Automatically Rank People by Copying Their Direct Managers' Rankings

The ranking score uses rankings given by each person's direct manager exactly as given. The exception is reassigned people. For them, the ranking score considers their direct managers to be the managers they were reassigned to and uses those rankings.

Tip: Ranking values don't have to be consecutive. You can leave gaps in ranking, as appropriate.

When automatic ranking results in ties, you can retain the ties or arbitrarily resolve them. Here's an example of what each tie-handling option does.

Direct Manager Person Direct Manager's Ranking Copied Ranking Retain Ties Arbitrarily Resolve Ties
Lakshmi Maria 1 1 1 1
Lakshmi Rahul 2 2 2 3
Lakshmi Maya 3 3 3 4
Lakshmi Janice 4 4 4 6
Barry Carlos 5 5 5 8
Barry Michael 3 3 3 5
Barry Yan 2 2 2 2
Barry Prasad 4 4 4 7