Requesting an Increase in Capacity

When you have a performance issue, always refer to the appropriate sections in this document to troubleshoot them. If you cannot fix the issue by yourself, seek help from Oracle.

For example, if business rules are not performing to your expectations, follow the instructions in Troubleshooting Business Rules and Member Formula Errors and Performance to fix the issue or to report it to Oracle. In rare cases, where the issue is because of shortage of resources (for example, processing units, memory, or cache) on your environment, Oracle will increase the resources if a review of your environment determines that it already adheres to best practices.

In most cases, increasing resources does not help the performance of your environment. Close to 100% utilization of CPU and memory identified in the Activity Report does not necessarily mean that adding more CPU and memory will make the performance better, for example, if your design creates a prohibitively high CPU thread count request.

If you believe that increasing resources will help, request Oracle to increase the resources for your environment

  1. Optional: Generate a Fiddler trace.

    If overall performance is slower than expected, generate a Fiddler trace of your session.

    See Using Fiddler to Capture Diagnostic Information.

    Watch this overview video for information on configuring Fiddler to capture HTTPS traffic.

    Video icon Overview Video

    If you are unable to generate a Fiddler trace file of your session, see Collecting Network Performance Trace Using a Browser for information on collecting network trace using a browser.

  2. Create a Provide Feedback submission. Optionally, allow Oracle to access the maintenance snapshot of the environment by consenting to application snapshot submission. See Creating a Provide Feedback Submission.
  3. Create a technical service request that identifies the Provide Feedback reference number. See Submitting a Technical Service Request. The service request must contain the following additional information:
    • Details of the activities that take more time than expected.
    • Fiddler trace file or network diagnostic HAR file, if you created one in step 1.
    • If the activities were previously performing to expectation, the date, time, and time zone when performance was acceptable.
    • A snapshot of the environment, if available, from the last time when performance was acceptable.
    • Application changes that you made since the performance was acceptable.
    • Whether this is a critical outage.

Oracle will increase the capacity of your environment if a review of your environment determines that the issue is caused by capacity shortage. Because increasing the capacity requires a reboot of the Operating System that hosts the environment, Oracle will work with you, through the service request, to coordinate the date and time when the capacity can be increased.