Automatically Rank People by Their Ranking Percentile

The ranking percentile considers the ranking given by a person's direct manager when ranking at least 10 workers. It ranks people in order from highest to lowest within a range of 0 to 100.

Here's the calculation used to determine the ranking: 100 - (rank / population * 100) = percentile.

The population is the total number of people ranked by the direct manager. For example, if a direct manager ranks someone 5 out of the 27 total people they ranked, the percentile is 82 according to this calculation: 100 - (5 / 27 * 100) = 82%.

When automatic ranking results in ties, you can retain the ties or arbitrarily resolve them. Here's an example of what each tie-handling option does.

Person Percentile Retain Ties Arbitrarily Resolve Ties
Maria 95 1 1
Rahul 92 2 2
Maya 82 3 3
Janice 82 3 4
Carlos 64 4 5
Michael 50 5 6
Yan 47 6 7