Working with Custom Validations

Custom validations enable you to add custom business logic to enforce data rules on your applications, dimensions, node types, and hierarchy sets. You work with custom validations on the Validations tab of the inspector for the data chain object that the validation was created for.


  • You must have the Owner or Metadata Manager permission on at least the dimension to create, edit, or delete a custom validation.
  • Node type validations are executed for all nodes in the viewpoint by node type.
  • Hierarchy set validations are executed for all nodes in the viewpoint, as long as the viewpoint is a hierarchy.
  • Validations are run on the state of nodes after a request is run (that is, what the node will look like after the request is committed). You cannot run a validation on the state of a node before a request is run.
  • Validations are enforced when a request is submitted, approved, committed, or a validation is performed. The following table describes which custom validations are run when validations are performed in different contexts:
    Validation Context Validations Run
    Validate a request Custom validations are run for request items that meet either the trigger actions or trigger properties
    Validate a viewpoint with an open request Custom validations are run for all nodes in the viewpoint, including the request items
    Validate viewpoint outside of a request Custom validations are run for request items that meet the trigger properties, but not the trigger actions

Creating a Custom Validation

  1. Inspect the data chain object that you want to add a validation for. See:
  2. Perform an action:
    • For applications, node types, hierarchy sets, and dimensions in Universal applications: On the Validations tab, click Create.
    • For dimensions in applications other than Universal: On the Validations tab, click the Custom sub tab, and then click Create
  3. Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the validation, and then click Create.

    The validation is displayed in the validation inspector.

Editing a Custom Validation

  1. Inspect the data chain object that you want to edit a custom validation for.
  2. Perform an action:
    • For applications, node types, hierarchy sets, and dimensions in Universal applications: On the Validations tab, click Edit.
    • For dimensions in applications other than Universal: On the Validations tab, click the Custom sub tab, and then click Edit
  3. On the General tab of the validation inspector, click Edit to edit the validation name or description.
  4. On the Definition tab, define the validation by entering the following information:
    • Enabled flag: Specify whether or not a custom validation is enforced. Validations are disabled by default, and you can only enable them when these conditions are met:
      • A valid expression is defined
      • At least one trigger action or property is configured
      • A failure message is defined


      You can also enable or disable validations from the Validation tab of the node type or hierarchy set inspector. See Enabling, Disabling, or Deleting a Custom Validation.
    • Expression: Click Define Expression define expression to open expression builder and then define the business logic for the validation. See Using Expressions to Define Custom Business Logic.

      The expression for a validation must return a Boolean value. If the expression returns a value of True, the validation is passed. If the expression returns a value of False, the validation fails and the failure message is displayed.

    • Trigger Action: Select one or more request actions that will cause the validation to run, or select the All check box to select all actions.
    • Trigger Properties: Select one or more properties that will cause the validation to run if they are updated, or select the All check box to select all properties.
      • For node type validations, all properties that are assigned to that node type are available to be selected.
      • For hierarchy set validations, all properties that are assigned to any node type that is referenced by the hierarchy set are available to be selected.


      Validations are run for every trigger action and trigger property in a request. That means that if you add several trigger properties and all of them fail, you will receive several failure messages. You should add the minimum number of trigger properties or actions that still enforce your business logic on a request.

    • Request Validation Scope: Select the context in which the validation is run when validating a request.


      The scope is used when validating request items only. When validating viewpoints or exports, the validations are always run on the node.
      • Node (default): The validation is evaluated in the context of the node in the request action. The validation is triggered when changes are made to the node itself.
      • Parent: The validation is evaluated in the context of the parent of the node in the request action. When changes are made to a node in a hierarchy, the parent of the node in the request action is evaluated for any validations with a scope of Parent.


        • When validating requests, trigger actions and properties are evaluated based on the child action performed in the request. For example, a validation with a scope of Parent and a trigger property of Core.Description is evaluated any time the description property is updated on a child node of that parent.
        • Validations with a scope of Parent are not run when validating requests in a list viewpoint.
    • Request State: Select the state in which custom validations are run in the context of a request:
      • Committed (Default): The validation is evaluated against data after the request items and actions have been applied to the viewpoint. Nodes that are removed or deleted in the request are excluded when evaluating data conditions in the Committed state.
      • Visualized: The validation is evaluated against data before the request items and actions have been applied to the viewpoint. Nodes that are removed or deleted in the request are included when evaluating data conditions in the Visualized state.


        Validations using the Visualized state are only run when validating request items and do not run when validating a viewpoint.
    • Severity: Select the severity for the validation (Error, Warning, Ignore) at the Request Submit, Approve, and Commit stages, as well when validating a viewpoint and exporting a dimension. See Understanding Validation Severity.
    • Failure Message: Enter the message to display to users if the validation fails.


      When configuring validation failure messages, provide the context of the validation (node or parent) in order to help you identify where the issue was found.
  5. Click Save.

Enabling, Disabling, or Deleting a Custom Validation

  1. Inspect the data chain object that you want to enable, disable, or delete a custom validation for.
  2. Perform an action:
    • For applications, node types, hierarchy sets, and dimensions in Universal applications: On the Validations tab, click Edit.
    • For dimensions in applications other than Universal: On the Validations tab, click the Custom sub tab, and then click Edit
  3. In the Actions column next to the validation that you want to take action on, click action, and then select an option:
    • Enable (available only if the validation is disabled)
    • Disable (available only if the validation is enabled)
    • Delete
  4. Click Yes on the confirmation message, and then click Save.

Custom Validation Example

In this example, we will add a validation to the Account node type in the Corporate Planning application that says that all node names must begin with the same character as that node's parent. The following screenshot shows the custom validation that we created.

screenshot of account node type with description following

The validation has this definition:

  • The Enabled flag is set to True.
  • The expression returns a value of True if the node name starts with the same character as the first character in the node parent's name, and a value of False if it doesn't.
  • The trigger actions for the validation are Add and Rename, and the trigger property is Name.
  • A failure message indicates that the validation fails if the account node doesn't start with the same character as its parent node.

To test the validation, let's try to submit a request that adds node for the Account node type whose name starts with a character that is different from the first character of its parent. In this case, under the parent node OFS_Total Revenue, we will attempt to add a node named Project Revenue.

screenshot shows the validation error

When we submit the request, we get a validation error that the node name must begin with the same character as its parent node.