Learn about Audience Reporting attributes

Metrics & dimensions


A dimension is a data element that defines a category related to audience data. In Audience Insights, you use dimensions as the Category (Y-Axis) in your charts.

Folder Name

Dimension Name



Audience Name

The name of the audience as defined in Audience Designer

Last Refresh Date

The date the audience was last refreshed

List Name

The list the audience was associated with

Created Date

The date the audience was first created

Count of Recipients

Number of Recipients within an audience


Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy as defined during campaign design

Marketing Program

Marketing program as defined during campaign design


Name of the Responsys program


Stage of the program that was used to send campaigns


Name of the Responsys campaign


Folder name that contains the campaign


Channel corresponding to the campaign, such as Email, SMS, and the like

Mobile App

Mobile App

Name of the mobile app as defined by the App developer

Event Date

Event Year

Year corresponding to the event date

Event Quarter

Quarter corresponding to the event date

Event Month

Month corresponding to the event date

Event Week

Week covering days of Monday to Sunday corresponding to the event date. Example value would be 'Wk of Oct 05, 2015' and it will cover days of 05 Oct 2015 (Monday), 06 Oct 2015 (Tuesday) up to 11 Oct 2015 (Sunday)

Event Date

Day corresponding to the event date

Event Date Range

Relative date range corresponding to the event date


A measure a data element that defines a value related to audience data. In Audience Insights, you use measures as the Values (X-Axis) in your charts.

Folder Name




Email Sent

Number of email messages sent

Email Delivered

Number of successfully delivered email messages (Email Sent - Email Bounced)

Email Delivered Rate

(Email Delivered/Emails Sent) * 100%

Email Bounced

Number of bounced email addresses.

Email Bounce Rate

(Email Bounced/Email Sent) * 100%

Email Opens

Number of email messages opened, including multiple opens

Email Open Rate

(Email Opens/Email Delivered) * 100%

Email Clicks

Count of total clicks, i.e. clicks on all links, including multiple clicks on the same link

Email Click-Through Rate

(Email Clicks/Email Delivered) * 100%

Email Conversions

Number of conversion actions on an email campaign

Email Conversion Rate

(Email Conversions/ Email Delivered) * 100%

Email Revenue

Total revenue associated with a particular email campaign launch

Email Revenue Per 1K Email

(Email Revenue/Email Delivered) * 1000

Email Total Orders

Number of total orders received on a particular email campaign

Email Average Order Value

(Email Revenue/Email Conversions)

Email Unsubscribes

Count of unsubscribes on an email campaign

Email Unsubscribe Rate

(Email Unsubscribes/Email Delivered) * 100%


SMS Sent

Number of SMS messages sent

SMS Delivered

Number of successfully delivered SMS messages (i.e. SMS Sent - SMS Bounced)

SMS Delivered Rate

(SMS Delivered/SMS Sent)*100 %

SMS Bounced

Number SMS messages that bounced as per the delivery status receipts provided by the SMS aggregator

SMS Clicks

Total clicks, i.e. clicks on all links, including multiple clicks on the same link

SMS Click-Through Rate

(SMS Clicks/SMS Delivered) * 100%

SMS Conversions

Number of conversion actions on an SMS campaign

SMS Conversion Rate

(SMS Conversions/SMS Delivered) * 100%

SMS Revenue

Total revenue associated with a particular SMS campaign launch

SMS Average Order Value

SMS Revenue/ SMS Conversions

Mobile App

Push Sent

Total number of Push notifications sent

Push Bounced

Number of bounced Push messages

Push Delivered

Number of successfully delivered messages (i.e. Push Sent - Push Bounced)

Push Opens

Total number of Push notifications opened, including repeat opens

Push Open Rate

(Push Opens/Push Delivered) * 100%

Push Clicks

Total number of total clicks on a Rich Push campaign

Push Click-Through Rate

(Push Clicks/Push Delivered) * 100%

Push Conversions

Number of conversion events on a Push campaign, where conversion events are defined by the App developer

Push Conversion Rate

(Push Conversions/Push Delivered) * 100%

In-App Sent

Total number of In-App notifications sent

In-App Bounced

Number of bounced In-App messages

In-App Delivered

Number of successfully delivered messages (i.e. In-App Sent - In-App Bounced)

In-App Opens

Total number of In-App notifications opened, including repeat opens

In-App Open Rate

(In-App Opens/In-App Delivered) * 100%

In-App Clicks

Total number of total clicks on an In-App campaign

In-App Click-Through Rate

(In-App Clicks/In-App Delivered) * 100%

(First Look)

Email Unique Opens

Number of unique opens, or number of recipients who've opened

Email Unique Open Rate

(Unique Opens/Delivered) * 100%

Email Unique Clicks

Number of unique clicks, or number of recipients who've clicked

Email Unique Click-Through Rate

(Unique Clicks/Delivered) * 100%

Email Unique Conversions

Number of unique conversions, or number of recipients who've converted

Email Unique Conversion Rate

(Unique Conversions/Delivered) * 100%

Email Click-to-Open Rate

(Email Clicks/Email Unique opens) * 100%

Email Click-to-Conversion Rate

(Unique Conversion count/Email Unique Clicks) * 100%


measures, dimensions, metrics, reporting, Audience Insights, Audience Insight, audience insight, audience insights, insights, Insight, analysis, analytics, Insights, insight

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