Inspecting Requests

You can inspect a request to view more details about it. If you are an approver or a committer for a request, you can perform approval or commit actions while inspecting the request.

Inspecting a Request From a View


Draft and In Flight requests are available from within a view. Completed requests are available in the Requests list.

To inspect a request from a view:

  1. Open the view associated with the request.

  2. Click Requests request button (or request button, depending on your theme).
  3. Click select ellipsis button to the right of the request name, and then select Inspect.
Inspecting a Request From the Requests List

To inspect a request from the Requests list:

  1. Click Requests.

  2. In the Actions column for the request, click select ellipsis button, and then click Inspect.

When you inspect a request you see:

  • Summary: Displays information about the request including the type of request, the number of request items, number of days since the request was created, and the number of issues with the request.


    The number of issues includes both warnings and errors. The color of the icon is based on the highest severity of the validation issues.

    If the request was generated from a subscription, the original request title and the subscriptions are displayed as well. Click the request title or a subscription title to open them in the inspector to get more details about how the subscription request originated.

    If the request was automatically submitted as part of a subscription or an import, the Owner field displays "Auto-Submitted".

    Summary tab showing subscription information
  • Details: Displays a collapsed list of request items showing the affected node and the actions that were taken on the node, as well as the action type, node type, application, and the person who performed the action. Expanding a request item shows what specifically was done to the node, including any validation errors or warnings on each action. You can delete individual request actions on a request item or request item instance. See Inspecting Request Items.

    Click the Action action menu icon icon and select Download to file to download the request details to an Excel file.

    You cannot view or download request actions for requests that have been purged.

  • Comments: Displays any comments for the request including hyperlinks if provided.

    inspecting request comments tab
  • Attachments: Displays load files if files were used to create the request actions or any attachments that were added to the request. You can open a file directly from here by clicking on it.

  • Workflow: Displays the workflow path and approval history for the request. Click the Submit icon to view the submitter, the date the request was submitted, and the users asked to collaborate on the request. Click the Approve icon to view invitees and approvals for the Approve stage. Click the Commit icon to view invitees and commits for the Commit stage.

    inspecting request approvals tab
  • Consolidation: If the request is a consolidation request, displays the source requests that were combined to create the consolidation request. See Consolidating Requests.
  • History: Displays the history of a request including who participated, what actions were taken, and when. If there were validation warnings on any of the request items, those are also displayed.

    You can search for specific information, for example you may want to search for approval information for a request. The search looks for the text in the fields displayed on the tab.

    request inspector history tab
  • Lineage: Displays a lineage diagram for the request that shows related requests that precede and follow it. See Viewing Request Lineage.

  • Audit: Displays the transaction history associated with a completed request. This tab is displayed for completed requests only. See Viewing the Transaction History for a Request.