Integrating BAI Format Bank File, SWIFT MT940 or CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions

When loading bank file data, you create a data source associated with the bank file source system. Data Management converts the BAI, SWIFT MT940 or CAMT.053 file formats to a CSV format.

The source application for BAI Format Bank File Transactions has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

  • Account
  • Amount
  • Transaction Type
  • Currency
  • Transaction Date
  • Bank Reference
  • Customer Reference
  • Bank Text

The source application for a Swift MT940 Format Bank File Transactions file has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

  • Transaction Reference Number
  • Account
  • Statement Number
  • Statement Date
  • Transaction Date
  • Amount
  • Transaction Type
  • Customer Ref
  • Bank Ref
  • Bank Text
  • Additional Info1
  • Additional Info2
  • Additional Info3

The source application for CAMT.053 bank statement file has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

  • StatementIdentification
  • CreateDate
  • StatementFromDateTime
  • StatementToDateTime
  • Account
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • CdtDbtInd
  • BookingDate
  • ValueDate
  • EntryRef
  • AccountServicerReference
  • Domain Code
  • Family Code
  • Sub Family Code
  • Proprietary
  • ReversalIndicator
  • BankTransactionIdentification
  • EndToEndIdentification
  • ChequeNumber
  • InstructionIdentification
  • PaymentInformationIdentification
  • MandateIdentification
  • ClearingSystemReference
  • SourceCurrency
  • TargetCurrency
  • UnitCurrency
  • ExchangeRate
  • ContractIdentification
  • QuotationDate
  • ReturnReasonCode
  • ReturnReasonProprietary
  • Originato
  • OrgnlBkTxCdDomain
  • OrgnlBkTxCdFamily

The source application for a BAI Format Bank File Balance file has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

  • Closing Balance
  • Currency (the account currency is extracted first. If it is unavailable, the group currency is extracted. In most cases, the account currency and the group currency are identical.)
  • Transaction Type
  • Currency
  • Statement Date
  • Account

The source application for a Swift MT940 Format Bank File Transactions has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

  • Closing Balance
  • Currency
  • Transaction Type
  • Currency
  • Statement Date
  • Account

The source application for a CAMT.053 bank statement file has the following pre-defined constant columns and headers:

  • Account
  • Closing Balance
  • Currency
  • As Of Date
  • CdtDbtInd

To add a BAI Format Bank File, SWIFT MT940, or CAMT.03 Format Bank File Transactions source system:

  1. From the Home age, click Navigator icon (Navigator icon) and then from the Integration category, select Data Management.
  2. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
  3. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data Source.
  4. From Source System, select Bank file.
  5. From Application Name, select an application name from the list of values.

    Available types of application include:

    • BAI Format Bank File Transactions
    • SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions
    • CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions
    Image shows the Source System page.

    For a BAI Format Bank File Transactions file, the available application names are a combination of match types and a data source name on that match type in Transaction Matching. For example, in Transaction Matching, the match type INTERCO has two data sources AP and AR. This results in two target application names in the available list; INTERCO:AP and INTERCO:AR.


    The Data Management connection to the BAI source file fails under the following circumstances:

    • The match type is changed in Transaction Matching.
    • The data source ID changes.
    • The data source attribute ID changes, or is added and removed.

    In this case, you need to recreate the application (including the entire target application, import format, location, mapping and data load rule in Data Management.

    For a SWIFT MT940 file, select SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions.

    For a CAMT.053 file, select CAMT.053 Format Bank File Transactions.

  6. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the source system name unique.

    Use a prefix when the source system name you want to add is based on an existing source system name. The prefix is joined to the existing name. For example, if you want to name a Bank file application the same name as the existing one, you might assign your initials as the prefix.

  7. Click OK.
  8. To add or modify dimensions in the Bank file source system, select the Dimension Details tab.

    The dimension details for a Bank file application are shown below:

    Image shows Dimension Details tab

    An example of dimension details for a CAMT.053 Bank File Transactions application is shown below:

    Image shows dimennsion details for CAMT.053 Bank File Transactions

  9. Select the Target Dimension Class or click Image shows Search button to select the Target Dimension Class for each dimension that is not defined in the application.

    The dimension class is a property that is defined by the dimension type.

  10. Set up the integration mapping between Bank file source system and the Account Reconciliation target application by building an import format.
  11. Define the location used to associate the import format.
  12. Create category mapping to map currency buckets.

    See Defining Category Mappings.


    Category mappings are not relevant for Transaction Matching, but they are required in Data Management.
  13. Define data mapping to map the members from the source to target.


    All transaction matching files require the Reconciliation Id dimension to be mapped to the corresponding Transaction Matching Profile.

    See Creating Member Mappings.

  14. In Data Load Workbench, test and validate the data by executing the data load rule to ensure that the data load rule is running properly, and your data looks correct. Data Management transforms the data and stages it for Account Reconciliation to use.

    When you execute a data load rule, the Point of View requires Location, Period, and Category to be selected; however, Transaction Matching does not use the Period and Category when processing the transactions. Only the correct Location is required to be selected.