Node Value or Node
Minimum/Maximum Node Name Numeric Node name falls outside of the numeric range.


Text names are not allowed when the Value Type is numeric.
Node Value or Node
Multiple Root Nodes Multiple root nodes exist but Allow Multiple Root Nodes is not selected. Viewpoint Tree or Node Set
Node Start / End Date The End Date property is greater than the Start Date property for a node in a value set. Node Property
Numeric Node Name
  • Node name contains characters other than 0-9 plus valid thousands and decimal separators and Value Type is Numeric.
  • Node name is not zero-filled up to the Maximum Character Length of the name. Zero fill is automatically enforced when the segment Value Type is numeric. See Registering Segments and Trees.
Node Value or Node
Parent Summary Flag The parent node must have the summary flag set to allow children. Node Tree or Hierarchy Set
Summary Flag and Allow Posting Properties Summary and Allow Posting properties are both enabled. Only one can be enabled at a time.

If a node has children, Summary must be enabled.

If Allow Posting is enabled, the node cannot have children.

Node Property
Summary Node with Missing Children A node marked as a summary node does not have at least one child in a hierarchy viewpoint. Node Tree or Hierarchy Set
Tree Labels on Summary Node Only A tree label exists on a node where the Summary Flag is not set to True. Node Property
Uppercase Node Name Name contains lowercase characters and Uppercase is selected. Node Value or Node
Zero fill Name contains fewer characters than the Maximum Character Length and Value Type is numeric or Zero Fill is selected. Node Value or Node

Invalid Characters, First Characters, and Values for Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger

When you register a Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger application, validations for invalid characters, first characters, and values are automatically configured for the Core.Name property. For a list of these characters and values, see Essbase Character and Word Limitations in Implementing Enterprise Structures and General Ledger.

You can edit these values by editing the property parameters. For example, you can add additional invalid characters or invalid first characters, such as &, by editing the property parameters on the Core.Name property for your application or node type. See Editing Property Parameters.