Reviewing Match Results and Applying Changes

After you run a match, you review the match results and accept, reject, or skip the matches for the request items. Then, you apply the changes to merge the accepted matches from the request items into the existing nodes in a viewpoint.

Searching and Filtering Match Results

Searching Match Results

Click the Search icon (search button) and enter text to search for a match result.


The system searches the current page of match results only. For very large result sets, you may have to page down to load more results in order to search them.

Filtering Match Results

Use the Status filter to filter the search results by match status:

  • All
  • Accepted
  • Rejected
  • Skipped
  • Pending

Accepting, Rejecting, or Skipping Match Results

Select a row in the match results table, and perform an action:

Action Results
Accept (accept match button) The request item is merged into the matching candidate node when you apply your changes. It is not added as a separate node in the node type.

The match results table is updated as follows when you accept a match:

  • The Status column for the match item that you selected is updated to Accepted.
  • The Status column for all other pending match candidates for this request item is updated to Rejected. The status for skipped items does not get updated.
  • A Merge icon (merge icon) is displayed next to the node icon for the match candidate. This indicates that the request item will be merged with this node when you apply the changes.
Reject (reject button)

The request item is kept as a separate node that is added to the node type when you apply your changes.

The Status column for the match item that you selected is updated to Rejected.

Skip (skip button)

The request item is skipped so that you can re-evaluate it at a later time.

The Status column for the match item that you selected is updated to Skipped.


Use Skip to override a previous Accept or Reject action before applying changes. For example, if you initially reject a match candidate and then decide that you want keep that candidate for later evaluation, clicking Skip will undo the reject action. The next time matching is run, that candidate is presented as a potential match.

Applying Changes from Match Results

After you have accepted at least one match result, click the Apply Changes button to merge the request items for all Accepted match results. Applying the changes merges the request items for the matches that you accepted with the existing nodes in the viewpoint, as follows:

  • The node ID and name in the request items are changed to the existing target nodes.
  • Properties from the request items are merged into the existing target nodes.
  • Nodes in hierarchies are either inserted (when shared nodes are enabled) or moved (when shared node are not enabled) to their respective parents that are specified in the request items.

After you click Apply Changes, the match candidates that you accepted are removed from the match results table.


To view the candidates in a request that were merged, inspect the request, navigate to the Details tab, and change the request filter to Merged. See Inspecting Requests.

Best Practice

When matching and merging nodes in a hierarchy, it is a best practice to complete all matching and merging operations for the parent nodes, apply the changes, and then match and merge the child nodes. Applying changes to child nodes and then applying additional changes to their parent nodes afterwards can lead to unexpected results.


  • Applying changes from the match process updates the request items in a request, but no changes are committed until the request itself is completed and closed. You can continue to modify the request items (see Inspecting Request Items) before submitting the request.
  • The status of the accepted matches are retained for the node type and data source after the request is completed and closed. The next time you bring in a node that has the same name from the same node type and data source, the node is automatically matched and merged with the existing node during request processing.


    After a request with a matched and merged item has been completed and closed, you cannot undo that match and merge operation to the existing node. Before the request is competed and closed, you can undo the match to an existing node in the following ways:
    • Before applying changes (by clicking Reject or Skip in the matching workbench)
    • After applying changes but before the request is completed (by deleting the request item and recreating it separately)

    However, after the request has been completed and closed you can no longer undo that match. You must delete and re-add the existing target node to delete the stored match information.

Discarding Match Results

Click the Discard button on the match results screen to discard all match results that haven't been applied yet. This action removes the match result set from the Match Request Items page and deletes all accepted, rejected, and pending matches for the selected node type and data source. However, match results that have already been applied are not discarded. You can review and delete those merged request items from the request itself (see Inspecting Request Items).

Rerunning Matches

In the match result set, click Actions action button and select Rerun Match to rerun the matching process for this node type and data source. This can be helpful if you have updated your matching rules or you have made changes to the request items that were already matched.