Creating profile extensions

Profile Extensions contain additional customer data. Records in the Profile Extensions are linked to records in a List. You can create a Profile Extension in one of two ways:

  • Upload a comma-separated or tab-delimited file.
  • Create an empty table and manually define the fields.

After you create the Profile Extension, use a Connect import job to upload data into it.

To create a Profile Extension:

  1. Click Data at the top of any page.
  2. Select the Profile Extensions tab.
  3. Click Create Profile Extension.

    The Create Profile Extensions page opens.

  4. Select a method for creating the Profile Extension:
    • To upload an existing table, click Upload a File, then follow instructions for importing records.
    • To create a Profile Extension from scratch, click Specify Fields to open the Create Table page, then proceed to the next step.
  5. Add the Field Names and select Data Types for each field. For more information, see data types and field names.

    It's best practice to use the Text, Number or Integer field specific to the field content. Example: numerical field names should use Number or Integer as opposed to text fields to improve query performance.

    Note: The Filter Designer does not support profile extension table fields of Maximum Text Field (to 4000 chars*) data type. For more information about the Filter Designer, see Creating simple filters.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter the name for the new data source.
  8. Click Create.

Note: The system allows a maximum of 40 Profile Extensions for a specific list and a maximum number of 20 attributes per Profile Extension. You can use up to three Profile Extensions in a single filter.

Learn more

Working with customer lists and data sources

Working with data

Using the Manage Lists page

Using Connect to import and export data

Using filters in CX Audience