Requesting Merge Back of Environments

If you requested to skip the automatic update of an environment, Oracle merges the environment back to the main code line based on the version you provided while skipping the update using the skipUpdate EPM Automate command or in the skip update service request. Similarly, if your environment is on a one-off patch, Oracle automatically updates it to the main code line patch after the regression for which the one-off patch was created is fixed in a monthly update.

When an environment is merged back to the main code line, the daily maintenance process applies all required monthly updates to the environment including the latest monthly update. Because of this, the daily maintenance process takes more time during the merge back process. Content upgrade, if required, is skipped during intermediate monthly updates; it is executed only with the latest monthly update. Note that content update is automatically executed on merging back to the main code line even if it has been defined to be a self-service operation.

Removing Skip Update

If you used the skipUpdate EPM Automate command to skip an automatic update, removing it is also a self-service operation performed using the skipUpdate command with the remove parameter as follows:

epmautomate skipupdate remove

If you skip automatic updates through a technical service request and you want to request Oracle to merge such environments to the main code line before Oracle automatically merges it back:

  • Create a Provide Feedback submission from the environment that needs to be merged back. See Creating a Provide Feedback Submission.
  • Create a technical service request that identifies the Provide Feedback reference number. See Submitting a Technical Service Request. The service request must contain the following additional information:
    • Reason (for example, need to get a new functionality available in the main code line patch, completion of quarter or year end close) why the merge back is being requested.
    • A request to merge back the environment in the following format:

      I, <your name>, request Oracle to merge the environment <URL of the environment> to the main code line.