Viewing an account's Account Engagement Score

Important: This feature is only available if the Eloqua Advanced Intelligence Cloud Service is enabled for your account. Contact your account representative to learn more.

Account Intelligence leverages the Account Engagement Score to give you a clear-cut view of each account's level of engagement. Each account is assigned an Account Engagement Score, from 0 to 100 (the higher the score, the more engaged an account is). Learn more about the Account Engagement Score.

Oracle Eloqua has two ways of determining accounts, and based on these, there are two different methods of viewing Account Engagement Scores:

To view the score for a specific account:

You can view the Account Engagement Score if you add it to an account view or by using the All Account Fields view.

  1. Navigate to AudienceAn image of the Audience icon., then click Accounts.

    The Account Engagement Score column is displayed if it is included in your selected account view. Step 2 guides you through changing your account view.

    The Account Engagement Score field on the Accounts Overview page

  2. Change your account view by clicking > All Account Fields.

    The All Account Fields account view

  3. Using the search box, search for the account you'd like to learn more about.

    The Account Engagement Score for that account is displayed.

Learn more

Account Intelligence overview

Oracle Eloqua Advanced Intelligence Cloud Service

Account Intelligence examples

Account Engagement Score mechanics