New Hire State Report

The New Hire State Report produces info about all of an employer's newly hired and rehired employees for submission to the appropriate state employment authorities.

Eligible employers are required to report their new hires within a state-mandated number of days after the date of hire. Most states require the report be submitted within 20 calendar days from an employee's first day of work. Consult with the appropriate state agency for the reporting requirements.

Run the New Hire State Report process to generate the NewHireStateETextReport in a format suitable for submission.

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select your US legislative data group (LDG).

  4. Search for and select New Hire State Electronic Report.

Before You Start

This report assumes a one-to-one relationship between legal employer and tax reporting unit (TRU), although that TRU can represent multiple states.

The reporting process supports all 50 states, including DC and Puerto Rico.

Use the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information task to specify the following in New Hire Reporting Rules of the Federal section for the legal employer.

Field name

What you enter

TRU for New Hire Report

TRU representing the legal employer for New Hire reporting. This TRU's federal EIN and contact details are used in the report.

For further info, see Define Legal Entities for the US in the Help Center.

Use the Legal Reporting Unit Registrations task to ensure the following fields are populated for each TRU.


Field name

What you enter

United States Federal Tax

Registered Address

Employer's address.

United States Federal Tax

Registered Name

Employer's name.

United States Federal Tax


Employer's federal employer identification number (EIN).

United States Federal Tax

Start Date

Report process uses start date to select employer information that's valid for the current time period. Start date is typically the same start date as the legal employer.

<state> Income Tax

Legal Entity Registration Number

Employer's state EIN.

For further info, see Overview of Legal Reporting Unit Configuration for the US in the Help Center.

Use Contacts on the Legal Reporting Unit task to ensure the following are populated for each TRU.

Field name

What you enter

First Name

First name of authorized contact person.

Last Name

Last name of authorized contact person.

Job Title Code

Job title of authorized contact person.

From Date

Date the employee became the contact.

Area Code

Authorized contact person's area code.

Phone Number

Authorized contact person's phone number.


Authorized contact person's phone extension.


Authorized contact person's email address.

Legal Role

Authorized contact person's legal role. The person selected as contact must have the HR representative role.

To be included in this report, each employee must have:

  • Person type of "Employee"

  • Employee name, address, date of hire, date of birth and social security number recorded on their person record

  • Work relationship with the legal employer running the report

  • Have had an assignment during the reporting period start and end dates, including terminated employees, even if active for only 1 day

    Note: In the case of multiple assignments, the report uses the HR primary assignment.
  • Non-null values for the following

    • New Hire Status

    • Medical Insurance Available

    • Medical Insurance Availability Date

    Note: You can set these values for existing employees through the Employment task.

Each record could also require the following, depending on the individual state requirements.

  • Job, salary, normal weekly work hours, and exempt or nonexempt employment status

  • Employer-provided healthcare insurance plan availability to employees and dependents

The New Hire report includes preexisting employees if they experience a change in their legal entity.

Report Parameters

Multistate Employer

If you're a multistate employer and want to report all employees to a single reporting authority, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Legal Employer

Report includes all eligible employees that have had a work relationship with this legal employer during the reporting period. If not specified, the report process selects all US legal employers.

Start Date

Start date of the reporting date range. If you leave this blank, the report collects data on all eligible employees as of the specified end date.

End Date

End date of the reporting period. The report process includes all employees that are eligible as of this date. Their New Hire Status has been set to Include in the New Hire report.

Note: If you run this report immediately after migrating from a legacy application:To avoid this, set End Date to the date when you last generated this report with the legacy application. This sets New Hire Status for your employees to that date. Then, discard the output report and proceed with your standard new hire reporting schedule.

Reporting State

State receiving the report. Determines the format of the report.

In cases where a multiple state employer is reporting to individual state authorities, this parameter also determines which employees are being included in the report.

Reporting Mode

Select Draft to create a draft of this report for data verification purposes.

Select Final to generate output files for submission to the state authorities. The report process automatically updates all included employees to Already reported status.

New Hire Contact

Use this field to override the contact person for this report. All contact persons with HR Representative role are included in the list.

New Hire State Report Output

The report process generates these output files with separate report job name numbers.



New Hire State Electronic Report

The NewHireStateETextReport.txt output file contains the following records.

  • Employer Record, sorted by legal employer

  • Employee Record, sorted by employee last name

  • Trailer Record, including summaries of the employer record details

New Hire State Audit Report

Open the NewHireStateAuditReport.csv spreadsheet file and verify the newly hired and rehired employee info.

To view these files:

  1. From the Navigator, in Tools, select Reports and Analytics.

  2. In the tree structure, expand Shared Folders, then Human Capital Management, then Workforce Management, then Person Management, then US, and then expand New Hire.

  3. Select New Hire Electronic Report.

  4. In the resulting window, click History.

  5. Clear the default value in Owner, and click Search.

  6. In Report Job Histories, select the link for the report version you want to view.

    • New Hire State Electronic Report

    • New Hire State Audit Report

  7. Double-click Output Name.

  8. In Output and Delivery, open or save the report file.